Title: WinAARE
Record streaming audio with just a click
About WinAARE. Benefits of WinAARE. Features of
WinAARE. Return on investment.
2About WinAARE
Well thought out functionality to capture
streaming audio from any Internet Source. Only
two buttons interface capable of record
streaming audio being played on your
computerthrough Internet or broadband
Allows you to record any streaming audio
beingplayed at the time. Shows the file length
in time and kilobytes whichhandy when dealing
with short hard drive space. User friendly
Simple, two-button interface that befits such a
simple, targeted application. Capture
streaming audio from any Internet source. Lets
the user keep an eye on the duration and Size
(in Kb) of the recorded file.
5Return on investment.
WinAARE is a complete and compact product for
recording streaming audio. It allows user to
view file size while recording is in progress.
6Get it now, going to
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