Title: Opening Ceremony
1Opening Ceremony
2 Sample Awana Schedule 615 Check-InAll
Clubs 630 635 Everyone in Gym Opening
Ceremony 640 705 Sparkies Handbook
Time 3-6th grade Girls Council Time 3-6th
grade Boys Game Time 710 735 Sparkies
Game Time 3-6th grade Girls Handbook
Time 3-6th grade Boys Council Time 740
805 Sparkies Council Time 3-6th grade
Girls Game Time 3-6th grade Boys Handbook
Time 810 815 All Closing Time
Awards 815 All Dismissal
3What to do before the Opening Ceremony
- Take Attendance
- Playground games
- Duck, duck, goose Simon says I-Spy Red Rover
- Shipwreck, Dodge Ball, Four Square
- Sit Down activities Pocket Scavenger Hunt
Bible Quiz Puzzles - Work on Handbook Sections
4The A D Sheet
This is a done each week by the Secretary of each
Scores are kept for one week. Winning team
receives prize at the end of club.
6Opening Ceremony
- Officially starts the meeting and establishes
- Might include any of the following
- Welcome - Recital of key verse
- Prayer - Announcements
- Flag Ceremony - Singing
- Awana Cheer
7Flag Ceremony
- Its purpose
- To demonstrate patriotism.
- To establish an atmosphere of discipline.
- Another reward (clubbers love to carry the
8Flag Ceremony
- The flag commands
- Attention
- Present colors
- Right hand salute
- Recite the flag pledge(s)
- Order arms
- Post colors
9Pledge to the AWANA Flag
- I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which
stands for the Awana Clubs, whose goal is to
reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ,
and train them to serve Him.
10Do You Know . . .
- The purpose of the flag ceremony?
- The pledge to the Awana flag?
- What part of the club night is it held?
- Who carries the flags?
- What else is going on?