Title: WS Technologies I SOAP
1WS Technologies ISOAP
Models and Languages for Coordination and
Orchestration IMT- Institutions Markets
Technologies - Alti Studi Lucca
Roberto Bruni Dipartimento di Informatica
Università di Pisa
- Web Services, informally
- SOAP a protocol for WS
- UDDI registries
3Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- provides a simple and lightweight mechanism
- stateless, one-way
- basis for complex interaction patterns
- ex. RPC, request/(multiple) response, back and
forth conversations - for exchanging structured and typed information
between peers in a decentralized, distributed
environment using XML - it does not itself define any application
semantics such as a programming model or
implementation specific semantics - silent on routing, reliability, firewall
transversal - it defines a modular packaging model and encoding
mechanisms for encoding data within modules - required actions can be expressed in SOAP
4SOAP as Web Middleware
- Internet is designed for a
- more heterogeneous
- clients than middleware
- applications
- editorial publishing, for readers (ad-hoc RPC)
- available everywhere
- suitable also for small companies
- Easy access
- easy to prepare
- easy to publish on a web host
- easy to update
- Distributed applications require the
- implementation of network protocols
- open/close sockets, monitor ports
- format requests, decode messages
- RPC makes life simpler
- usual procedure calls
- protocol code delegated to precompiler
- Ok on LAN/Intranet, problems on Internet
- ease programming, but not distribution
- firewall could block protocols different from
http (would the firewall reconfiguration be
compatible with the security policy of the
XML for RPC via HTTP
5Modern RPC
- CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
- strength open standard, multiplatform
- weakness complex, not optimizable
- RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
- Java technology for RPC (its strength and
weakness is Java) - DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model)
- Microsoft technology for remote communication
(its strength and weakness is Windows) - Different solutions, not necessarily compatible
- They try to achieve the better outcome for RPC
with object oriented mechanisms
6ExampleRMI on Remote Server
è sufficiente designare alcuni oggetti come
remoti per gestire gli aspetti di rete e di
protocollo. La designazione varia anche in
funzione della tecnologia utilizzata.
The only code needed is that for extending the
Remote interface
- import java.util.Date
- import java.rmi.Remote
- import java.rmi.RemoteException
- public interface remoteBooking extends Remote
- public Resource getAllRes() throws
RemoteException - public Resource getFreeResOn(Date start, Date
End) - throws RemoteException
- public void bookRes(int resource,
- String email,
- Date start,
- Date end) throws RemoteException
It is the advantage of middleware applications
Where is the network code?
7Sites, XML and Automation
- Thanks to the evolution of the web, there have
been other attempts to develop web sites tailored
to applications instead of human beings - Often XML comes into play
- Ex. RSS format (RDF Site Summary)
- where RDF Resource Description Framework
- (standard for definition of metadata)
- developed by Netscape for its own portal
- a RSS document can emphasize the main URLs, or
the titles and the news - authorized servers can download and integrate RSS
documents in suitable databases
- Another step towards SOAP
- calls similar to ordinary RPC
- binary protocol replaced by the use of XML and
HTTP - The RPC corresponds to a XML document inserted
inside a request (POST) addressed to an HTTP
server - An example is shown in the next slides
- the client calls, remotely, the method
getFreeResOn() - BookingService.getFreeResOn(startDate,endDate)
- XML-RPC packs the request
- the server answer is also coded in XML
9An XML-RPC Request I
- POST /xmlrpc HTTP/1.0
- User-Agent Handson (Win98)
- Host joker.psol.com
- Content-Type text/xml
- Content-length 454
- lt?xml version1.0?gt
- ltmethodCallgt
- ltmethodNamegtcom.psol.res.BookingService.getFree
ResOnlt/methodNamegt - ltparamsgt
- ltparamgt
- ltvaluegt
- ltdateTime.iso8601gt2004-01-15T000000lt
/dateTime.iso8601gt - lt/valuegt
- lt/paramgt
10An XML-RPC Request II
- lt!-- (segue)
--gt - ltparamgt
- ltvaluegt
- ltdateTime.iso8601gt2004-01-17T000000lt
/dateTime.iso8601gt - lt/valuegt
- lt/paramgt
- lt/paramsgt
- lt/methodCallgt
11An XML-RPC Request III
- POST /xmlrpc HTTP/1.0
- User-Agent Handson (Win98)
- Host joker.psol.com
- Content-Type text/xml
- Content-length 454
- lt?xml version1.0?gt
- ltmethodCallgt
- ltmethodNamegtcom.psol.res.BookingService.getFree
ResOnlt/methodNamegt - ltparamsgt
- ltparamgt
- ltvaluegt
- ltdateTime.iso8601gt2004-01-15T000000lt
/dateTime.iso8601gt - lt/valuegt
- lt/paramgt
12An XML-RPC Request IV
- POST /xmlrpc HTTP/1.0
- User-Agent Handson (Win98)
- Host joker.psol.com
- Content-Type text/xml
- Content-length 454
- lt?xml version1.0?gt
- ltmethodCallgt
- ltmethodNamegtcom.psol.res.BookingService.getFree
ResOnlt/methodNamegt - ltparamsgt
- ltparamgt
- ltvaluegt
- ltdateTime.iso8601gt2004-01-15T000000lt
/dateTime.iso8601gt - lt/valuegt
- lt/paramgt
13An XML-RPC Answer I
- HTTP/1.0 200 OK
- Content-length 485
- Content-Type text/xml
- Server Jetty/3.1.4 (Windows 98 4.10 x86)
- lt?xml version1.0?gt
- ltmethodResponsegt
- ltparamsgt
- ltparamgt
- ltvaluegt
- ltarraygt
- ltdatagt
- ltvaluegtltstringgtMeeting Room
1lt/stringgtlt/valuegt - ltvaluegtltstringgtMeeting Room
2lt/stringgtlt/valuegt - ltvaluegtltstringgtBoard
14An XML-RPC Answer II
- lt!-- (segue)
--gt - lt/datagt
- lt/arraygt
- lt/valuegt
- lt/paramgt
- lt/paramsgt
- lt/methodResponsegt
15From XML-RPC to SOAP I
- XML-RPC is simple and effective
- it has some disadvantages anyway
- no optimal/unique mechanism for transmitting
generic XML documents - (string / base64 parameter must be used)
- difficult to extend request/answer format coding
for a given service - not aligned to XML standard
- (ex. namespaces are not used and special data
types are introduced) - based on HTTP
- (SMTP could be more suitable for certain
- SOAP as an evolution of XML-RPC
- not as easy as XML-RPC
- but it is more powerful and expressive
- XML-RPC offered the solution to a specific
problem (RPC via HTTP) - SOAP leaves many more possibilities open
- useful also for applications that are not based
on RPC - (however XML-RPC is not yet obsolete and it is
still the favourite for many developers)
17SOAP Architecture
- SOAP defines an open framework for messaging
- envelope
- encoding rules (serialization mechanism)
- binding to the transmission protocol
- RPC requires all these three components, but it
is independent from / indifferent to them
Other standards (transport, routing, packeting)
Coding rules
Messaging structure (envelope)
Binding HTTP
Binding SMTP
18SOAP Basics
- A SOAP message is a
- one-way transmission
- between
- SOAP nodes
- from a
- SOAP sender
- to a
- SOAP receiver
- that can traverse
- several others SOAP intermediaries
- they can "act" on the message
19SOAP Namespaces
- env
- http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope
- enc
- http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding
- rpc
- http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-rpc
20A SOAP 1.1 Request I
- POST /soap/servlet/rpcrouter HTTP/1.0
- Host joker.psol.com
- Content-Type text/xml charsetutf-8
- Content-length 557
- SOAPAction "http//www.psol.com/2004/soapaction"
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'UTF-8'?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsxsd"XMLSchema"
- xmlnsenv"soap/envelope/"
- xmlnsxsi"XMLSchema-instance"gt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltns1getFreeResOn xmlnsns1""
- encencodingStyle"soap/e
ncoding/"gt - ltstart xsitype"xsdtimeInstant"gt2004-01
-15T000000Zlt/startgt - ltend xsitype"xsdtimeInstant"gt2004-01
21A SOAP 1.1 Request II
- lt!-- (segue)
--gt - lt/ns1getFreeResOngt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
Maybe the reading becomes more complex, but now
XML features are fully exploited (ex. schema and
- For the moment, just note the
- presence of two SOAP blocks
- the Envelope
- the Body
22A SOAP 1.1 Answer I
- HTTP/1.0 200 OK
- Server Jetty/3.1.4 (Windows 98 4.10 x86)
- Servlet-Engine Jetty/3.1 (JSP 1.1 Servlet 2.2
java 1.3.0) - Content-Type text/xml charsetutf-8
- Content-length 692
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'UTF-8'?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsxsd"XMLSchema"
- xmlnsenv"soap/envelope/"
- xmlnsxsi"XMLSchema-instance"gt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltns1getFreeResOnResponse xmlnsns1""
envencodingStyle"soap/encoding/"gt - ltreturn xmlnsns2"/soap/encoding/"
- xsitypens2Array
- ns2ArrayTypens1String3gt
23A SOAP 1.1 Answer II
- lt!-- (segue)
--gt - ltitem xsitype"xsdstring"gtMeeting
Room 1lt/itemgt - ltitem xsitype"xsdstring"gtMeeting
Room 2lt/itemgt - ltitem xsitype"xsdstring"gtBoard
Roomlt/itemgt - lt/returngt
- lt/ns1getFreeResOnResponsegt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
- Notice the namespace env
- used in SOAP 1.2
- was SOAP-ENV in SOAP 1.1
- (not always compatible)
- but the syntax is irrelevant, the URI counts
24Structure of SOAP Messages
- SOAP Blocks
- single logic computational units
- represented as XML elements
- identifies from qualifying name
- namespace and local name
- envEnvelope
- source of SOAP request
- envHeader
- optional it contains additional info about
routing, authentication - envBody
- mandatory it contains the main info
- envFault
- it may appear in the body it denotes errors
occurring at the protocol level
SOAP block
SOAP block
25The Envelope Analogy
SOAP messages as actual letters (remember those
antiquated things in envelopes with postage and
an address scrawled across the front?)
26Travel Reservation Scenario
- The travel reservation application for an
employee of a company negotiates a travel
reservation with a travel booking service for a
planned trip using SOAP messages - ultimate recipient is a travel service
application - but messages can be routed through one or more
SOAP intermediaries - for logging, auditing, amendment travel requests
27Travel Reservation Request Header
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.exa
mple.org/reservation" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true" gt
- ltmreferencegtuuid093a2da1-q345-739r-ba5d-pqff9
8fe8j7dlt/mreferencegt - ltmdateAndTimegt2001-11-29T132000.000-0500lt/m
dateAndTimegt - lt/mreservationgt
- ltnpassenger xmlnsn"http//mycompany.example.c
om/employees" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true" gt
- ltnnamegtFred Smithlt/nnamegt
- lt/npassengergt
- lt/envHeadergt
28Travel Reservation Request Body
- ltenvBodygt
- ltpitinerary xmlnsp"http//travelcompany.examp
le.org/reservation/travel"gt - ltpdeparturegt
- ltpdepartinggtNew Yorklt/pdepartinggt
- ltparrivinggtLos Angeleslt/parrivinggt
- ltpdepartureDategt2001-12-14lt/pdepartureDategt
- ltpdepartureTimegtlate afternoonlt/pdepartureT
imegt - ltpseatPreferencegtaislelt/pseatPreferencegt
- lt/pdeparturegt
- ltpreturngt
- lt/pitinerarygt
- ltqlodging
- xmlnsq"http//travelcompany.example.org/reser
vation/hotels"gt - ltqpreferencegtnonelt/qpreferencegt
- lt/qlodginggt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
ltpreturngt ltpdepartinggtLos
Angeleslt/pdepartinggt ltparrivinggtNew
Yorklt/parrivinggt ltpdepartureDategt2001-12-20
lt/pdepartureDategt ltpdepartureTimegtmid-morni
nglt/pdepartureTimegt ltpseatPreference/gt
29Travel ScenarioStructure of SOAP Message
- Header blocks
- can be inspected by
- intermediary nodes
- ultimate receiver
- Body
- can be inspected by
- ultimate receiver only (in principle)
- cannot prevent malicious behaviours
mreservation (reference, timestamp)
- Specifies the way in which the call must be
processed - analogous to header of electronic mail
- it is not part of the message, but it provides a
way to pass information that is not application
payload - control information includes
- passing directives
- contextual information related to the processing
of the message - headers can be inspected, inserted, deleted and
forwarded - ex. travel policies for the passenger appended as
another header block - this allows application-specific extensions
- child elements can be individually targeted to
specific SOAP nodes
- Main attributes of tags inside the header
- envrole
- tells that the element is addressed to some
specific node - "next" is either next intermediary or ultimate
receiver - every node must be willing to play the "next"
role - envmustUnderstand
- a node should not elaborate the request when it
does not "understand" an element marked by
32Example Proxy Processing
In the example, the envrole attribute specifies
that all header blocks are addressed to the proxy
33Travel Reservation Response Header
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.exa
mple.org/reservation" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true" gt
- ltmreferencegtuuid093a2da1-q345-739r-ba5d-pqff9
8fe8j7dlt/mreferencegt - ltmdateAndTimegt2001-11-29T133500.000-0500lt/m
dateAndTimegt - lt/mreservationgt
- ltnpassenger xmlnsn"http//mycompany.example.c
om/employees" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true" gt
- ltnnamegtFred Smithlt/nnamegt
- lt/npassengergt
- lt/envHeadergt
34Travel Reservation Response Body
- ltenvBodygt
- ltpitineraryClarification
- xmlnsp"http//travelcompany.example.org/rese
rvation/travel"gt - ltpdeparturegt
- ltpdepartinggt
- ltpairportChoicesgt
- lt/pairportChoicesgt
- lt/pdepartinggt
- lt/pdeparturegt
- ltpreturngt
- lt/pitineraryClarificationgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
ltpreturngt ltparrivinggt
ltpairportChoicesgt JFK LGA EWR
lt/pairportChoicesgt lt/parrivinggt
35Conversational Message Exchanges
- The response seeks to refine some information in
the request - namely the choice of airports in the departing
city - the Header are returned with some sub-element
values altered (datetime) - the Body contains a list of various alternatives
for the airport - The travel application can now send another
message in response - reference value in the header-block reservation
establishes the correlation (at the application
level) between all messages exchanged
36Travel Reservation Response to Response (Header)
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltmreservation
- xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.example.org/res
ervation" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true"gt
- ltmreferencegtuuid093a2da1-q345-739r-ba5d-pqff
98fe8j7dlt/mreferencegt - ltmdateAndTimegt2001-11-29T133650.000-0500lt/
mdateAndTimegt - lt/mreservationgt
- ltnpassenger xmlnsn"http//mycompany.example.c
om/employees" - envrole"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soa
p-envelope/role/next" - envmustUnderstand"true"gt
- ltnnamegtFred Smithlt/nnamegt
- lt/npassengergt
- lt/envHeadergt
37Travel Reservation Response to Response (Body)
- ltenvBodygt
- ltpitinerary
- xmlnsp"http//travelcompany.example.org/reser
vation/travel"gt - ltpdeparturegt
- ltpdepartinggtLGAlt/pdepartinggt
- lt/pdeparturegt
- ltpreturngt
- ltparrivinggtEWRlt/parrivinggt
- lt/preturngt
- lt/pitinerarygt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
38Data Coding
- Unlike usual middleware applications, SOAP does
not map explicitly/uniquely its own code on
programming languages - ex. There is no standard mapping of SOAP for Java
- Two different SOAP implementations can generate
different code for the same object / data - Not a big issue, thanks to the use of meta-data
39Field Coding
- Basic rule all values are always encoded inside
elements - ex. a field name can become
- ltnamegtBoard Roomlt/namegt
- but not
- ltitem name"Board Room" /gt
40Coding of Simple Types
Java utilizza xsitype senza problemi, altri
linguaggi meno restrittivi potrebbero ignorarlo
se genera conflitti documenti XML validi (con
schema) riducono le ambiguità!
- Like XML-RPC, also SOAP supports a few simple
types, such as - string, base64Binary, integer, byte, short, int,
long, decimal, float, double, boolean, dateTime,
time, date, duration - Simple types are encoded as XML elements
- the xsitype attribute can help to resolve
ambiguity issues
ltstart xmlnsxsiXMLSchema-instance
41Coding of Complex Structures
- Structures are logical groups of elements
- elements are identified by their names
- The coding transforms field names to elements
- they are unqualified elements (no namespace)
- Analogously for representing instances of Java
classes - an example is in the next slide
42Example Resource Class
ltrsResource xmlnsrs""
envencodingStyle"/soap-encoding"gt ltid
xsitype"xsdint"gt0lt/idgt ltname
ltdescription xsitype"xsdstring"gtLargest
roomlt/descriptiongt lt/rsResourcegt
public class Resource public int id
public String name public String
43Travel ScenarioRPC in SOAP
- Let us assume that the conversational exchanges
have resulted in a confirmed itinerary - Suppose the payment for the trip is issued using
a credit card - The payment happens in the context of an overall
transaction where the credit card is charged only
when - the travel
- and the lodging
- (not shown in any example, but presumably
reserved in a similar manner) - are both confirmed
- the travel reservation application provides
credit card information and the successful
completion of the different activities results in
the card being charged and a reservation code
returned - This reserve-and-charge interaction between the
travel reservation application and the travel
service application is modelled as a SOAP RPC
44RPC in SOAP Requirements
- To invoke a SOAP RPC, the following information
is needed - The address of the target SOAP node (ultimate
Receiver) - URI inside SOAP header blocks
- or carried outside the SOAP envelope when binding
supports that (ex. HTTP) - The procedure/method name
- The parameters and return value
- A clear separation of the arguments used to
identify the target Web resource, as contrasted
with those that convey data or control
information used for processing the call - The message exchange pattern which will be
employed to convey the RPC - Optionally, data which may be carried as a part
of SOAP header blocks
45Reservation Charge as RPCInvocation I
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltttransaction xmlnst"http//thirdparty.exampl
e.org/transaction" - envencodingStyle"http//example.com/e
ncoding" - envmustUnderstand"true"
gt5lt/ttransactiongt - lt/envHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltmchargeReservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompa
ny.example.org/" - envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/20
03/05/soap-encoding"gt - ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.ex
ample.org/reservation"gt - ltocreditCard xmlnso"http//mycompany.example
.com/financial"gt - lt/mchargeReservationgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
application-specific transaction indentifier
input 1
input 2
method name
46Reservation Charge as RPCInvocation II
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltttransaction xmlnst"http//thirdparty.examp
le.org/transaction" - envencodingStyle"http//example.com/e
ncoding" - envmustUnderstand"true"
gt5lt/ttransactiongt - lt/envHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltmchargeReservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompa
ny.example.org/" - envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/20
03/05/soap-encoding"gt - ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.ex
ample.org/reservation"gt - ltocreditCard xmlnso"http//mycompany.example
.com/financial"gt - lt/mchargeReservationgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
input 1
ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.examp
le.org/reservation"gt ltmcodegtFT35ZBQlt/mcodegt
47Reservation Charge as RPCInvocation III
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltttransaction xmlnst"http//thirdparty.examp
le.org/transaction" - envencodingStyle"http//example.com/e
ncoding" - envmustUnderstand"true"
gt5lt/ttransactiongt - lt/envHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltmchargeReservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompa
ny.example.org/" - envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/20
03/05/soap-encoding"gt - ltmreservation xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.ex
ample.org/reservation"gt - ltocreditCard xmlnso"http//mycompany.example
.com/financial"gt - lt/mchargeReservationgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
ltocreditCard xmlnso"http//mycompany.example.co
gt ltnnamegtFred Smithlt/nnamegt
ltoexpirationgt2005-02lt/oexpirationgt lt/ocreditCar
input 2
48Reservation Charge as RPCResponse I
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltttransaction xmlnst"http//thirdparty.exampl
e.org/transaction" - envencodingStyle"http//example.com/enc
oding" - envmustUnderstand"true"
gt5lt/ttransactiongt - lt/envHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltmchargeReservationResponse xmlnsm"http//tra
velcompany.example.org" - envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/2003
/05/soap-encoding"gt - ltmcodegtFT35ZBQlt/mcodegt
- ltmviewAtgt
- http//travelcompany.example.org/reservat
ions?codeFT35ZBQ - lt/mviewAtgt
- lt/mchargeReservationResponsegt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
added by convention
output 1
output 2
49Reservation Charge as RPCResponse II
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- ltmchargeReservationResponse xmlnsm"http//tra
velcompany.example.org" - xmlnsrpc"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap
-rpc" - envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/2003
/05/soap-encoding"gt - ltrpcresultgtmstatuslt/rpcresultgt
- ltmstatusgtconfirmedlt/mstatusgt
- ltmcodegtFT35ZBQlt/mcodegt
- ltmviewAtgt
- lt/mchargeReservationResponsegt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
a specific return value can be distinguished among
output parameters
(it is assumed to be void when not
otherwise specified)
50Transport Options
- In principle, using SOAP for RPC is independent
of the decision to use a particular means for
transferring the RPC call and its return - but certain protocol bindings that support the
Request-Response message exchange pattern may be
more naturally suited for such purposes - they can provide a built-in correlation between a
request and a response - In the commonly used case, of using HTTP as the
underlying transfer protocol, an RPC invocation
maps naturally to the HTTP request and an RPC
response maps to the HTTP response - Even though most examples of SOAP for RPC use the
HTTP protocol binding, it is not limited to that
means alone - The designer of an RPC-based application could
choose to put a correlation ID relating a call
and its return in a SOAP header - making the RPC independent of any underlying
transfer mechanism - In any case, application designers have to be
aware of all the features of the particular
protocols chosen, such as latency, synchrony,
51HTTP Binding
- SOAP offers an HTTP binding
- HTTP requests and answers have their own headers
and bodies - a SOAP message is transmitted by the POST/GET
command - Content-Type is set to application/soapxml
- HTTP supports other commands but they are not
used by SOAP standard yet - the answer is sent as an ordinary HTTP answer
- answer code 2xx is OK 500 if elaboration failed
52Compliance to Web Architecture
- One of the most central concepts of the World
Wide Web - URI as a resource identifier
- SOAP services with HTTP binding that wish to
interoperate with other Web software should use
URIs to address all important resources in their
service - ex. a predominant use of the WWW is pure
information retrieval - the representation of an available resource,
identified by a URI, is fetched using a HTTP GET
request without affecting the resource in any way - this is called a safe and idempotent method in
HTTP terminology - as opposed to uses that perform resource
manipulation - the use of a SOAP body to carry the request for
the state, with an element of the body
representing the object in question, is seen as
counter to the spirit of the Web - because the resource is not identified by the
Request-URI of the HTTP GET - The key point is that the publisher of a resource
makes available its URI, which consumers may "GET"
53A Discouraged Approach
- POST /Reservations HTTP/1.1
- Host travelcompany.example.org
- Content-Type application/soapxml
charset"utf-8" - Content-Length nnnn
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltmretrieveItinerary
- envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/2003/
05/soap-encoding" - xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.example
.org/"gt - ltmreservationCodegtFT35ZBQlt/mreservationCod
egt - lt/mretrieveItinerarygt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
URI of HTTP request
the resource identifier should not be in the body!
54Improving the POST
- POST /Reservations/itinerary?reservationCodeFT35Z
BQ HTTP/1.1 - Host travelcompany.example.org
- Content-Type application/soapxml
charset"utf-8" - Content-Length nnnn
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope"gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltmretrieveItinerary
- envencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/2003/
05/soap-encoding" - xmlnsm"http//travelcompany.example
.org/"gt - ltmreservationCodegtFT35ZBQlt/mreservationCod
egt - lt/mretrieveItinerarygt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
55RPC as GET
- GET /Reservations/itinerary?reservationCodeFT35Z
BQ HTTP/1.1 - Host travelcompany.example.org
- Accept application/soapxml
- When an RPC definition is such that all parts of
its method description can be described as
resource-identifying, then the entire target of
the RPC may be identified by a URI - in this case, if the supplier of the resource can
also assure that a retrieval request is safe,
then SOAP Version 1.2 recommends - the choice of the Web method property of GET
- and the use of the SOAP Response message exchange
pattern - this will ensure that the SOAP RPC is performed
in a Web architecture compatible manner
56SOAP Errors
- In many cases, applications define the content of
the body - The only exception is in case of errors, for
which SOAP defines the element envFault with the
following sub-elements - envCode (mandatory) it tells the error code
- has two sub-elements envValue (mandatory) and
envSubocde (optional) - envReason (mandatory) errore message for human
understanding not for algorithmic processing - has one or more sub-elements envText (xmllang
for different languages) - envDetail (optional) additional info, related
to the specific application (required if the
error concerns the body, prohibited otherwise) - envNode (optional) URI of the SOAP node issuing
the error (is absent it is implicit that the node
is the ultimate receiver) - envRole (optional) role of the SOAP node
issuing the error
57Example rpcBadArguments
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-envelope" - xmlnsrpc"http//www.w3.org/2003/05
/soap-rpc"gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltenvFaultgt
- ltenvCodegt
- ltenvReasongt
- ltenvText xmllang"en-US"gtProcessing
errorlt/envTextgt - lt/envReasongt
- ltenvDetailgt
- lt/envFaultgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
ltenvCodegt ltenvValuegtenvSenderlt/envValuegt
ltenvSubcodegt ltenvValuegtrpcBadArgumentslt/env
Valuegt lt/envSubcodegt lt/envCodegt
ltenvDetailgt ltemyFaultDetails
ltemessagegtName does not match card
numberlt/emessagegt lteerrorcodegt999lt/eerrorcode
gt lt/emyFaultDetailsgt lt/envDetailgt
58SOAP with Attachments
- SMTP binding is also possible
- Content-type as before (application/soapxml)
- To and From according to SMTP
- but now the communication is fully asynchronous
- if the answer is transmitted, it will arrive
inside a later email message - (there still exists some FTP implementations for
SOAP) - SOAP with attachments is a suitable extension
that fully supports the use of attachments to the
main message - it allows for including images or other files
- it exploits the MIME multipart/related format
59SOAP Binding on SMTPRequest Example
- From f.smith_at_myorg.example.com
- To reservations_at_travelcompany.example.org
- Subject Travel to LA
- Date Thu, 29 Nov 2001 132000 EST
- Message-Id ltEE492E16A090090276D208424960C0C_at_myorg
.example.comgt - Content-Type application/soapxml
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope
- xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-env
elope"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
60SOAP Binding on SMTPResponse Example
- From reservations_at_travelcompany.example.org
- To f.smith_at_myorg.example.com
- Subject Which NY airport?
- Date Thu, 29 Nov 2001 133511 EST
- Message-Id lt200109251753.NAA10655_at_travelcompany.e
xample.orggt - Content-Type application/soapxml
- lt?xml version'1.0' ?gt
- ltenvEnvelope
- xmlnsenv"http//www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-env
elope"gt - ltenvHeadergt
- ltenvBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
61SOAP Processing Model
- Actions taken by a SOAP node on receiving a SOAP
message - overall check that the SOAP message is correct
- select the header blocks addressed to itself
- depending on the envrole
- among those blocks, the node must process those
marked by envmustUnderstand"true" - only the ultimate receiver processes the envBody
- Processed blocks must be removed
- (but they can be reinserted)
- envrelay marks those blocks that can be relayed
even if not processed - Faults can be generated when processing any block
62Does Interoperability Concern Past and Present?
- SOAP 1.2 has a number of changes in syntax and is
improved in many ways w.r.t. SOAP 1.1 - their interoperability is not obvious!
- envactor in SOAP 1.1, envrole in SOAP 1.2
- envrelay introduced in SOAP 1.2
- "client"/"server" fault codes replaced by
"Sender"/"Receiver", respectively - use of dot notation for errors disallowed in SOAP
1.2 - faultcode/faultstring replaced by
envCode/envReason - SOAP 1.2 no longer support sparse array encoding
- ...
63Using SOAP
- SOAP is a relatively "lightweight" protocol
- many binding are possible (compression,
encryption, ...) - it is not very complicated to write / program
SOAP nodes using JSP, servlet, CGI, PHP, ASP, - but it is most likely that you won't do that
- It is even more convenient to use the available
SOAP libraries - Apache SOAP
- http//ws.apache.org/soap/index.html
- SAAJ (Sun)
- http//java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservi