Title: The Parental Role Supporting childrens language learning
1The Parental RoleSupporting childrens
language learning holistic development
Jenny Simms
21.UK Research Policy2.British Council
Research3.LearnEnglish Family Product
3UK Research
- Parents have
- six times more impact
- on the learning of
- primary age children
- than teachers do
4UK Research
- Impact of parental involvement
- Improved performance at school
- Higher academic achievement
- Greater cognitive development
- Greater problem solving skills
- Greater school enjoyment
- Better school attendance
- Fewer behavioural problems
5UK Policy
- Department for Children,
- Schools Families
- Every Parent Matters
- Interest Involvement
- The Childrens Plan
6BC Research
- -English Next English has been repositioned.
- English is a basic skill for primary school
children together with 21st century skills in IT. - IPSOS MORI Need to raise awareness amongst
parents. Request for support, quality products
effective/efficient methods to help their
children learn. - Learnenglish Kids Significant number of parent
users. Request for bilingual materials, support,
ways to have fun motivate their children to
7- Family Learning Products
- -Parents Portal
- -Set of Parents Booklets
- -Presentation for Parents
- -Set of Books
8- Parents Portal
- LearnEnglishParents
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents-help.htm
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents-talk.htm
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents-downloads.htm
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents-links.htm
- www.britishcouncil.org/parents-using-learnengli
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10In the section Help your child learn English
you will find notes about topics such as How
children learn, and suggestions for activities
you can try at home for example, activities to
help with pronunciation.
These notes and suggestions have been written by
young learner teachers and specialists, and
there are new ideas each month.
11Youll also find a page called Parents Talk. On
this page parents can send in their questions,
and others parents can send in comments.
A new question is featured each month. Have you
got a question you would like to ask? Why not
send it in? Email learnenglish.parents_at_britishcou
12In the Downloads section you will find
resources that you can download to your own
computer, and links to other downloadable
13Or you can download song files, such as song
tunes, lyrics and even sheet music.
There are new song files to download each month
just register with LearnEnglish Parents and you
will be able to download them each month.
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18- Family Learning Products
- -Parents Portal
- -Set of Parents Booklets
- -Presentation for Parents
- -Set of Books
- Thank you