Title: OptIPuter Data, Visualization, and Collaboration Research
1OptIPuterData, Visualization, and
- Jason Leigh
- OptIPuter Co-PI
- Associate Professor
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- September 2003
2OptIPuter Pipeline
JuxtaView Vol-a-Tile Grid Visualization Utility
OptiStore Active Storage
Scalable Resolution Displays Continuum
Scientific Data Mining
Data Services for LambdaGrids
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display
3Data?Correlation?Visualization Pipeline
Throughput per OptIPuter Cluster Node Measured at
Each Step
JuxtaView Vol-a-Tile Grid Visualization Utility
OptiStore Active Storage
Scalable Resolution Displays Continuum
Scientific Data Mining
Data Services for LambdaGrids
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display
- Currently investigating each phase of the
pipeline. - All services have been benchmarked independently
and can saturate the network interfaces. - Still need more extensive instrumentation.
- Available bandwidth is still far below what is
needed, e.g. - 5x3 tiled display with 1600x1400 per tile can
require 2G/s per tile at 30fps. - Collaborative visualization multicast is a
bandwidth intensive OptIPuter application.
4OptIPuter Visualization
- USC/ISIs Grid Visualization Utility,
- UIC/EVLs OptiStore, Vol-a-Tile, JuxtaView,
5Overview of OptIPuterData, Visualization, and
Collaboration Research Activities
JuxtaView Vol-a-Tile Grid Visualization Utility
Scalable Resolution Displays Continuum
OptiStore Active Storage
Scientific Data Mining
Data Services for LambdaGrids
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display
Shalini Venkataraman, Naveen Krishnaprasad, Luc
Renambot, Charles Zhang, Jason Leigh, Tom
DeFanti Electronic Visualization Lab (EVL),
University of Illinois at Chicago Marcus
Thiebaux, Carl Kesselman Information Systems
Institute (ISI), University of Southern California
6EVL OptIPuter LambdaRAM
- Visualization applications prefer memory-like
access primitives. - Ideally Remote memory mapped I/O (mmap()) gt
LambdaRAM. - Need aggressive remote prefetching to overcome
latency over long distance accesses. - LambdaRAM needs to consider the following issues
- CPU bus bandwidth overhead incurred as a result
of aggressive prefetching. - Amount of network bandwidth it can use for
prefetching without negatively impacting other
application traffic. - Needs to monitor application memory access
patterns to so that it can prefetch the right
data just in time. - Delays in the disk system that will impact
performance. - Ideally there should be a hierarchy from CPU to
local memory to remote memory to remote disk.
7LambdaRAM Preliminary Performance Results
- Comparison between Best Case and Worst Case
Performance - Local cache size is 128MB
- Best Case sequential access of data gt hit
ratio is high in local cache. - Worst Case random access of data (access of
remote RAM is needed- hence bottleneck is
- Able to maximize access of the network.
- Performance is better than local disk system.
- Need to examine different prefetching algorithms
based on monitoring application memory access
Slower performance due to overhead of lots of
small accesses
Performance drops as access request approaches
local cache size
8EVLs JuxtaView Viewing Extremely
High-Resolution Data on the GeoWall2
- Data sets have a real need for display
resolution. - JuxtaView copies data across all cluster nodes as
memory-mapped files. - Next phase is to use LambdaRAM for remote memory
access. - Need to examine JuxtaViews memory access
patterns to provide heuristics for LambdaRAM
Scripps Bathymetry and digital elevation
NCMIR microscopy (2800x4000 24 layers)
9JuxtaView Washington DC Aerial Photograph (the
need for resolution)
USGS (OptIPuter partner) Aerial photography for
Homeland Defense 350,000x350,000-pixel images
of 350 US cities, 50TB of data (Brian Davis)
10(No Transcript)
11JuxtaView Ocean and Lake Core Drilling Samples
Emmi Ito- U. Minnesota, Frank Rack- Joint
Oceanographic Institutes
12ISI Visualization over a Routed Network
- Sort-first rendering sort data based on the
portion of screen it will occupy. - Generally considered the only practical way today
of doing large scale data visualization on
scalable resolution displays. - Remote data needs to talk to several
visualization nodes at a time. - Problem nodes are typically imbalanced.
Viz Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Routing is needed to sort data to correct viz
13EVL OptiStore and Vol-a-Tile A Visualization
Network using Photonic Switches
- Sort-Last is an alternative to Sort-First, but
Sort-Last is traditionally considered
impractical due to large bandwidth requirements
in the Compositing step. - Photonic network infrastructure makes Sort-Last
easy. But difficult for Sort-First. - In Sort-Last, Load is evenly balanced across all
Problem latency accumulates here Solution use
hardware compositors
Data Node
Viz Node
Compositing Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Compositing Node
Viz Node
Data Node
14Rendering to Multiple Screens means Replicating
the Computing Infrastructure
Viz Node
Composite Node
Viz Node
Composite Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Composite Node
Data Node
Viz Node
Composite Node
Viz Node
Routing or photonic multicasting needed here
15Photonic Multicast Service
Glimmerglass Photonic Multicast Extension allows
for 2 x 14 multicasting
16Photonic Multicasting a Visualization
17EVL OptiStore and Vol-a-Tile A Visualization
Network using Photonic Switches
- OptiStore
- Management
- loading
- meta-information
- storing
- Processing
- converting
- sampling
- cropping
- Representation
- voxels
- isosurfaces
- point clouds
- Transport
- photonic reservation
- Vol-a-Tile
- Transparent access
18OptIPuter GeoWall2 showing Vol-a-Tile
Canonical Voxel Visualization Test on the
19Vol-a-Tile 3D Seismic Reflectivity Across E.
Pacific Rise fromAnatomy of a Ride-Axis
Discontinuity experiment. 1001x801x801 32bit
SIO/IGPP - Graham Kent
20Vol-a-Tile Node of Ranvier - 1960x2560x410 8 bit
NCMIR David Lee, Mark Ellisman
21Vol-a-Tile Time-Varying Seismic VolumeSeismic
Wave Propagation Simulation of 1994 Bolivia
Orthogonal Views
Navigational Volume
Sub-Volume as voxels
Sub-Volume as isosurfaces
U. Michigan Peter van Keken
22ISI Active Storage and Grid Visualization Utility
Visualization using an experimental point
cloud technique
Active Storage performs filtering distribution
of visual data object
23Point-Cloud Rendering of a Cricket
X-ray tomography Argonne National Lab
24OptIPuter Display Systems for Education and
Outreach From GeoWall to GeoWall2
- GeoWall Low cost 1 megapixel passive stereo
display using commodity PCs for displaying 3D
data. (Paul Morin, Jason Leigh, Peter van Keken) - Widespread adoption by GeoWall Consortium for
research education in the Geosciences
(www.geowall.org) (200 in 2 years) - GeoWall2 Scalable resolution coupling with
OptIPuter allows GeoWall users to visualize
larger data sets.
25OptIPuter Data Research
- UIC LACs Photonic Data Services Stack
- UCIs Scientific Data Mining
- UIC EVLs OptiStore, LambdaRAM and Quanta Toolkit
26OptIPuterData Research Activities
JuxtaView Vol-a-Tile Grid Visualization Utility
OptiStore Active Storage
Scalable Resolution Displays Continuum
Scientific Data Mining
Data Services for LambdaGrids
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display
Bob Grossman Laboratory for Advanced Computing
(LAC) University of Illinois at Chicago
27LAC Developed OptIPuter Data Services
- Providing a data service to allow scientists to
publish and retrieve data in the same way the
publish web pages. - Integrating Northwestern EVLs photonic path
reservation services to establish dedicated
network paths between OptIPuter data sources. - Provided interfaces for querying and performing
large database accesses and joins (DSTP v3). - Developed transport protocols for moving data
rapidly and fairly over photonic networks
(SABUL). Refer to Joe Bannisters talk. - Year 1 Handling mainly large multivariate
tables. - Year 2 Will handle 2D 3D volumes.
28OptIPuterData, Visualization, and Collaboration
Research Activities
JuxtaView Vol-a-Tile Grid Visualization Utility
OptiStore Active Storage
Scalable Resolution Displays Continuum
Scientific Data Mining
Data Services for LambdaGrids
Data Source ? Correlate ? Render ? Display
Padhraic Smyth University of California Irvine
29UCI OptIPuter Scientific Data MiningClustering
Dynamic Data Sets
- Crucial to large scale data visualization.
- Developing general theoretical framework and a
set of algorithms for statistical modeling and
clustering of sets of curves and trajectories. - Methodology performs curve clustering and curve
alignment simultaneously and optimally. Prior
work in this area relied on separate (and
suboptimal) steps of alignment and clustering. - Testing on relevant geoscience applications- such
as predicting storm trajectories. - Just completed building a 3x3OptIPuter
visualization cluster. - Year 2 Will apply techniquesto NCMIR/SIO data
sets usingthe OptIPuter.
30Year 2 OptIPuter Data, Visualization and
Collaboration Research
- Experimentation with Photonic Multicasting for
data and visualization replication in
collaborative scenarios. - Extension of visualization tools to support
collaboration in Amplified Collaboration
Environments. - Expanding resolution of tiled display from 20 to
30million pixels using higher resolution
commodity displays. - Expansion of photonic data services to handle 2D,
3D 4D data volumes. - Apply data mining algorithms to NCMIR/SIO data on
OptIPuter nodes.
31Glossary of Research Projects
- Data Services Distributed Data Servers,
interdomain lambda services (via ODIN) Data
Transport over wide area. (LAC) - Quanta Both wide area and local area data
distribution middleware, intradomain photonic
signalling and multicasting (EVL) - LambdaRAM Memory-mapped I/O abstraction with
aggressive data prefetching of remote data
sources. (EVL) - OptiStore Data filtering mechanism for
converting scientific data into visual objects.
(EVL) - ActiveStorage Similar to OptiStore but based
heavily on current Grid services. (ISI) - Grid Visualization Utility Grid Visualization
utility. Examining point-cloud-based rendering to
provide fast interactivity. (ISI) - Scientific Data Mining Statistical methods for
modeling and clustering sets of curves
trajectories. (UCI) - JuxtaView Collaborative visualization of high
resolution, time-varying, digital montages across
Scalable Resolution Displays. (EVL) - Vol-a-Tile Collaborative visualization of high
resolution, time-varying, 3D volume data on
Scalable Resolution Displays and Stereoscopic
Displays. (EVL) - TeraVision High speed, multi-directional,
graphics streaming and multicasting to support
collaboration. (EVL) - Scalable Resolution Displays Displays
constructed using LCD panel arrays and driven by
clusters. - Continuum Interaction and collaboration in rich
display environments. (EVL)