Title: Economic Crash and Political Upheaval: 1890 1900
1Economic Crash and Political Upheaval 1890 - 1900
3The Country
- Changing economy
- Changing population
- Role of individual
4Urban Conditions
- Jacob Riis How The Other Half Lives
- Henry George Progress and Poverty
- An inquiry into the cause of industrial
depressions and of the increase of want with
increase of wealth... - Remedy?
5Urban Conditions - Reaction
- Settlement House
- Jane Addams
- Hull House
6Urban Conditions
- Social Gospel
- William Gladden - Applied Christianity
- C.S. Sheldon
- Pope Leo XIII - Rerum Novarum (Of New Things)
7Federal Surplus 1865-1901
8Role of Government?
- Whose money is it?
- Bystander or activist?
- Senator John Sherman
- What is an American?
- Image
- Reality
- Events in Europe
- Fear of radicals
- American Protective Association
10Political Reaction
- Populism
- Grange and Greenback failed
- Farmers Alliance
- Three groups
- Populist Party Peoples party
- James Weaver
11Popular Vote for Weaver 1892
12Economic Problems
- Panic of 1893
- 15,000 business failed
- Why?
- Reaction
- Coxeys Army
- Labor difficulties
13Labor Issues
- Homestead Steel Strike
- American Railway Union
14Recorded Mergers in Mining and Manufacturing
15Times are Changing
- 1883 - Civil Rights Act of 1875 -
unconstitutional - Fourteenth Amendment - only states
- Separate accommodation laws
- Grandfather clause
- Plessy vs. Ferguson - 1896
16Atlanta Compromise
- Booker T. Washington
- "In all things that are purely social we can be
as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand
in all things essential to mutual progress."
17Cross of Gold
William Jennings Bryan
Having behind us the producing masses of this
nation and the world, supported by the
commercial interests, the laboring interests and
the toilers everywhere, we will answer their
demand for a gold standard by saying to them
You shall not press down upon the brow of labor
this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify
mankind upon a cross of gold.
18Election of 1896
191892 versus 1896
20Turner Thesis
- Deeper significance of the frontier - effects of
this social recapitulation on the American
character - People came faster than expected
- 1890 Census frontier gone
- What next?
21Alfred Thayer Mahan
- The Influence of Sea Power upon History
- Great nations - sea powers
- Productive domestic economy
- Foreign commerce
- Strong merchant marine
- Navy defending trade routes
- Colonies and naval bases
22American Acquisitions in the Pacific
- Decade of change
- Some positive, some negative
- Realization
- Country was different
- Times were changing
- People needed to act, or did they?