Title: 24. Rethinking risk management
- 24. Rethinking risk management
- R. M. Stulz
2Risk Management Practice
- Wharton-Chase survey
- 530 responded
- 1/3 used futures, forwards, options, or swaps
- Large companies used more
- 65 for firm market value gt 250 million
- 13 for firm market value lt 50 million
- Puzzle
- Large firms has lower probability of default
3Risk Management Practice
- Wharton-Chase survey
- Usage
- Only usage over ½ firms Hedge contractual
commitments or transaction anticipated within 12
months. - 2/3 never used derivatives to reduce funding
costs, to hedge B/S or economic exposures - Over 1/3 take positions that reflect their market
view of interest rates and FX - Metallgesellschaft
- Daimler-Benz
4Risk Management Theory - Reasons not to use
- Efficient market
- Do executives have predicting ability?
- Do they have comparative advantage?
- FX dealers profits come from market-making, not
position making (Article 4) - Understanding the source of comparative
advantages helps to allocate resources and design
incentives. - High return high risk
5Risk Management Theory - Reasons not to use
- Efficient market
- Should firms hedge financial exposures through
normal business operations? - Can hedge reduce the cost of capital?
- Are risks of interest rate, currency, and
commodity diversifiable or non-systematic?
6Risk Management Theory - Reasons to use
derivatives Reduce bankruptcy costs
- Bankruptcy costs (cost of financial distress)
- Direct cost
- Indirect cost
- Lower revenue, higher cost
- Agency cost
- Asset substitution
- Underinvestment
7Risk Management Reduce bankruptcy costs
- Implications
- Risk management link with risk-taking and capital
structure - Low debt ratio firms dont need hedge
- Risk management is a substitute for equity
- Risk management is useful when the cost of equity
is higher than the cost of debt
8Risk Management Reduce bankruptcy costs
- AAA firm
- Least likely to default, can afford to bet
- BBB firm
- It is likely to default, should hedge
- SL firm
- Almost surely to default, should bet
9Risk Management Theory - Reasons to use
derivatives Reduce required returns to
undiversified stakeholders
- Reduce required returns to undiversified
stakeholders - Owners of closely held firms
- Holders of firm-specific investments
- Employees
- Customers
- Suppliers
10Risk Management Reduce required returns to
undiversified stakeholders
- Link with management incentives
- Evidence
- 48 gold mining companies
- High ownership, more hedging
- Serves to remove noise (gold price movement)
- More options features, less hedging
11Risk Management Theory - Reasons to use
derivatives Reduce expected tax
12Risk Management Theory - Reasons to use
derivatives Reduce expected tax
Income after tax
Income before tax
13Risk Management Measuring risk
- Variance
- We only care about lower-tail outcomes
- Maximum extent of the loss within 95 level on a
given period - Default probabilities
- Using cash flow simulations to estimate
14Risk Management Measuring risk