Title: UltraThin Whitetopping Project Selection Criteria
1 Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Project Selection
- Alan Sparkman
- Executive Director
- Tennessee Ready Mixed Concrete Association
2UTW Project Selection
- Warning!!!
- This topic is extremely technical and many people
may find some of the content offensive due to the
level of detail - This presentation has been rated X-E for
excessive engineering content
3UTW Project Selection
- The audience is asked to please refrain from
flash photography and audible outbursts during
the presentation
4Selection Criteria 1
- Carefully choose any pavement section
- where asphalt pavement is performing poorly
5Next Step
- Send UTW your poor, your tired, your huddled
masses of motorists yearning for freedom from
potholes, ruts, and constant repairs
6Thank You for Your Attention!
7Selection Criteria The Letterbox Expanded
- Intersections
- Bus lanes
- Turning lanes
- Stopping zones
- Especially ones that are not level
8Selection Criteria - Continued
- High-volume traffic areas
- Difficult and/or inconvenient to repair
- Heavy traffic (trucks)
- Difficult areas
- Very light traffic (GA airports)
- Concentrated wheel loads
- Short turning radius
9Other Selection Criteria
- Existing asphalt pavement condition
- Thickness of asphalt
- Foundation
- Traffic loops (protected)
- Rebuild or repair?
10More Selection Criteria
- Expected future traffic
- Current repair frequency
- Safety
- Ability to stop
- Skid resistance
- Lighting
11One final Criteria
- Environmental Impact
- Fuel savings
- Air Quality less idling traffic
- Cool Communities
- Stormwater runoff/retention
- Pervious Pavement
12Thank You for Your Attention!
- Questions???
- (Remember, no flash photography)
13UTW Construction Sequence
- (Please refer to previous presentation for any
information important enough to remember about
the speaker)
14UTW Construction Sequence
15Construction Considerations
- Traffic flow determines sequence and method of
placement - Time available to perform paving and re-open
pavement - Place by hand or by paving machine
- Determine mix specifications and proportions
16Construction Considerations
- Traffic flow determines sequence and method of
placement - Shut down or maintain traffic?
- Restricted working times?
- Other constraints
17Construction Considerations
- Time available to perform paving and re-open
pavement - Hi-early concrete mix design
18Construction Considerations
- Place by hand or by paving machine
- Size of job especially length of lanes
- Adequate clearance (4 5 feet)
- Rideability specifications
19Construction Considerations
- Determine mix specifications and proportions
- Early strength requirements
- Slump (depends on placement method)
- Haul time from plant to jobsite
- Time of year
- Mix characteristics
20Construction Considerations
- Mix Characteristics
- Consistent slump (but not too dry)
- Fibers (3 lbs/cubic yard)
- Set time (have to place and finish)
- Admixtures
- Dosage rates
- Dosage order and timing
- Finishability
21Construction Considerations
- Finishability
- Sticky
- High air content
- High cement content
- Admixtures
- Bleeding
- Some combos may yield excessive bleed water
- Surface tearing
22Before you block traffic
- Realistic expectations
- Clear communication
- Both sides listen as well as talk
- Pre-job meeting
- Post-completion evaluation
23Construction Sequence
- Milling
- Install loops in remaining asphalt
- Place concrete
- Try to avoid floating
- Straightedge
- Texture or tine
24Sequence Continues
- Saw
- Cure
- Paint/mark
- Re-open
25What about joints?
- Some do
- Kentucky
- Some dont
- Tennessee
26Thank You for Your Attention!