Title: Waterway Awareness
1 2Why a Program
- 9/11 Changed Recreational Boating
- Waterways could be a target
- U.S. Coast Guard requesting support by all
recreational boaters - Participate in the Program
- All boaters
- All waterways
3 Waterway Awareness Purpose
- Use the Eyes and Ears of Waterfront Users to
- Detect and
- Report suspicious activity.
- You Know What Is Normal and What Is Not
4Waterway Awareness Purpose
- We ask you to Adopt A Heightened Sense of
Sensitivity Toward Unusual Events or Individuals
you may encounter in or around -
5Common Sense Approach
- To protect our waterways
- Be alert
- Maintain a calm, common sense approach to
handling a threat - Heightened awareness communicates confidence
6What is Terrorism?
- Terrorism is a CRIME.
- It is not a crime to
- Have a strong set of beliefs that are outside
mainstream ideology. - Say something radical or inflammatory.
- Might target
- National policy
- Local community
- Business
- Ethnicity
- Members of any specialty group
8Terrorist Objectives
- Several immediate objectives
- terrorists groups will attempt to gain through
their acts - - Fear, Panic
- Disruption of services
- Demoralization, Intimidation
- Embarrassment of our leaders
- Media attention one of their most important
9Who Terrorists Attack
- Sometimes they choose victims they perceive as
enemies - Other times they choose victims without any
purpose - There are no innocent bystanders
10Who Terrorists Attack
- They always choose targets after careful
surveillance. - Select targets that seem weak or unprotected
- Look for targets where people are not alert
- Pick the target and method of attack that will
get them the greatest attention.
11Staying Alert
- How do we recognize the difference between normal
and abnormal behavior? - Know who your neighbors are
- Know what boats are normally in your marina, on
your waterways - Know what is appropriate in your marina
12Staying Alert
- Staying alert is not paranoia.
- Staying alert is being aware of ones
13 What is Suspicious Activity?
- Suspicious activity refers to, but is not
limited to - Activity which a reasonably prudent person would
consider out of the ordinary or unusual - Based on the facts and circumstances for that
- From a report by the Commandant of the US Coast
14 What are some Suspicious Activities?
- Unusual requests for information
- Unattended vessels or vehicles in unusual places
- Unusual diving activity
- Unusual night operations
- Operating in or passing through an area not
typical for such activity
15 What are some Suspicious Activities?
- Anchoring in an area not typically used for
anchorage - Light signals between vessels
- Recovering or tossing items in water
- Transfer of people or things between ships or
shore that seem unusual - Operating a vessel in an aggressive behavior
16 What are some Suspicious Activities?
- Unusual interest in high risk or symbolic targets
such as - Photographing
- surveillance camera(s)
- crash barriers at entrances
- bridge abutments
- access controls
17 What are some Suspicious Activities?
- Drawing/sketching diagrams
- Annotating maps
- Excessive use of binoculars or nightvision
18What are some Suspicious Activities?
- Unusual requests for information
- For example
- Asking questions regarding timing of bridge
openings - Asking about security system
19Sensitive Information
- Before giving out sensitive information
- Know the individual and know they have a need for
the information
20Where to look for Suspicious Activity?
- Under and around bridges, tunnels or overpasses
- Near commercial areas or services like
- a) Ports b) Security areas
- c) Public utility areas
- d) Fuel docks
- e) Cruise ships
- f) Marinas
21Where to look for Suspicious Activity?
- Near industrial facilities such as
- a) Power plants
- b) Oil, Chemical, or Water intake facilities
- Near military bases and vessels
- Government facilities or security zones.
22 Recognizing Suspicious Activity
- Not a hard science.
- You need to rely on judgment
- It comes down to
- Experience
- Judgment
- Common sense
23Be aware of
- Be aware of people
- Acting furtively and suspiciously
- Avoiding eye contact
- Darting quickly when seen or approached
- In places they do not belong
- Having trouble communicating why they are in
places where they do not belong - Overdressed for the weather.
24Pay attention to
- Visitors
- Arriving and leaving at unusual hours
- Trying not to be noticed
- Acting in a suspicious manner
- Parking in an unusual distance from facility
- Unusual number of unrelated people living
25Providing an Accurate Report
- A) What to report
- B) Who to call
- Two key elements in giving a good report are
- Accuracy
- Timeliness
- Accuracy means
- What you saw, nothing more
- Include the reason activity seemed suspicious
even if the - reason is It wasnt normal
- After a certain period of time, the suspicious
situation will change - People leave or possibly alter their appearance
- Report anything suspicious immediately after you
observe it happening. - VERY IMPORTANT
29What to Report?
- Provide details, create a word picture.
- Details carry weight
- Changeable details such as activity are
important, but may not be the same once the
officer arrives. - Permanent details are very important
30Reporting a Person
- Include
- Hair - color, length, facial hair
- Race
- Age
- Gender
- Size height, weight
- Clothing
- Distinguishing marks scars, tattoos
- Disabilities
31Reporting a Vessel
- Include
- Type Power, Sail, Cruiser, Runabout
- Model
- Color paint, markings
- Size length
- Visible body/hull damage
- Stickers
- Accessories antennas, flags
- Registration - number, State of registration
32Who to call?
- Emergency Call local emergency number
- Usually 911 or U.S. Coast Guard on VHF Channel
16 - Know in advance if you need to dial an access
number for an outside line - Non-Emergency call a non-emergency number. Know
number in advance. Do not tie up 911.
33US Coast GuardAmericas Waterway Watch
- 24 hour number hot line number
- 1-877-24-WATCH
- (1-877-249-2824)
- ---------------
- National Response Center number
- 1-800-424-8802