Title: Dr' Dave Markward Superintendent
1A Multi-Level School District Program
for Continuous Improvement
- Dr. Dave Markward- Superintendent
- J. Jay Marino- Associate Superintendent
- Becky Martin- Continuous Improvement Facilitator
2Quick Facts
- 121 square miles
- 2,700 employees
- 17,500 students
- 19 Minority enrollment
- 38 Free/Reduced
- 33 attendance sites
- 170 million budget
- 56 formal school/business partnerships
- Iowas second largest school district
3From the front lines!
- Customers and stakeholders talk about our
continuous improvement journey
4(No Transcript)
5Aim of the Organization
Goals and Measures
6Examples of Aligned Arrows...
- Requisitions
- Employee Evaluation
- Hiring
- Curriculum (e.g. grade 3 math H.S. American
History) - Effective Instruction Strategies
- School Improvement Plans
7A Helpful Framework
- Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance
8The 7 Baldrige Categories
- Leadership
- Strategic Planning
- Student/Stakeholder Focus
- Information and Analysis
- Human Resource Focus
- Process Management
- Performance Results
The purpose of the QuickCheck is to provide a
quick evaluation of the school as a learning
system complete with an action plan for getting
My school works with stakeholders to develop a
mission statement that supports the district
mission. YES TBA
In the process
My school has goals that are measurable, publicly
displayed, and support district goals. YES
TBA Sometimes
- My school surveys our stakeholders to determine
the degree of satisfaction with our level of
performance. - YES TBA
- Sometimes
Results data are publicly displayed and used to
monitor our progress toward goals. YES
TBA In the process
- My school has created an environment in which we
are partners in our work and learning through - Collaboration designed to achieve common goals
- Shared ownership improvement goals
- Positive environment.
- Sometimes
My school works on continually improving
processes. We use a delta as well as other
quality tools to analyze performance and make
improvements. YES TBA
My school has data that indicate that we do well
compared to similar (then best)
schools/etc. YES TBA Sometimes
17Category 1Leadership
- Requires leaders to set and communicate direction
consistent with stakeholder
requirements - How do leaders set and communicate direction?
- How do leaders monitor progress?
- How do leaders model the use of the principles of
quality management?
18(No Transcript)
19Strategic Plan on a Page
20Dr. Doug Reeves
- During the course of every major change
initiative I have witnessed the words, I wish I
knew what was going on are at the root of
failures in translating leadership intent into
21(No Transcript)
22Administrator Feedback
- I support the Districts continuous improvement
efforts - YES (99)
- NO (0)
- The pace of our continuous improvement effort is
- Just Right (94)
- Too Fast (5)
- Too Slow (1)
23Staff Feedback
24Your Turn
Worksheet A
- 1.) Whats your plan on a page look like?
- Vision
- Mission
- Core Values
- Strategic Goals
- 2.) How does your organization
set and communicate direction
for whats important? - How do you communicate with
employees and get the message
25Once the vision is set, it must be communicated,
deployed supported
- Alignment tools (SIP Plans)
- Stakeholder feedback tools
26Aligning School Improvement Plans to the District
Strategic Plan
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S pecific, strategic M easurable A
ttainable R esults-oriented T ime-bound
29Worksheet B
30Action Plan
Worksheet C
31Getting deployment to all classrooms and all
employee groups
- Stakeholders need to be able to see it, hear it
and feel it before they can accomplish it - Tools for communicating direction
- SMART Goals, Action Plans, Quality Levels
32The 4 Quality Levels
Worksheet D
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42Data Center Examples
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45Customer Feedback Tools!
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54Quality Tools
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57Once direction has been set and communicated it
must be deployed and supported
- Supporting continuous improvement outcomes
58Multi-level Deployment
- Board of Education
- Superintendent Cabinet
- Office of Learning Leadership
- Monthly meetings
- Curriculum Seminars
- Area Education Agency
- Building Administrators
- Elementary, middle, high
- School Level
- Deployment teams
- Quality Liaisons
- District In-service
- Building request
59PDSA - Deployment Teams (265 Individuals/49
- Action Research Deployment Team Workshops
- Elementary
- 129 individuals / 24 teams
- -Middle School
- 42 individuals / 7 teams
- -High School
- 42 individuals / 4 teams
- -Support Services
- 52 individuals / 14 teams
60- PDSA Deployment Teams
- Set communicate direction at the
school/department level - Learn quality tools and the PDSA process
- Develop skills as a Building Leadership Team
61- Pre Planning Identification of Need
- 1. Develop/Review Student Learning Expectations
- 2. Examine alignment of learning expectations
with assessments - 3. Review assessment data
- 4. Identify areas of need based on assessment
- Plan
- 1. Describe the current process for addressing
the identified area of need (flow chart) - 2. Review data to determine baseline performance
in the specific area identified - (Run Chart/Pareto Diagram)
- 3. Identify potential root causes contributing
to the identified area of need - (Cause Effect Diagram, 5 Whys,
Relations Diagram) - 4. Study research-based best practice/improvement
theory addressing areas of need
Action Research Overview for Professional
Learning Communities
- DO
- 1. Plan for implementation of improvement theory
(Force Field Analysis, Action Plan) - 2. Implement research-based best practices
improvement theory based on root causes
according to the Action Plan - 3. Monitor the implementation of research-based
best practice/improvement theory to insure
integrity and fidelity4. Assess student learning
- Act
- 1. Standardize the implementation of
research-based best practice (improvement theory)
that improved student learning (revise the flow
chart to reflect changes made to the system) - 2. If improvement theory was unsuccessful
continue the PDSA cycle (try another improvement
theory based on the next identified root causes)
Worksheet G
Study 1. Examine student assessment results
(compare to baseline) 2. Assess the impact of
research-based best practice/improvement theory
on student achievement
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64Quality Liaison Network
- 81 Quality Liaisons
- Meet monthly
- Support continuous improvement at the building
and department level - Modeling PDSA, quality tools and
processes - Assisting with the deployment
of the 4 quality levels - Building internal capacity and
65Staff Development Workshops
- Leading Continuous Improvement in the School (30
hour) - Data Centers/Folders
- Quality Classroom Level 1
- Data Centers/Folders Quality Tools
- 5 District Quality Trainers
66Support Service Departments
- Department Leadership Teams (DLTs)
- Employees within effective departments
- Know what is most important in the department
- Recognize how their work directly
contributes to the Department
Plan on a Page - Understand how progress will be
measured toward the Department
Plan on a Page.
67(No Transcript)
68(Department Mission Statement Here)
(Department SMART Goals Here)
69An Example
70Web Site Support
71Your Turn
- 3.) How does your organization deploy to all
departments, work areas and all employee groups? - How do you execute the
vision, mission, core values
and goals?
Worksheet A
72How Will We Measure Our Progress?
73Deployment Instrument
Worksheet F
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75Worksheet E
76Balanced Scorecard
- 1.B Increase of 2nd grade students reading
at/above grade level by the end of 2nd grade - 2.A Increase of students satisfied with
school as measured by the annual student
satisfaction survey - 3.C Increase number of National Board Certified
Teachers - 4.K Decrease student transfers out of
district/increase student transfers into district
- 5.C Increase number of employees giving to United
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80Student Enthusiasm
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84Elementary Example
- Action Research Deployment Team
- Math Computation During the 2006-2007 school
year, the percentage of students scoring in the
high and intermediate math total proficiency
levels will increase by 5 as measured by the
district math assessments and ITBS. - Classroom Goal Data Center
- Student Data Folder
85Classroom Data Center
Math Computation During the 2006-2007 school
year, the percentage of students scoring in the
high and intermediate math total proficiency
levels will increase by 5 as measured by the
district math assessments and ITBS.
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88Your Turn
Worksheet A
- 4.) How does your organization measure progress
toward the plan on a page? - How do you know if you are making progress toward
the vision, mission,
core values and goals?
89Pulling It All Together
- Using the Communicating Direction
Progress Planning Matrix
Worksheet A
- Dr. Dave Markward, Superintendent
- dmarkward_at_cr.k12.ia.us
- Becky Martin, Continuous Improvement Facilitator
- rmartin_at_cr.k12.ia.us
- Jay Marino, Associate Superintendent for
Organizational Effectiveness and Accountability - jmarino_at_cr.12.ia.us
- View this presentation online at-