Title: Active Control of Combustion Instabilities
1Active Control of Combustion Instabilities
- Aimee Morgans
- RAEng/EPSRC Research Fellow
- Cambridge University
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
4Personal background
- BA/MEng at Cambridge 1996-2000
- Engineering (specialised in Fluid Mechanics)
- MEng project on Active Flow Control
- PhD at Cambridge 2000-2003
- Aeroacoustics (Transonic Helicopter Noise,
supervised by Ann Dowling, spent 1 term at
Caltech) - RAEng/EPSRC Fellowship 2004-present
- Cambridge, Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Currently supervising 3 PhD students
Control of Combustion Instabilities
Active Flow Control
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
6Combustion Instabilities
unsteady heat release generates acoustic waves
- Caused by a coupling between unsteady heat
release and acoustic waves
these reflect from the combustor boundaries
and further perturb the heat release rate
7Combustion Instabilities
unsteady heat release generates acoustic waves
- Caused by a coupling between unsteady heat
release and acoustic waves
these reflect from the combustor boundaries
and further perturb the heat release rate
- Observed by Lord Rayleigh (over 100 years ago)
who suggested instability occurs when heat
release in phase with pressure. - Current interest driven by susceptibility of low
NOx gas turbines (lean premixed combustion).
Damaged gas turbine transition piece
9Some insight
Rate of change of Rayleigh source losses
across total energy boundaries
10More insight
11Controlling Combustion Instabilities
- Passive control e.g. Helmholtz resonators,
geometry changes. - Active control input to system based on sensor
Active control first demonstrated in 80s,
loudspeaker actuation, pressure or heat release
sensing. Has been demonstrated at full-scale
using pressure sensing, fuel actuation. Control
approaches still tend to be trial-and-error.
combustion system (unstable)
12Aims of Fellowship
combustion system (unstable)
- Develop more systematic approaches to active
control - - Robust model-based control
- - based on specific models
- - robust to small changes in operating
conditions - - Adaptive control (collaborating with Adaptive
Control Group, MIT) - - applicable to wide class of combustion
systems - - automatically tracks changes in plant
operating conditions
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
14The combustion rig
Experimental work. Pressure sensing, fuel flow
rate actuation
cooling air
combustor (quartz tube)
fuel in
fuel valve
ethylene cylinder
15The unstable system
Instability occurs at different equivalence
ratios depending on fuel back pressure, acoustic
damping etc. Same modes always present.
16Controller design
- SISO control Nyquist techniques
- 1-pair of open loop unstable poles ? 2
encirclements of -1 point needed on Nyquist
17Implementing control
- Control across a range of operating conditions
- Stabilising even when operated from within limit
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
19Model-based control for annular combustors
- Many gas turbines have annular combustors.
- Single-sensor single-actuator approach no longer
20Model-based control for annular combustors
- Computational model (LOTAN - Simon Stow) used to
investigate control strategies ? linear
acoustics, non-linear flame model - Two approaches
- 1) Control circumferential modes
- (Axi-symmetry decoupled modes.
- To resolve up to n 2, at least 5
- sensors/actuators needed)
- 2) Control matrix of actuator-to-sensor
- transfer functions
- (Always MIMO control, H8 loop shaping used,
- need 2 sensors, at least two actuators)
21Model-based control for annular combustors
- Modal control results, axisymmetric combustor
with instability in modes n 1), 3 sensors and
3 actuators used
Control on at t 0.8s, off at 1.5s
Control of more complex systems too e.g multiple
instability modes, non-axisymmetry due to burner
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
23Adaptive control - background
- Adaptive control controller parameters vary in
time - able to track large changes in operating
condition - E.g. k, a, b vary in time
- Self-tuning regulator (STR) by Cambridge MIT
one algorithm for a whole class of (longitudinal)
combustors - Algorithm is derived using Lyapunov function
only possible if the open loop system is minimum
phase (no RHP zeros)
24Adaptive control RHP zeros?
Back to the longitudinal combustor
Zeros of F(s) are important. When is F(s) likely
to have RHP zeros?
- F(s)pref(s)/Q(s) modelled
- using 1-Dwave approach
- When entropy wave neglected,
- get (1Rde-a2s) factor in F(s)
- RHP zeros occur if Rd gt1
- Open end theoretical
- Rd -(1M2)/(1-M2).
- E.g. Buzz rig reflection
- coefficient measurements
26Another mechanism for RHP zeros in F(s)
- Entropy waves means hot-spots from unsteady
combustion - Entropy waves generate upstream travelling
acoustic waves when they are accelerated
27RHP zero thoughts
- RHP zeros may occur when
- - Rd gt 1, even in absence of entropy waves
- - Rd lt 1 if entropy waves persist and are
accelerated downstream - Systems with RHP zeros are not guaranteed to be
stabilised by our self-tuning regulator ? try and
remove them? - Zeros are artefact of sensor location and RHP
zeros occur when magnitude of upstream travelling
acoustic wave is large - ? Try 2-microphone type technique to reduce
relative magnitude of upstream travelling
acoustic wave?
28New sensor signal strategy
- Use 2 pressure measurements
- at different locations, p1 and p2
- 2-mic technique provides difference equations for
h and j - Form a new sensor signal, pref (t)
h(x1,t)aj(x1,t) with a lt 1 - Then pref(s)/Vc(s) has no RHP zeros and is same
relative degree as p1(s)/Vc(s)
29Demonstration of new sensor strategy
- Computational model, open downstream end, entropy
waves neglected. - 3 different geometries with 3 different flames
responses - Large downstream reflection coeffs used, Rd
30Results for new sensor strategy 1
- Case 1 L 2.85m, xf 0.5m, H(s)
31Results for new sensor strategy 2
- Case 2 L 2.7m, xf 0.5m, H(s)
32Results for new sensor strategy 3
- Case 3 L 2.55m, xf 0.5m, H(s)
- Personal research background
- Background to Active Control of Combustion
Instabilities - Research
- - Model based control (experimental)
- - Model-based control for annular combustors
- - Adaptive control
- 4) Conclusions and Future work
- Combustion instabilities are
- - caused by coupling between acoustics and
unsteady heat release - - important to eliminate to achieve emissions
reductions from gas turbines - Active control is a feasible way of eliminating
them - Systematic control approaches, like robust
model-based control and adaptive control, ensure
good performance across operating conditions.
35Future work
- Adaptive control for annular combustors
- Adaptive control when the flame transfer function
contains RHP zeros - Tuned passive control vary geometry of
Helmholtz resonator in response to measured
frequency - Interesting to apply closed-loop control to other
fluid/acoustic instabilities e.g. cavity
resonances, gap tones?
36Thank you