Title: Radiant Fluxes
1Radiant Fluxes
Sd - Solar Diffuse
Sb - Solar Beam
La Sky Thermal
Loe Emitted Outgoing Thermal
Sr - Solar Reflected
Lg Ground Thermal
2Calculating Zenith Angle
- What is the zenith angle?
- Angle of sun with respect to a horizontal plane
on the earths surface - Other angles Elevation angle (90 zenith)
- Azimuth angle sun direction with respect to
cardinal directions - Calculating zenith angle
- Parameters
- Longitude
- Standard time
- Calendar day
- Solar Declination Position of the sun with
respect to the equator
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4Calculating Zenith Angle
- - Zenith angle
- f - latitude
- d - solar declination
J Julian Day of year
Zenith angle Y
LC Longitudinal Correction ET Equation of time
5Calculating Longitudinal Correction and Equation
of Time
Longitudinal Correction 1/15 for each degree
east of std Meridian, -1/15 for each degree
west of std meridian Std. Meridian 0, 15,
30,,345 Example What is LC for Pullman
with 117.2 Longitude? Std. Meridian 120 .
Thus, 117.2 is east of 120 by 2.8 so LC
2.8(1/15)0.19 hours
ET (Equation of Time) Calculation Where f
279.575 0.9856 J J Calendar day of year
6Spo Extraterrestrial Radiation (1360 W m-2) Sp
Direct Irradiance on a perpendicular surface Sb
Beam Radiation (Horizontal Surface) Sd
Diffuse Radiation St Total Radiation (direct
m optical air mass
7Sources of Radiation Inputs and Outputs
8Solar Irradiance with Zenith Angle
9Solar Radiation under Cloudy Conditions
10Finding Longwave Emissivities and Shortwave
11Example Calculation
Calculate all the inputs and outputs of radiation
above a grass surface during the night, on a
clear day at 1030 am on June 19 in Pullman (Lat
46.77 and Lon 117.2), and on a cloudy day.
Assume ground and sky temperatures are both 10 C
at night and 20 C and during the day, and the
object surface temperature is 27 C.
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14Analysis of View Factors
Object A
Object B
FA-B 1 FB-A AreaB/AreaA
15Calculating View Factors
16Analysis of View Factor for Objects
17Putting it all together!!
- The radiation energy balance
- The absorbed radiation
- Question Why does the equation use Sp not Sb?