Title: Success For All Through e-learning Cathy Ellis
1Success For All Through e-learningCathy Ellis
- Sharing Best Practice FE
- Guildford College
- Wednesday 3 December 2003
2Success For All
Theme 1 Meeting Needs Improving Choice
to improve the choice of post 16 education to
better meet the needs of learners, employers and
3Success For All
Theme 2 Putting teaching, training and learning
at the heart of what we do
4Success For All
Theme 3 Developing the leaders, teachers,
trainers and support staff for the future.
5Success For All
Theme 4 Developing a framework for quality and
6Success For All
Responding to Employer Needs- flexible
e-learning based on responding to employers needs
can help to increase the take up of training in a
dramatic way.
7Need to Consider
Skills Strategy (21st Century Skills) requires
providers to become more responsive to the skills
needs of employers, leading to more tailoring of
provision and greater innovation by an increased
range of ICT and e-learning resources.
8Need to Consider
Tomlinson Review of Qualifications English
baccalaureate E-assessments E-portfolios ICT as a
basic skill
9Focus on e-learning
ICT and e-learning are becoming increasingly
important to strategic development within
- From 2002
- the DELG
- DFES Get on with IT
- Joint Implementation Group
10Focus on e-learning
- To 2003
- NLN Transformation Board
- DFES e-learning strategy consultation
11About the NLN Transformation Board
- It will focus on four areas-
- Management, planning and funding
- Infrastructure
- Content
- Skills development
- These will support the four strands of Success
For All, each of which has an e-learning
12Key recommendations from recent reports
1. The need for leadership in e-learning .. to
define and promote the colleges vision for
e-learning. This includes having clarity of
vision for, focus on and investment in e-learning
as well as development of the ICT capability
within the college.
13Key recommendations from recent reports
- 2. ICT and e-learning strategic planning
considerations .. to include - - Targets for achievement
- Specific milestones
- Phases for delivery
- Longer term plan
14Key recommendations from recent reports
3. Development of management practices to mange
complex change programmes.. supported by the
National Leadership College.
15Key recommendations from recent reports
4. The need for high quality ICT services in
As the demands of e-learning increase, so the
delivery of high quality ICT service will become
16Recent Research Findings (Becta)
- Becta VLE Research Study found that a VLE
brought benefits for- - Students
- Teachers
- Parents
- ImpaCT2 looked at the impact of ICT on
childrens achievement. - Good ICT leadership is essential for a school to
offer good ICT learning opportunities - ResourcesLeadership e-confident school
17Guildford College
2002 Infrastructure review planned
upgrade E-learning strategy planned
implementation of Bb 6 2003 Creation of
e-learning Unit (4 staff) e-learning mentors
(4) E-learning Zones (2 FE/ 1 HE)
E-learning is the primary driver of ICT services
18Turning to Today
The programme reflects the priorities in Success
For All
NLN player good quality content NLN materials
Belfast organisational change
New College, Durham beyond implementation
Sussex Downs Bb and Deaf Students
19Spotlights echo Success For All
Andrew from Kingston Themes 1 2
Ellen from Abingdon Witney Themes 1 2
Dennis from Otley Theme 3
Sandy, from Guildford, Employer engagement
Lilian, from Thomas Danby, Collaboration Theme
2 4
Merv, from Sunderland e-assessments etc - Theme 4
Have a great day
Lets learn from each other
Consider ways to build on today for the FE
Thank you to Blackboard, RM and the RSC for
bringing today together and supporting FE
Rooms for Spotlights
Questions on post-it notes for this afternoons
question and answer session