Transcription - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basal promoter elements: TATA box is located at about position 25, and a ... TATA box consensus is TATAAAA. ... TFIID-TATA box complex acts as a binding site ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Transcription

Central Dogma
from Purves et al., Life The Science of
Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates
Types of RNA
  • messenger RNA (mRNA). This will later be
    translated into a polypeptide.
  • ribosomal RNA (rRNA). This will be used in the
    building of ribosomes
  • transfer RNA (tRNA). RNA molecules that carry
    amino acids to the growing polypeptide.
  • small nuclear RNA (snRNA). DNA transcription of
    the genes for mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA produces large
    precursor molecules ("primary transcripts") that
    must be processed within the nucleus to produce
    the functional molecules for export to the
    cytosol. Some of these processing steps are
    mediated by snRNAs.
  • small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA). These RNAs help
    process ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
  • There are 4 kinds. In eukaryotes, these are
  • 18S rRNA. One of these molecules, along with some
    30 different protein molecules, is used to make
    the small subunit of the ribosome.
  • 28S, 5.8S, and 5S rRNA. One each of these
    molecules, along with some 45 different proteins,
    are used to make the large subunit of the

Transfer RNA (tRNA)
  • There are 32 different kinds of tRNA in a typical
    eukaryotic cell.
  • each is the product of a separate gene
  • many of the bases in the chain pair with each
    other forming sections of double helix. the
    unpaired regions form 3 loops
  • each kind of tRNA carries (at its 3' end) one of
    the 20 amino acids (thus most amino acids have
    more than one tRNA responsible for them) at one
    loop, 3 unpaired bases form an anticodon

Messenger RNA (mRNA)
  • Messenger RNA comes in a wide range of sizes
    reflecting the size of the polypeptide it
    encodes. Most cells produce small amounts of
    thousands of different mRNA molecules, each to be
    translated into a peptide needed by the cell.
  • Many mRNAs are common to most cells, encoding
    "housekeeping" proteins needed by all cells (e.g.
    the enzymes of glycolysis). Other mRNAs are
    specific for only certain types of cells. These
    encode proteins needed for the function of that
    particular cell (e.g., the mRNA for hemoglobin in
    the precursors of red blood cells).

from Purves et al., Life The Science of
Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates
Transcription in Prokaryotes
  • Requires a promoter region, with which RNA
    polymerase interact.
  • The RNA-coding sequence is the DNA that is to be
    transcribed and later translated.
  • Requires a terminator, downstream of the end of
    the RNA-coding sequence.

  • Specific sequences are critical for the
    recognition by the polymerase.
  • Generally found at 35 and 10 that is they are
    centered at 35 and 10 bp upstream of 1,
    transcription start site.
  • Consensus sequence for 35 region (-35 box) is
  • Consensus sequence for 10 region (Pribnow box)
    is 5-TATAAT-3.

RNA Polymerase
  • A form of RNA polymerase called holoenzyme
    (Complete enzyme) must bind to the promoter.
  • Holoenzyme consists of the the core enzyme (made
    up of four polypeptides) bound with another
    polypeptide called the sigma factor, necessary to
    recognize the 35 and 10 regions of the
  • Without the sigma factor, the core enzyme doesnt
    start transcription efficiently.

Binding to the promoter
  • Binds in two steps
  • Binds loosely to the 35 box while DNA is double
  • Binds more tightly to DNA as DNA untwists for
    about 17 bp centered around the 10 box.

Promoter sequences and regulation of
transcriptional rate
  • Promoters differ in their sequences slightly, so
    the binding efficiency of the promoter varies.
  • A 10 region sequence of 5-GATACT-3 has a lower
    rate of transcription initiation than

Sigma factor and transcriptional regulation
  • There are different sigma factors sigma 70 is
    the most common
  • sigma32 is used for conditions of heat shock
    sequences that are recognized by sigma32 has
    CCCCC at 39 and TATAAATA at 15.

  • Transcription bubble forms.
  • Once 8 or 9 RNA nucleotides are linked together,
    the sigma factor disassociates from the RNA
    polymerase core enzyme.
  • Core enzyme completes the transcription. As it
    moves, it untwists the DNA double helix producing
    torsion, DNA double helix reforms behind the
  • Within the untwisted region a temporary RNA-DNA
    hybrid is formed, the rest of the RNA is
    displaced away from the DNA.

  • Requires terminator sequences.
  • Rho-independent termination. These sequences
    consists of sequences with a two-fold symmetry
    that makes a hairpin loop, followed by 4-8 AT
    basepairs, leading to termination when
  • Rho-dependent termination. These sequences lack
    AT string and many cannot form hairpin
    structures. Rho factor (a protein) is needed to
    recognize a specific sequence and face the
    polymerase by moving along the DNA using ATP.

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Transcription in Prokaryotes
Enzyme RNA polymerase
Promoter is the DNA sequence where RNA polymerase
binds to initiate transcription
Transcription in E.Coli
The Operon Model
  • Groups of genes coding for related proteins are
    arranged in units known as operons.
  • An operon consists of an operator, promoter,
    regulator, and structural genes.

The Operon Model
  • The regulator gene codes for a repressor protein
  • that binds to the operator, obstructing the
    promoter (thus, transcription) of the structural
  • The regulator does not have to be adjacent to
    other genes in the operon. If the repressor
    protein is removed, transcription may occur.

Eukaryotic Transcription
RNA Processing pre-mRNA -gt mRNA
  • Synthesis of the cap. This is a stretch of three
    modified nucleotides (7methylguanosine) attached
    to the 5' end of the pre-mRNA. This structure
    aligns mRNAs on the ribosome during translation

RNA Processing pre-mRNA -gt mRNA
  • Synthesis of the poly(A) tail. This is a stretch
    of adenine nucleotides attached to the 3' end of
    the pre-mRNA.
  • This regulates both translation and mRNA
    stability. It is also important in early

RNA Processing pre-mRNA -gt mRNA
  • Splicing. Step-by-step removal of introns present
    in the pre-mRNA and splicing of the remaining

  • Three critical sequence elements of pre-mRNA
  • Sequences at the 5 splice site
  • sequences at the 3 splice site
  • sequences within the intron at the branch point

  • Composed of proteins and RNAs.
  • The RNA components of the spliceosome are small
    nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) called, U1, U2, U4, U5, and
    U6. These range between 50 to 200 nucleotides
    complexed with six to ten protein molecules to
    form small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles

  • Some RNAs are capable of self-splicing.
  • They can catalyze the removal of their own
    introns in the absence of other RNA or proteins.
  • 28S RNA of the protozoan Tetrahymena.
  • Self-splicing is catalyzed by the intron itself,
    which acts as a ribozyme.

Alternative splicing
The RNA polymerases
  • RNA polymerase I (Pol I). Located in nucleolus.
    It transcribes the rRNA genes for the precursor
    of the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S molecules (and is the
    busiest of the RNA polymerases). S values are
    derived from the rate at which the rRNA molecules
    sediment during sucrose gradient centrifugation.

The RNA polymerases
  • RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Found in nucleoplasm.
    It transcribes the mRNA and snRNA genes.
  • RNA polymerase III (Pol III). Found in
    nucleoplasm. It transcribes the 5S rRNA genes and
    all the tRNA genes.

mRNA transcription by RNA PolII
  • RNA polyII produces a precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA).
  • Promoters contain basal promoter elements and
    promoter proximal elements, having general
  • Basal promoter elements TATA box is located at
    about position 25, and a pyrimidine-rich
    sequence near the transcription start site is
    called the initiator element (Inr). TATA box
    consensus is TATAAAA.
  • Promoter proximal elements Located upstream of
    TATA box, about 50-200 nucleotides from the start
    of transcription. Examples are CAAT (cat) box,
    which is located at about 75 GC box with a
    consensus of GGGCGG, located at about 90.

Transcription Factors
  • Basal transcriptional factors are the proteins
    that are required for the function of RNA
    polymerase II
  • They bind to the promoter area, TATA Box
  • General Transcription Factors

Transcription Factors
  • TFIID binds to the TATA box to form the initial
    committed complex. TFIID has a subunit called
    TATA-binding protein (TBP) that recognizes the
    TATA box, and a number of other proteins called
    TBP-associated factors (TAFs).
  • TFIID-TATA box complex acts as a binding site for
    TFIIB, which recruits RNA PolII and TFIIF to
    produce the minimal transcription initation
  • Next, TFIIE and TFIIH bind to produce the
    complete transcription initiation complex (or
    preinitiation complex, PIC).

Other transcription factors
  • Activators bind to enhancers, sequences required
    for maximal transcription.
  • Activator binds to an enhancer, and through an
    interaction with another protein called an
    adapter forms a bridge to the preinitation
  • In most cases, enhancers are upstream of the
  • Silencer elements have repressing ability for the
    transcription upon binding with a repressor.

Transcription by RNA Pol I
  • Transcription of rRNA genes.
  • rRNA genes are found in tandem repeats.
  • A large 45S pre-RNA is transcribed, then
    processed to yield 28S, 18S, and 5.8S rRNAs.
  • Promoter spans about 150 bp upstream of the
    initiation site.
  • UBF (upstream binding factor) and SL1
    (selectivity factor) are transcription factors
    that recognize the promoter.
  • TBP is a component of SL1 and is essential.
  • rDNA promoter does not contain TATA box.

rRNA gene
rDNA transcription
Transcription by RNA Pol III
  • Synthesizes tRNA and 5S rRNA, and some small RNAs
    involved in splicing and protein transport.
  • Promoter of 5S rRNA is downstream of the
    transcription initiation site!
  • TFIIIA, TFIIIC, TFIIIB, and the polymerase bind
    to the promoter, sequentially.
  • tRNA promoters do not contain a binding site for
  • TFIIIC initiates transcription.
  • The promoter of U6 snRNA is upstream of the start
    site and contains a TATA box, recognized by TBP
    subunit of TFIIIB.

Transcription of polymerase III genes
RNA processing
RNA processing
  • Three of the Eukaryotic rRNAs (28S, 18S, and 5.8S
    rRNAs) are cleaved from a single transcript.
  • Bacterial rRNAs (23S, 16S, and 5S) are cleaved
    from a single transcript.
  • Cleavage involves several steps are somewhat
    different in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

Processing of rRNAs
Processing of tRNAs
  • tRNAs are synthesized as longer molecules,
    pre-tRNAs, some of which contain multiple tRNAs.
  • The 5 end of pre-tRNA is cleaved by an enzyme
    called RNaseP.
  • RNaseP contains RNA and proteins, and RNA itself
    can do the cleavage.
  • RNaseP is a ribozyme.

Processing of tRNAs
  • The 3 of tRNAs is generated by Rnase.
  • The CCA is added into the terminus, as the site
    of amino acid attachment, and is required for
    tRNA activity during translation.
  • Some bases (10) are modified at characteristics
    places, e.g., methylguanosine, inosine, etc. They
    alter the base pairing properties of the tRNA

Processing of tRNA
Processing of tRNA
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
  • A quality control system
  • Degredation of mRNAs that lack complete open
    reading frames.
  • Takes place in cytoplasm in yeast.
  • If a ribosome encounters a premature stop codon,
    this system is triggered.
  • In mammals, it may take place in nucleus.

RNA degradation in cytoplasm
  • rRNA and tRNA are stable they are found in high
    levels in the cell.
  • Bacterial mRNA have a half life of 2-3 minutes.
  • Why?
  • In eukaryotes, different mRNAs have different
    life spans (30 min to 20 hours).

How mRNA is degraded?
  • Degradation is initiated by shortening of their
    polyA tails.
  • 5 cap is removed.
  • RNA is degraded by nucleases from both ends.
  • Which RNAs are expected to be short lived?

RNA degradation
  • Shortening of poly A tails
  • Removal of 5 cap
  • degradation of RNA by nucleases.
  • IRE Iron-response element.
  • If iron is available, nuclease degrade the mRNA.
  • If iron is scarce, IRE-BP binds to a sequence
    near 3 protect the mRNA.
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