Title: Ag Production and the Environment
1Ag Production and the Environment
- Text extracted from
- The World Food Problem
- Leathers Foster, 2004
2Global Soil Regions
- Soil removed by
- Wind
- water
- Agricultural cause
- Plowing
- bare fields
- Absence of roots
5Chemical Degradation of Soil
- Nutrient depletion
- Especially if same crop grown every year
- Salinization
- Irrigation with low levels of salt
- Salt build up when dries
- Acidification
- Too much fertilizer
- Drainage problems
- Pollutants
- Oil
- Pesticides
6Physical degradation of soil
- Less porous
- Compaction by
- Heavy machines
- Animals
- Waterlogging
- Roots die
- Due to
- Over irrigation
- Poor drainage
Soil compaction
7Extent of Land Degradation
- 38 total cropland degraded worldwide
- 2 billion hectares
- 83 by erosion
- 12 chemical
- 5 physical
- 5-10 million new hectares degraded each year
- New land must be put into production to
compensate - Generally poor quality
Overgrazed degraded soil
8Irrigation Problems
- Water Quality degradation
- Salt-water intrusion in coastal areas due to
lower water table - Leeches salt into groundwater unusable
- Runoff carries fertilizer, pesticide residues
- Land degradation
- SoilErosion
- Waterlogging
- Salinization
- acidification
9Ag Chemicals
- Can lead to
- Land degradation
- Water pollution
- Health problems
- Chemical manufacture can be dangerous
- Explosion at fertilizer plant in Bhopal India in
1984 - Killed thousands
Union Carbide Chemical Plant, Bhopal India
10David Pimentel
- Believes carrying capacity has already been
exceeded - Earth can support 2 billion at high standard of
living - Current yields not sustainable
11Julian Simon
- Optimistic about future ag production
- Technology will solve problems
- Drip Irrigation
- Fish Farming
- GMOs for
- Pest resistance
- Drought resistance
- Salt resistance
12Global Warming
- Agriculture contributes to global warming
- CO2 released from plant decomposition
- Co2 80 greenhouse gases
- Methane released from
- Rice paddys
- Cattle Belching
- Nitrous Oxide released from
- Fertilizer use
13Global Warming
- Impact on Agriculture
- Flooding of coastal land
- Affect crop yields
- Increase CO2
- Boosts crop growth
- Increase water-use efficiency
- Increase extreme weather
- Increase insects, disease
- Shift climate zones
- North Africa better
- North America worse