Title: DrillSim Agents
1DrillSim Agents
2DrillSim Agents Information Processing Agents
- Information processing
- Clear interfaces between stages
- Stage implementation depends on role
- Role defined in XML
3Role hierarchy
Role inheritance -gtre-usability of role
definition -gt need conflict resolution -gtdete
rministic (priority) -gtnon-deterministic (prob)
Basic Agent
Floor warden
CPR-trained person
CPR-trained Evacuee
4Dynamic role changing
Role inheritance -gtre-usability of role
definition -gt need conflict resolution -gtdete
rministic (priority) -gtnon-deterministic (prob)
Basic Agent
If injuries are severe, immediately dispatch a
runner to notify the Building Coordinator. UC
Irvine Emergency Management\\Roles and
Responsibilities\\Floor Wardens
Floor warden
CPR-trained person
CPR-trained Evacuee
5Dynamic role changing
Role inheritance -gtre-usability of role
definition -gt need conflict resolution -gtdete
rministic (priority) -gtnon-deterministic
(prob) -gt need dynamic role changing
Basic Agent
Floor warden
CPR-trained person
CPR-trained Evacuee
6Dynamic role extension Objects and IT solutions
- How does an agent know what actions can do on an
7Dynamic role extension Objects and IT solutions
- How does an agent know what actions can do on an
object? - depending on the agent role the agent can
- Throw it
- Connect to Internet
8Dynamic role extension Objects and IT solutions
- How does an agent know what actions can do on an
object? - depending on the agent role the agent can
- Throw it
- Connect to Internet
- The object tells the agent 3
You can throw me
9Dynamic role extension Objects and IT solutions
- How does an agent know what actions can do on an
object? - depending on the agent role the agent can
- Throw it
- Connect to internet
- The object tells the agent 3
- -gtdynamic role extensibility
- -gt IT testing
10Object hierarchy
Basic Object
Throwable Object
Draggable Object
Pushable Object
Basic Agent
Physical Object
Floor warden
CPR-trained person
CPR-trained Evacuee
11Transition b/w simulation modes
- Micro -gt Macro -gt Micro
- From grid to pedestrian network and back to grid
- Interface via WhiteBoard
- Increment occupancy on link
- Agent goes to sleep for amount of time it takes
to traverse link - Micro -gt Macro
- From grid to transportation network (pedestrian
transportation) - Interface via WhiteBoard
- Increment demand from that node
- Agent dies
- Macro -gt Micro
12Current work