Title: NFHS Spirit Rules 200910
1NFHS Spirit Rules2009-10
- Rule Interpreter Meeting
- August 18, 2009
- Take Part. Get Set For Life!
2Questions on Rules
If you have questions on the legality of a move,
or the meaning of a rule, contact Linda
Schrage (920) 277-1599 Cell (920) 832-1131
Home (920) 788-7940 ext.350 Work schrage_cheer_at_yah
3NFHS Mission
- The National Federation of State High School
Associations serves its members, related
professional organizations and students by
providing leadership for the administration of
education-based interscholastic activities, which
support academic achievement, good citizenship
and equitable opportunities.
4Meeting Agenda
- NFHS Spirit Rules Book
- 2009 - 2010 Changes
- Points of Emphasis
- NFHS Services and Initiatives
- Frequently Asked Questions
5- NFHS Spirit Rules Book
- Quick reference to rules changes
- Points of emphasis for the season
- Table of contents
- Index p.7
- Philosophy
- Rules - Three Parts
- Rule 1 Definitions
- Rule 2 General Risk Management
- Rule 3 Dance/Drill/Pom Risk Management
- - Each Rules has sections and articles
- - Rule 2 3 sections and articles typically have
a situational ruling - (look for the )
- - The back of the book has photographs
covering some rules/sections/articles - (look for the P)
62009-10 NFHS Spirit Rules Book
- Philosophy
- Maintain sound traditions
- Encourage sportsmanship
- Minimize risk
- Education-based
- Reasonable rules
72009-10 NFHS Rules Process
- Rule writing process
- Rule changes are submitted to NFHS from state
offices in November - Spirit Rules Committee reviews recommendations
for changes in January - NFHS administrative staff reviews changes
- NFHS Board of Directors approves changes
- NFHS rules books are reviewed and edited for
publication in April - Rules are in place for the start of the school
82009 NFHS Survey
- According to a recent NFHS survey there are over
400,000 individuals participating in high school
92009-10 NFHS Spirit Rules Changes
- 2-4-7 h Swedish Fall
- 2-6-2 b Cradle Dismounts
- 2-6-7 Twist Cradles
- 2-10-5 Toe/Leg Pitch
10Rule 2 4 7 h Spotting
- Triple-Base Swedish Fall was added to the list
of exceptions in rule 2-4-7 which requires a
spotter for all stunts in which the supporting
arm(s) of the base(s) is(are) fully extended
above the head.
11Rule 2 4 7 h Spotting
- Exception A triple base Swedish fall provided
all three bases face the flyer. - Rationale When all three bases face the flyer,
the front base is in a better position of safety
to protect the flyer if assistance is needed.
12Rule 2 6 2 b Dismounts
- New Rule For all cradle dismounts. The flyer
must not hold props (signs, etc.) that are made
of solid material and have corners or sharp
13Rule 2 6 2 b Dismounts
- Rationale Holding hard objects while
performing cradle dismounts can interfere with
the safe execution of the cradle. - Signs are defined as solid material poms, cloth
banners, etc are not defined as solid material
14Rule 2 - 6 - 7 Dismounts
- New Rule A twist to a cradle involving more
than one rotation is permitted only on
appropriate mats, grass, rubberized and
soft-yielding surfaces.
15 I added this picture to illustrate the 1 ΒΌ
rotation with a side facing stunt
16Rule 2 - 6 7 Dismounts
- Interpretation As with basket tosses, the
double twist to a cradle cannot be done on a
basketball court, unless the stunt is done on an
appropriate mat.
17Rule 2 - 6 7 Dismounts
- Rationale This change reflects the skill level
in high school cheerleading and is consistent
with the NFHS focus on risk management. NOTE
Non-twisting or single-twist cradles are
permitted on any appropriate surface.
18Rule 2 10 5 Tosses
- New Rule Toe/leg pitches to a jump or tumbling
skill are illegal. - I added these two photos from last year to better
illustrate that this is allowed from a forward
suspended roll - \
19Rule 2 10 5 Tosses
- Rationale This clarifies the intent of last
years rule change permitting a forward suspended
roll from the performing surface.
20NFHS Spirit Rules Book Points of Emphasis
- Coaches Responsibilities
- Event Security
- Spring Floors
21NFHS Spirit Rules Book Points of Emphasis
- 1. Coaches Responsibilities
- Professionalism
- NFHS Spirit Rules Book
- Sportsmanship
- Minimize Risk
22NFHS Spirit Rules Book Points of Emphasis
- Professionalism
- Read the rule book rules 1, 2, 3 situations
- Comprehend rules to safely and correctly teach
appropriate skill - Follow rules and their intent
- Do not avoid the notes and comments section
- Ensure your participants are following the rules
- Be a role model
- Be an advocate for sportsmanship
- Spirit Leaders should center on leading or
directing the crowd. Positive personal
behavior and squad cohesiveness demonstrates
these standards.
24NFHS Spirit Rules Book Points of Emphasis
- Security page 3
- Practice plan
- Event plan
- School policy
- Administration crisis plan
- (Emergencies, weather alerts, fire, power
outages, hostile crowds, transportation,
25NFHS Spirit Rules Book Points of Emphasis
- Spring Floors
- School teams are reminded that they are not
allowed to compete on spring floors
26NFHS Initiatives for 2009
- RIO Report Injury Online
- NFHS partnership with Dr. Dawn Comstock Ohio
Stat University
27NFHS Coach Education
- www.nfhslearn.com
- Fundamentals of Coaching
- Sport Specific Courses
- Engaging Effectively with Parents
- NFHS First Aid for Coaches
28Concussion Safety
- NFHS Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
- http//www.nfhs.org/web/2006/08/sports_medicine.as
29Heat and Hydration
- Sports Medicine Information
- Gatorade Hydration Video "Fueling Sports
- Lightning Disturbances
- Assign a staff member to monitor
- Develop an evacuation plan
- 30/30/30 plan
- 30 seconds, 30 minutes, 30 minutes
31NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked Questions
- Dance
- Drill
- Flags
- Pom
- Cheer
- Coaching
- Administration
32Dance, Drill, Poms and Flags
- Inverted Flyer Questions
- Tumbling Questions
- Movement Questions
- Costume Questions
- Shoes
33NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams flip one team member over another
team members back? - A - YES This is LEGAL as long as the flyer does
not become inverted. - Inverted flyers must have direct body-to-floor
contact with the ground, otherwise the move is
ILLEGAL. - Page 23, Rule 2, Section 8, Article 2
34NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams perform a cartwheel over a
partners thigh? - A - NO This is ILLEGAL because the flyer in a
partner stunt cannot become inverted. - Page 23, Rule 2, Section 8, Article 2
35NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams have a base on her back and support
a Dancer on her feet - A YES this is legal
- The dancer begins the stall from a weight-bearing
inverted position on the performance surface.
Then returns from the direction she began to a
non-inverted position.
36NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams do a handstand?
- A - YES This is LEGAL as long it is done with
bare hands to the ground or with non-skid gloves.
- Handstands on a prop are considered ILLEGAL.
- Page 39, Rule 3, Section 1, Article 5
- Page 41, Rule 3, Section 5, Article 5
37NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams do a hand stand or cartwheel with
poms in our hands? - A - NO Tumbling with a prop in the hand is
ILLEGAL. - A forward roll is the only form of tumbling that
may be done while holding poms. - Page 36, Rule 3, Section 5, Article 1
- Situation Ruling on Page 39, 3.5.1
38NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can teams hold poms in our hands while up in
a lift? - A - YES This is LEGAL because a flyer can hold
objects in their hands as a load-in-toss
exception. - Page 25, Rule 2, Section 10, Article 1e
- Situation Ruling on Page 36, 2.10.1.C
39NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can Dance/Drill/Pom and Flag Teams wear a
belt with a hard latch/buckle? - A - YES This is LEGAL as long as the belt is
securely affixed to the costume. - Page 34, Rule 3, Section 1, Article
40NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Q - Can Dance/Drill/Pom and Flag Teams wear
pedini shoes? - A YES This is LEGAL because the heel of the
shoe raises the bottom of the foot off the floor - Page 34, Rule 3, Section 1, Article 6
- Situational Ruling on Page 38, 3.1.6
41NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked
Dance/Drill/Poms and Flags Questions
- Making rule interpretations
- Q Is this legal
- A ?
- Yes, a dancer is allowed to lean back and control
themselves to a balanced position. As long as
they are not inverted, and their feet are on the
performing surface.
- Three high mounts
- Inverted stunts
- Loss of Contact
- Significantly increasing height
- Bracers
43NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked Cheer
- Q - Is this pyramid legal
- A No
- This is not a Swedish fall
- This is three high
44NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked Cheer
- Q - Is this stunt legal
- A Yes
- This inverted flyer begins on the performing
45NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked Cheer
- Q - Is this stunt legal
- A Yes, however when the extension prep has
their back to the audience (IF) they
significantly increase the height of the flier
which may be called for a penalty
46NFHS Spirit Rules Frequently Asked Cheer Questions
- Q Why did I get a deduction?
- A. Flier has contact with the fliers not the
bases in a split transitional stunt
47NFHS Spirit Rules Meeting Summary
- NFHS Spirit Rules Book
- 2009 - 2010 Changes
- Points of Emphasis
- NFHS Services and Initiatives
- Frequently Asked Questions
49NFHS Spirit Rules2009-10
- Rule Interpreter Meeting
- August 18, 2009
- Take Part. Get Set For Life!
- Directions for the online quiz process
51Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedfinding the quiz
- Linked at www.wacpc.com
- Go to the Education link, then the District/Rules
Meeting link - OR
- Go to Quiz Star web site at http//quizstar.4teac
52Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedsigning in
- The following screen should appear
Choose the SIGN UP arrow to register. If you
have already registered and are returning to the
site, just LOGIN.
53Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedregistering
- The following screen should appear
-Enter your first and last name -Select a user
name that identifies your school and level.
Example schragefreedom -Create a
password -Click on REGISTER when complete
54Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedregistering
- The following screen should appear
Click on SEARCH to search for the quiz
55Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedregistering
- The following screen should appear
Under QUIZ SEARCH, chose QUIZ TITLE from the pull
down menu, and type in WACPC Choose KEYWORD
SEARCH when complete
56Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedregistering
- The following screen should appear
Select your test and select REGISTER
57Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedaccessing the quiz
- If the following screen appears, you have
successfully registered for the test!
Select CLASSES to access the quiz
58Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedaccessing the quiz
- The following screen should appear
Choose UNTAKEN QUIZZES if it is your first time
otherwise, choose appropriately.
59Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedaccessing the quiz
- The following screen should appear
Select the appropriate option. You can TAKE or
REVIEW your quiz. You are allowed to review the
quiz once you have officially submitted it.
60Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedtaking the quiz
- When you choose to TAKE the quiz, the following
screen should appear.
Click START QUIZ to begin or CANCEL to quit
61Rule Interp Quiz
- Getting Startedtaking the quiz
- When you select START QUIZ, the following screen
should appear.
After carefully reading the instructions, select
START QUIZ to begin.
62Rule Interp Quiz
- Taking the Quiz
- When you select START QUIZ, the following screen
should appear.
Proceed with the quiz selecting your answer for
each question.
63Rule Interp Quiz
- Taking the Quiz
- When you have completed the quiz, a screen will
appear with a summary of your answers.
You may choose CHANGE ANSWER by any answer(s) you
would like to modify.
64Rule Interp Quiz
When you have reviewed the answers to your
satisfaction, choose SUBMIT QUIZ at the bottom of
your answer summary.
65Rule Interp Quiz
- Reviewing the Quiz
- After you choose SUBMIT QUIZ, the following
screen should appear indicating your score. To
pass the quiz, you must receive a score of 80 or
You can choose to REVIEW the results, to compare
your answers to the correct answers, and to print
out your results.
66Rule Interp Quiz
- Reviewing the Quiz
- After you choose REVIEW, the following screen
should appear.
The printout indicates your answers as well as
the correct answer.
Print out a copy for your records, or if you need
to retake the quiz to receive a passing score.
67Rule Interp Quiz
- Reviewing the Quiz
- After you review your quiz, or return to the
CLASS PAGE, the following screen should appear.
You can TAKE the quiz again to improve your
score, or REVIEW an already completed quiz.
68Rule Interp Quiz
- Important Reminders!
- You CANNOT return to a partially completed quiz.
- When you retake the quiz, or enter the quiz on a
subsequent attempt, the questions will be in a
different order, and your prior answers will be
erased. - You have 10 attempts to receive a passing score
of 85. - We encourage you to retake the quiz to achieve a
perfect score. - If you have questions about the quiz contact
Linda Schrage at schrage_cheer_at_yahoo.com.
- Directions for the online quiz process
Questions Comments?
Linda Schrage at schrage_cheer_at_yahoo.com.