Title: Geometric Pattern Matching in 3D space
1Geometric Pattern Matching in 3D space
2Geometric Matching ofPoint Clouds
Two input sets
Two sets after superimposition
3Matching objects in Computer Vision
4Protein basics
From Sequence
To Structure
5A protein chain
- Input protein sequence
- Output protein structure
Unfolded protein Denaturate state
Folded protein Native state
6Protein Structure Alignment
Human Hemoglobin alpha-chain pdb1jebA
Human Myoglobin pdb2mm1
Another example G-Proteins 1c1yA,
1kk1A6-200 Sequence id 18 Structural id 72
7Continuity Constraint
- Given two objects A and B
- If point P and Q of A are matched to point P abd
Q of B then - If P lt P then it must also be Q lt Q
- ( lt stands for preceds)
- Translation
- Translation and Rotation
- Rigid Motion (Euclidian Trans.)
- Translation, Rotation Scaling
9Inexact Matching Simple case two closely sets
with the same number of points .
Assume transformation T is given
Question how to measure an alignment error?
( by Prof. Haim Wolfson).
10Distance Functions
- Two point sets Aai i1n
- Bbj j1m
- Pairwise Correspondence
- (ak1,bt1) (ak2,bt2) (akN,btN)
(1) Exact Matching aki bti0
(2) Bottleneck max aki bti (3) RMSD
(Root Mean Square Distance) Sqrt(
Saki bti2/N)
11Hausdorff DistanceAnother distance function
- Let A a1, a2, ..., am B b1, b 2, ..., bn
be sets of either points or segments. - Definition. (Hausdorff Distance)
- H(A, B) max (h(A, B), h(B, A))
- where the one-way Hausdorff distance is
- h(A, B) maxa minb r (a, b)
- where a (b) is a point of A (B) and r (a, b), is
a metric.
12Correspondence is Unknown
Given two configurations of points in the
three dimensional space,
find those rotations and translations of one
of the point sets which produce large
superimpositions of corresponding 3-D
13Largest Common Point Set (LCP) problem
Given egt0 and two point sets A and B find a
transformation T and equally sized subsets A (a
subset of A) and B (a subset of B) of maximal
cardinality such that dist(A,T(B)) e.
Bottleneck metric optimal solution in O(n32.5)
C. Ambuhl et al. 2000
RMSD metric open problem
14Exact solution in 2Dusing Hausdorff Distance
- This problem is generally solved as a problem of
intersection of unions of disks in the
transformation space. - Time complexity O( m3 n3 log2nm) in R2
15Two instances of the problem
- Similarity of the two sets of atoms with known
correspondences - Aai , Bbi , i1,,n
- ai ?? bi
- Similarity of the two sets of atoms with unknown
correspondences - Aai , Bbj , i1,,n j1,,m
- ai(k) ?? bj(k) k1,,Kltn,m
16 Superposition RMSD
- Given two sets of 3-D points with known
correspondences - Aai , Bbi , i1,,n
- find a 3-D rotation R and translation T that
minimizes - D2minR,T Si Rai T - bi 2
- RMSDD / sqrt(n)
- A closed form solution exists for this task.
17Orthogonal Procrustes problem
- The Solution is based on Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) of the correlation matrix A
of the points - Aij Sk ak ibk j
- where ak i is the ith component of the vector
ak - The solution involves eigenvalue analysis of a
correlation matrix of the points.
18Finding Correspondences
- Geometric Hashing, Indexing (Wolfson et al., 1998)
19Hashing function
- From an Object
- To invariant Features
- To t-ples of numbers
- To indeces
- Use the t indeces to access a t-dimensional hash
20Indexing Methodsfor Fast retrieval of 3D
- Select a set of target objects
- Create and store a hash table indexed by
invariant geometric properties of the selected
objects - Update the databases as new objects are found
- Use the table to identify the most similar
object for a target object.
21Reference Frame
- A 3-D reference frame (r. f.) can be defined by
three non collinear points - Invariant
- the coordinates of any other point in the r.f.
22Geometric Hashing PreprocessingTable
- Pick a reference frame.
- Compute the coordinates of all the other points
in this reference frame. - Use the triplet of coordinate as an index to
the hash (look-up) table and record in that entry
the record - (object, ref. Frame)
- Repeat above steps for each reference frame.
23Geometric Hashing - Recognition
- For the target object do
- Pick a reference frame satisfying pre-specified
- constraints.
- Compute the coordinates of all other points in
- the current reference frame.
- Use each coordinate to access the hash-table
- to retrieve all the records (prot., r.f., shape
- sign., pt.).
24Geometric Hashing - Recognition
- For records with matching shape sign. vote for
the (object, r.f.). - Compute the transformations of the high
scoring hypotheses. - Repeat the above steps for each r.f.
25Complexity of Geometric Hashing
- Preprocessing
- O(Nn4)
- Match Detection/Recognition
- O(Rns).
- N- number of objetcs.
- O(n)- no. of features in an object.
- s - size of a hash-table entry.
- R size of the hash table
26Shape histograms
Based on a partition of the space in which the
objects/molecules reside, i.e. a decomposition
into cells corresponding to the histogram bins.
Shell bins
Sector bins Combined bins
27Euclidean Distance
- Given two N-dimensional vectors p and q
- deuclid(p, q) S i1,N (pi qi)2 (pq)
28Shortcomings of Euclidean distance
29Example Proteins
30Quadratic distance
- If AI then the quadratic distance coincides with
the Euclidean distance
31Similarity Weights
- Setting the elements of A
- d(i,j) represents the distance of bins i and j
- The higher s the more similar A to I
32Generalization of geometric histogram Shape
- build shape distributions from 3D polygonal
models and compute a measure of their
dissimilarities. - Shape matching problem is reduced to sampling,
normalization, and comparison of probability
33Shape DistributionSelecting a Shape Function
- A3 Measures the angle between three random
points on the surface of a 3D model. - D1 Measures the distance between a fixed point
and one random point on the surface. We use the - centroid of the boundary of the model as the
fixed point. - D2 Measures the distance between two random
points on the surface. - D3 Measures the square root of the area of the
triangle between three random points on the
surface. - D4 Measures the cube root of the volume of the
tetrahedron between four random points on the - surface.
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35Three steps
- 1) to select discriminating shape functions
- 2) to efficiently construct shape functions for
each 3D model, - 3) to compute a dissimilarity measure for pairs
of distributions.
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37Experimental Results
Plot of D2 values scaled to align their mean