Title: <div id="saleslander">
1ltdiv id"saleslander"gt ltdiv class"inner clear
fix"gt ltspan class"icon"gtlt/spa
ngt lth1gtsebco.eultspangt
is for sale!lt/spangtlt/h1gt lth3gtBuying t
his domain means full control and ownership.lt/h3gt
ltdiv class"domain_actions"gt
ltdiv class"box_payments"gt
ltpgtPrice in
Wordsltbr/gtltbgtnine hundred and ninety-ninelt/bgtlt/pgt
Punycodeltbr/gtltb class"punycode"gtsebco.eult/bgtlt/pgt
ltpgtPayment optionslt/pgtltp
class"paymentimg"gt ltimg style
"border0" src"http//www.sebco.eu/images/payme
nt/visa.png" alt"Buy and register a domain with
VISA" title"Buy and register a domain with VISA"
/gt ltimg style"border0" src
" alt"Buy and register a domain with Mastercard"
title"Buy and register a domain with Mastercard"
/gt ltimg style"height30px" s
alt"JCB" title"JCB" /gt ltimg
style"height32pxborder0" src"http//www.sebc
o.eu/images/payment/amex.png" alt"American
Express" title"American Express" /gt
ltimg style"height30px"
.png" alt"Diners Club" title"Diners Club" /gt
ltimg src"http//www.sebco.eu/
images/payment/sofort.png" alt"Buy and register
a domain with SOFORT banking" title"Buy and
register a domain with SOFORT banking" /gt
ltimg style"height30pxborder
0" src"http//www.sebco.eu/images/payment/bank_
transfer.png" alt"Buy and register a domain with
SEPA TRANSFER (IBAN/BIC)" title"Buy and register
a domain with SEPA TRANSFER (IBAN/BIC)" /gt
lt/pgt lt/divgt
onsubmit"return submitForm(this)"
action"https//www.golem.eu" method"POST"gt
ltinput type'hidden'
name"buy" value"sebco.eu" /gt
ltinput type'hidden' name"09b88a2862372f18bac9a
eced4e210117d67e766" value"1" /gt
ltdiv class"box_buy clearfix"
gt ltp id"buy_price" class
"formatcurrency buy_price" data-currency"euro"
gt999lt/pgt ltinput type"subm
it" name"btn_buy" value"Buy Domain"
class"button button_buy_it_now"/gt
lt/divgt lt/formgt
ltdiv class"box_buy_info" gt
ltpgtA purchase
includeslt/pgt ltulgt
ltligtltspangt100 Secure
Transferlt/spangt through GOLEM Domain Escrow
Service.lt/ligt ltligtltspangt10
0 Money Back Guaranteelt/spangt if the seller
fails to transfer the domain.lt/ligt
ltligtltspangtBe immediate
owner by contractlt/spangt through a Buy Now
purchase.lt/ligt lt/ulgt
lt/divgt ltdiv class"
box_bid_info" style"display none"gt
ltpgtA purchase includeslt/pgt
ltulgt ltligtltspan
gt100 Secure Transferlt/spangt through GOLEM Domain
Escrow Service.lt/ligt ltligtltspan
gt100 Money Back Guaranteelt/spangt if the seller
fails to transfer the domain.lt/ligt
ltligtltspangtBe immediate owner
by contractlt/spangt through a Buy Now
purchase.lt/ligt lt/ulgt lt
/divgt lt/divgtlt!-- end .domain_actions --gt
lt/divgt lt/divgt ltdiv id"contentDomain"gt ltdiv
class"inner clearfix"gt ltul class"salesl
ander_stats"gt ltligtltspan class"views"gt
nbsplt/spangt Visitors last 31 days ltspangt
n/alt/spangtlt/ligt ltligtltspan class"pager
ank"gtnbsplt/spangt PageRankltspangt 0lt/spangt
lt/ligt ltligtltspan class"bids"gtnbsplt/s
pangt Interested personsltspangt n/alt/spangt lt/ligt
ltligtltspan class"installment"gtnbsplt/
spangt Installment optionltspangt Nolt/spangtlt/ligt
lt/ulgt ltul class"saleslander_stats
"gt ltligtltspan class"rating"gtnbspnbs
pnbsplt/spangt Seller rating ltspangtVerified
amp Reliablelt/spangt lt/ligt ltligtltspan
Transfer method ltspangtEscrow Service (100
Secure)lt/spangt lt/ligt lt/ulgt lt/divgt lt/d
ivgt ltscript type"text/javascript" gt //lt!CDAT
A var JText SALES_MIN_BID " ",
var validator_messages
minvalue "", maxvalue "", requir
ed "" function submitForm(form)
if (!(form).valid()) return fa
lse return true (d
ocument).ready(function () (".checkamo
unt").checkamount() ('bid_buy_now').cli
ck(function () ('.box_bid_info').hi
de() ('.box_buy_info').show()
('.box_bid').hide() ('.box_b
uy').show() return false )
('buy_bid_now').click(function ()
return false ) )
//gt lt/scriptgt