Title: WATER: Necessity of Life by Debbie Purcell
1WATER Necessity of Lifeby Debbie Purcell
2Water Usage
Each person in the U.S. uses about 150 gallons
of water a day for drinking, cooking, bathing,
flushing the toilet, laundry, washing cars, and
watering lawns. Water treatment facilities have
the tremendous responsibility of supplying clean
drinkable water to a town, city, or community.
Water facilities measure water in cubic feet
whereas, we usually measure water in gallons.
3Smyrna Water Treatment
- Pretreatment
- Coagulation/
- Flocculation
- Filtration
- Disinfection
4Manager Chris Lambert received praise of Best
run facility in the state.
5Water Treatment Coagulation
Randy Jones Chris Lambert watch the process of
Surface water usually has a lot of suspended and
dissolved matter. Coagulation facilitates the
removal of small, non-settleable solids.
Water passes through beds of sand, anthracite
coal, granular activated carbon, or a
combination to remove particle impurities.
- Destroy disease-causing organisms,
- pathogens, only
- Technology determines the amount of chemicals
to make water safe.
8Murfreesboro Water Sewer Dept.
Asst. Dir. Gene Casto demonstrates the
coagulation process at the Murfreesboro Water
9Murfreesboro Water Plant
Assistant Director Gene Casto
This filtration room equipment to soon be
replaced with newer technology, a membrane
filtration system.
10Murfreesboro customers use an average of
10,000,000 gallons of potable water a day.
Subjected to chemical treatment, sedimentation,
filtration, and disinfection to be ready for
human consumption. Substantial capital is
invested in treatment plant, storage,
chemicals, distribution, highly skilled labor.
11Murfreesboros Wastewater
Wastewater is not just sewage.
- All water used in the home that goes
- down the drains or into sewage system
- Average American contributes 265-
- 568 liters (66-192 gallons) each day.
- Wastewater is about 99 water by
- weight.
13Dewatering Press
First in the U.S. to implement the rotator
dewatering presses.
14Returned to Source
- Physical removal of floatable/settleable solids
- Biological removal of dissolved solids
- Disinfect using chlorine
- Release into Stones River
15Repurified Water
- New 500,000 gallon reuse water tank
- Allocated for irrigation at Old Fort Golf Course
and Medical Center Parkway
16Consolidated Utility District
David Jones (Sandfilter Operations) Larry
McElroy, General Manager
- Largest utility district in the state
- Supplies potable water to rural
- customers
17Advantages of Recirculating Sand Filters
- Effective land use
- Less capital cost
- Relative low maintenance
- Energy efficient
- Reliable
- Resilient
- Essentially order
- free
18State Aquatic Biology Department
Tennessee Department of Health
19Water Pollution Control
Biologist, Pat Alicia, performs a
macroinvertebrate stream survey.
20What are stream surveys?
- Collect spring, lake, river samples
- Identify macroinvertebrates
- Examine aquatic specimens
- Count number of specimens in each
- stage
- Record for comparison with past/
- future samplings.
21Biologist, Pat Alicia examines
aquatic specimens to determine how polluted or
clean a stream is.
22Fleming Training Center
Trains water operators to be certified
licensed by state to operate water wastewater
treatment plants
23Training Supervisor, Randy Jones figures chemical
Demonstrates coagulation test
24Awareness Training at MTSU
Center of Environment Ed.
Laura McCall
25 Dr. Kathy Mathis admires new pervious
concrete used in parking lot.
26Environmental Education
Dr. Padgett Kelly brings classes to nearby
streams ponds.
27Performance Objective
- TSW learn different water usages
- TSW analyze data
- TSW display data in chart/graph form
- TSW keep a daily personal water usage record.
- TSW calculate total daily usage.
- TSW construct charts graphs
- TSW display collected data in various chart/graph
forms. - TSW analyze interpret data
29Personal Water Meter
- Drinking water 1 cup or 1/8 gallon
- Flushing toilet 5 gallons
- Brushing teeth 2 gallons (running)
- Dishwasher 20 gallons (/ family)
- Dish washing (by hand) 30 gallons
- Load of laundry 40 gallons
- Shower/bath 5 gallons per minute
- Student keeps a record of his/her water usage for
2 3 days in a frequency chart. - Student calculates amount of water for each usage
based on Personal Water Meter (previous slide). - Student calculates total usage.
- Student determines of each usage.
- Students construct and display usage in bar and
circle graphs.
- Accuracy of chart
- Graph correctness according to data used
- Correct labeling of graph
- Consolidated Utility District of Rutherford
County - Larry McElroy
- lcmcelroy_at_cudrc.com
- Fleming Training Center
- Randal Jones
- randal.H.Jones_at_state.tn.us
- MTSU Center for Environmental Education
- Laura Jennings McCall Dr. Padgett Kelly
- lmccall_at_mtsu.edu
33- MTSU Center for Environmental Science
- Dr. Kathy Mathis
- Murfreesboro Water Sewer Department
- M. E. Casto
- Smyrna Treatment Plant
- Chris Lambert
- State Aquatic Biology Department
- Pat Alicia