Title: The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
1The Global Fund To Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
- Finance and Procurement Workshop
- 9th 11th October 2007
SESSION 8 Logistics Management Information
Walter Proper, Country Director, John Snow, Inc.
Services Lusaka, ZAMBIA
3In-country Supply Pipeline
4Inventory Management Critical to Program Success
- The purpose of inventory management is to ensure
a dependable, regular supply of good quality
commodities at service delivery points. - This is critical to the success of all health
programs - No Product? No Program.
5Purpose of an Inventory Control System
- Know when to order or issue
- Know how much to order or issue
- Maintain appropriate stock levels of all products
to avoid stockouts and overstocking which can
lead to product loss due to expiry
6 Maximum/Minimum Stock Level
7Maximum/Minimum Inventory Control Systems
- All types of Max/Min inventory control systems
allow re-supply decisions based on need and take
into account established levels of safety stock -
- The difference between them is the point at which
an order is placed and which products are ordered
8Recommendations for ICS for ARV drugs and HIV
- Reduce the length of the supply pipeline
- Use forced ordering version of max/min inventory
control system - Implement a monthly reporting period and order
interval - In a new ART program, phase in the inventory
control system for second-line drugs. - Implement a mechanism for returning products for
rapid redistribution before expiry.
- Logistics Management Information Systems
- LMIS collects and reports logistics data on
commodity use and stock levels - Used for calculating re-supply quantities and
maintaining appropriate stock levels at
facilities - Requires routine reporting to ensure timely
re-supply - HMIS collects data on volume of services
provided, number of people or number of cases
treated - Used for program planning and management decisions
11A Logistics MIS
- Provides the data required to maintain the ICS
- Helps personnel collect and manage the
information necessary to support sound decision
making in managing the supply chain. - Consists of all forms and documentation used to
maintain records and produce reports on the
logistics system
12Key Decisions in Designing an LMIS
- What data to collect
- Format for data collection and reporting forms
- Routine data collection and reporting procedures
- Use of feedback reports
- Document how data will be used for decision making
13Three Essential Data Items
- Consumption
- Quantities of product used/dispensed-to-users
- Stock on Hand (SOH)
- Usable quantities of product in stock
- Losses/Adjustments
- Quantities of product that have been removed
from stock that were not consumption (e.g.
expired, defective, damaged, lost) - Quantities received from source other than
through the established supply pipeline (e.g.
transferred to/from another facility)
14LMIS Records and Reports
- Records
- Consumption records
- Stock-keeping records
- Transaction records
- Reports
- Forms and procedures for aggregating and
communicating data from lower levels to higher
levels in the system
15Recommendations for LMIS
- Link routine reporting to commodity ordering
- Avoid overburdening LMIS by collecting service
statistics or other data - Always collect and report dispensed-to-user data
for ARVs and usage data for HIV tests - Refrain from altering the content and formatting
of the LMIS to accommodate the funding mechanism.
16 Recommendations for LMIS ARV Drugs
- In addition to the three essential logistics data
items, collect and report on the number of new
and existing patients by treatment regimen. Use
these data for decision making. - If program reporting captures new patients,
provide worksheets to translate patient numbers
into product numbers. - Select and consistently use one unit for
recording and calculating order quantities.
17Recommendations for LMIS HIV Tests
- In addition to the three essential logistics
data, collect and report the total numbers of
tests used by purpose of use. - Use the individual test as the unit for recording
and reporting. - Manage consumable supplies for HIV testing
through the existing system for laboratory
- Analysis of LMIS Data Collection
- and Reporting Forms
19- Thanks again for your participation !