Dr. Barbara J. Cohen
2Nurses care
3Nursing, the caring profession
4Care is the essence of nursing and a distinct,
dominant, central and unifying focus Leininger,
- Define what the concept caring means.
- Identify major theories that discuss caring.
- Identify interventions that are indicative of
6When an individual is ill, and in an unfamiliar
environment, he/she may feel helpless, isolated,
dependent, fearful.
7Three Questions to Discuss. . .
If you were ill what would you like nurses to do
to show they cared about you?
8As a nurse how can you show patients you care
about them?
9What can nurses do to show they care about other
members of the health care team?
10Definitions of Caring
- A motivation to protect the welfare of another
or to assist that person to grow and actualize
the self
Mereroff (1971).
- Thoughts feelings and actions being connected
and concerned with the clients so that caring
sets up the possibility of giving and receiving
help Benner and Wrubel (1989).
11K. Swanson a nurturing way of relating to a
valued other toward whom one feels a personal
sense of commitment and responsibility.
12Five Caring Processes Identified by Swanson.
Being With
Maintaining Belief
Doing For
13 Definitions of Caring continued.
Madeline Leininger Caring refers to actions and
activities directed toward assisting, supporting
or enabling another individual or group with
evident or anticipated needs to ameliorate or
improve a human condition or life-way, or to face
Marriner-Tomey, Alligood 1998.
14Assisting, supporting, improving a human
condition or life-way, or to face death.
15Definitions of Caring continued
Caring is a moral ideal rather than an
interpersonal technique which can be demonstrated
through carative factors (nursing interventions)
that allow for contact between the subjective
world of the experiencing persons Watson, 1985.
16- Jean Watson Identified of 10 carative factors.
Three examples are as follows - Cultivation of sensitivity of ones self and
others. - Development of a helping-trusting, human caring
experience. - Provision for a supportive, protective, or
corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural, and
spiritual environment.
17Development of a helping trusting relationship.
18Provision for a supportive protective environment
19Nurturing of faith and hope
20Examples of common thoughts about caring
- motivation to protect welfare of others
- ameliorate or improve a condition, way of life
- thoughts, feelings, actions
21- being connected and concerned
- giving and receiving help (nurturing, assisting,
supporting, enabling).
22The tree of caring produces a caring professional.
23Factors Producing a Caring Professional
Society, health, nursing, learning environment,
person, nursing education, responsibility,
accountability, nursing process, cultural
diversity, patterns of knowing, critical
thinking, conscience, commitment, compassion,
24Promoting Caring
Hearing Giving Attention
When I truly hear a person and the meanings that
are important to him at the moment, hearing not
simply his words, but him, and when I let him
know that I have heard his private personal
meanings, many things happen. He wants to tell me
more about his world. He surges forth in a new
sense of freedom. He becomes open to the process
of change Carol Rogers from Away of Being, p.
25Promoting caring continued
Attitude Being Aware
Facing ones own attitude. Am I being open,
willing, seeing the good in the other?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
26Promoting caring continued
Providing Presence, Comforting
27Touching as comfort
28Caring behaviors continued
Being Competent
29Nursing Caring Behaviors as Perceived by Families
Being honest
Giving clear explanations
Keeping family members informed
Trying to make the client comfortable
30Providing necessary emergency care
Assuring the client that nursing services will be
Data from Mayer, DK. (1986). Cancer patients and
families perception of nurse caring behaviors.
31Caring Behaviors in Working With Other Members of
the Health Care Team
32Go here to continue