Title: State Performance Plan
1State Performance Plan
- Stakeholder Meeting
- December 11, 2007
2Indicator 1Graduation
- Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high
school with a regular diploma compared to percent
of youth in the State graduating with a regular
3Indicator 1Graduation
- Graduation Rate
- regular diploma recipients
- divided by
- students expected to complete high school
- Regular diploma recipients
- Certificate/HSED recipients
- Reached maximum age
- Cohort dropouts
- Data Source
- ISES Year End
4Indicator 2Dropout
- Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high
school compared to the percent of all youth in
the State dropping out of high school
5Indicator 2Dropout
- Dropout Rate
- students who dropped out during the school term
(grades 7-12) - divided by
- expected to complete the school term (grades
7-12) - Students who completed school term
- Students who dropped out
- Data Source
- ISES Year End
6Indicator 3Assessment
- Percent of districts that have a disability
subgroup that meets the States minimum n size
for meeting the States AYP objectives for
progress - of districts meeting the States AYP objectives
for progress for the disability subgroup
(children with IEPs) - divided by
- total of districts that have a disability
subgroup that meets the States minimum n size
7Indicator 3Assessment
- Participation rate for children with IEPs in a
regular assessment with no accommodations
regular assessment with accommodations alternate
assessment against grade level standards
alternate assessment against alternate
achievement standards - children with IEPs in assessed grades who took
an assessment - divided by
- children with IEPs in assessed grades
8Indicator 3Assessment
- Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against
grade level standards and alternate achievement
standards - children with IEPs in assessed grades who are
proficient or above - divided by
- children with IEPs in assessed grades
- Data Source
- Wisconsin Student Assessment System (WSAS)
9Indicator 4Suspension/Expulsion
- Percent of districts identified by the State as
having a significant discrepancy in the rates of
suspensions and expulsions of children with
disabilities for greater than 10 days in a school
10Indicator 4Suspension/Expulsion
- Suspension/Expulsion Rate
- students suspended/expelled gt 10 days
- divided by
- students enrolled (3rd Friday September)
11Indicator 4Suspension/Expulsion
- Indicator Percent
- of districts identified as having significant
discrepancies in the rates of suspensions and
expulsions of children with disabilities for
greater than 10 days - divided by
- of districts in the State
- Data Sources
- ISES Discipline
- ISES Count Date
12Indicator 5Educational Placements, Ages 6-21
- Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21
- Removed from regular class less than 21 of the
day (Environment A) - Removed from regular class greater than 60 of
the day (Environment C) - Served in public or private separate schools,
residential placements, or homebound or hospital
placements (Environments D, E, F, G, I, J)
13Indicator 5Educational Placements, Ages 6-21
- Educational Placement Percent
- students in environment category
- divided by
- students with disabilities, ages 6-21
- Data Source
- ISES - Count Date compared/combined with
- ISES - October 1 Child Count Supplement
14Indicator 6Educational Placements, Ages 3-5
- New Preschool Educational Environment Codes
- Previously focused on where special
education/related services being provided - Now focus on whether child is attending a regular
early childhood program - Requires State to Establish New Baseline Data
(2007-08 SY) - Data Source
- ISES - Count Date compared/combined with
- ISES - October 1 Child Count Supplement
15Indicator 7Preschool Outcomes
- Percent of preschool children with IEPs who
demonstrate improved - Positive social-emotional skills (including
social relationships) - Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills
(including early language/communication and early
literacy) - Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs
16Indicator 7Preschool Outcomes
- Percent of preschool children who
- did not improve functioning
- improved functioning but not sufficient to move
nearer to functioning comparable to same-aged
peers - improved functioning to a level nearer to
same-aged peers but did not reach it - improved functioning to reach a level comparable
to same-aged peers - maintained functioning at a level comparable to
same-aged peers - Data Sources
- Child Outcome Summary Form
- Preschool Outcome Reporting Tool
17Indicator 8Parent Involvement
- Percent of parents with a child receiving special
education services who report that schools
facilitated parent involvement as a means of
improving services and results for children with
18Indicator 8Parent Involvement
- of respondent parents who report schools
facilitated parent involvement as a means of
improving services and results for children with
disabilities - divided by
- of respondent parents of children with
disabilities - Data Source
- ISES - Count Date compared/combined with
- ISES - October 1 Child Count Supplement
19Indicators 9 and 10Disproportionate
- Indicator 9
- Percent of districts with disproportionate
representation of racial and ethnic groups in
special education and related services that is
the result of inappropriate identification
20Indicators 9 and 10Disproportionate
- Indicator 10
- Percent of districts with disproportionate
representation of racial and ethnic groups in
specific disability categories that is the result
of inappropriate identification - Autism
- Cognitive Disability
- Emotional Behavioral Disabilities
- Other Health Impairment
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Speech/Language Impairment
21Indicators 9 and 10Disproportionate
- Criteria
- Total enrollment of at least 100 students for
racial group - At least 10 students with disabilities for racial
group/disability combination - Weighted risk ratio of 2.0 or greater for racial
group/disability combination when compared to all
other races - Risk for racial group/disability combination at
least 1 greater than statewide white risk for
racial group/disability combination - Meet criteria for three consecutive years
22Indicators 9 and 10Disproportionate
- Data Sources
- ISES Count Date
- ISES - Count Date compared/combined with
- ISES - October 1 Child Count Supplement
23Indicator 11Timely Evaluation
- Percent of children with parental consent to
evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility
determined within 60 days
24Indicator 11Timely Evaluation
- determined eligible whose evaluations were
completed within 60 days - plus
- determined not eligible whose evaluations were
completed within 60 days - divided by
- of children for whom parental consent to
evaluate was received - Data Source
- District Procedural Self-Assessment
25Indicator 12Transition Part C to Part B
- Percent of children referred by Part C prior to
age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who
have an IEP developed and implemented by their
third birthdays.
26Indicator 12Transition Part C to Part B
- children found eligible who have an IEP
developed and implemented by their third
birthdays - divided by
- children who have been served in Part C and
referred to Part B for eligibility determination - minus
- referred determined to be NOT eligible and
whose eligibilities were determined prior to
their third birthdays - minus
- children for whom parent refusal to provide
consent caused delay in evaluation or initial
services - Data Source
- Local Performance Plan (LPP)
27Indicator 13Transition Goals, Age 16
- Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP
that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP
goals and transition services that will
reasonably enable the student to meet the
post-secondary goals.
28Indicator 13Transition Goals, Age 16
- of youth with disabilities aged 16 and above
with an IEP that includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and transition
services that will reasonably enable the student
to meet the post-secondary goals - divided by
- of youth with an IEP age 16 and above
- Data Source
- District Procedural Self-Assessment
29Indicator 14Post High School Outcomes
- Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in
secondary school and who have been competitively
employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary
school, or both, within one year of leaving high
30Indicator 14Post High School Outcomes
- of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in
secondary school and who have been competitively
employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary
school, or both, within one year of leaving high
school - divided by
- of youth assessed who had IEPs and are no
longer in secondary school - Data Source
31Indicator 15General Supervision
- General supervision system (including monitoring,
complaints, hearings, etc.) identifies and
corrects noncompliance as soon as possible but in
no case later than one year from identification.
32Indicator 15General Supervision
- of corrections completed as soon as possible
but in no case later than one year from
identification - divided by
- of findings of noncompliance
- Data Source
- District Procedural Self-Assessment
33Indicator 16IDEA Complaints
- Percent of signed written complaints with reports
issued that were resolved within 60-day timeline
or a timeline extended for exceptional
circumstances with respect to a particular
34Indicator 16IDEA Complaints
- reports issued within timelines
- plus
- reports issued with extended timelines
- divided by
- complaints with reports issued
35Indicator 17Due Process
- Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing
requests that were fully adjudicated within the
45-day timeline or a timeline that is properly
extended by the hearing officer at the request of
either party
36Indicator 17Due Process
- decisions within timeline
- plus
- decisions within extended timeline
- divided by
- hearings fully adjudicated
37Indicator 18Resolution Sessions
- Percent of hearing requests that went to
resolution sessions that were resolved through
resolution session settlement agreements
38Indicator 18Resolution Sessions
- resolution sessions that resulted in a
settlement agreement - divided by
- resolution sessions
39Indicator 19Mediation
- Percent of mediations held that resulted in
mediation agreements
40Indicator 19Mediation
- mediations related to due process that resulted
in a mediation agreement - plus
- mediations not related to due process that
resulted n a mediation agreement - divided by
- mediations held
41Indicator 20Timely and Accurate Data
- State reported data (618 and State Performance
Plan and Annual Performance Report) are timely
and accurate