Title: ThailandEC Cooperation TEC Facility Programme
1Thailand-EC Cooperation (TEC) Facility Programme
- Information session
- Chiengmai and Khon Kaen
- 4 and 5 February 2008
- Introduction
- Results of the Small Projects Facility Programme
- Overview of the TEC Facility Call for Proposals
- Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants
- Actions
- Costs
- Evaluation of Applications
- Feedback to Applicants
- Further Information
3Introduction 01
- The objective of the programme is to strengthen
and diversify the relationship between the
European Community and Thailand in a wide range
of areas to deepen the economic, political and
cultural partnership between the EU and Thailand. - The project purpose is to improve the mutual
understanding and joint visibility of the EU and
Thailand by promoting civil society dialogue and
facilitating interactions in the areas of - Lot 1 Trade and investment, integration into
the regional and world economy - Lot 2 Science and technology, research and
higher education and - Lot 3 Environment
4Introduction 02
- Mechanism for achieving the goals of the
programme - Demand-driven approach
- Funds delivered through competitive Calls for
Proposals - Open to eligible Thailand-based organisations
- Small, limited-duration projects
- Strategic importance and mutual interest to
Thailand and the EU - 1 Call for Proposals with two (2) deadlines in
2008 with total EU funding of 2.6 million.
- 28 grants awarded
- CfP 2005 18 CfP 2006 10
- Total value of projects 5 365 531.63
- Total EC contribution 3 865 117.14 (72)
- Beneficiaries contribution 1 500 414.49 (28)
6SPF Grants by sector of activities
Food Safety 7 projects
Other EU regulations/ WTO regulations 9
New products/ market development 8
Energy 4 projects
7TEC FacilityCall for Proposals 01
- Details of Call for Proposals
- Call published 17 September 2007
- Indicative EC contribution 2.6 million (Bt 125
M) - All information in Guidelines for Applicants
- All information on the website
- http//www.deltha.ec.europa.eu/home.htm
8Call for Proposals 01
9Call for Proposals 01
10Call for Proposals 02
- Indicative allocation of funds by lot
distribution - Lot 1 Trade and Investment, integration into the
regional an world economy EUR 1 200 000 - Lot 2 Science and Technology, research and
higher education EUR 700 000 - Lot 3 Environment EUR 700 000
11Call for Proposals 03
- 2 Deadlines for Applications
- Monday 07 January 2008
- 1600 hours Bangkok local time
- Tuesday 06 May 2008
- 1600 hours Bangkok local time
- Applications submitted after the second deadline
will be automatically rejected
12Call for Proposals 04
- Size of grants
- Any grant awarded under this programme must fall
between the following minimum and maximum
amounts - minimum amount EUR 30 000
- maximum amount EUR 200 000
- In addition, no grant may exceed 75 of the total
eligible costs of the action (see also section
2.1.4). The balance must be financed from the
applicant's or partners' own resources, or from
sources other than the European Community budget
or the European Development Fund.
13Call for Proposals 05
- Duration of actions 18 months
- Actions should take place in Thailand
- Applicants may submit more than one proposal
- Applicant may be awarded more than one grant
14Eligibility criteria
- There are three sets of eligibility criteria,
relating to - organisations which may request a grant (the
applicants) - actions for which a grant may be awarded
- types of cost which may be taken into account in
setting the amount of the grant.
15Applicants 01
- To be eligible, applicants must
- be non-profit-making legal entities and
- be Thailand based (i.e. legally registered in
Thailand) - be Trade Intermediaries, Public Administrations
or civil society and - have their headquarters in the European Union or
Thailand and - be directly responsible for preparing and
managing the action, - have capacity to manage the action proposed
16Applicants 02
- Potential applicants may not participate in calls
for proposals or be awarded grants if - they are bankrupt or being wound up..
- they have been convicted of an offence concerning
professional conduct.. - they are guilty of grave professional
misconduct. -
- See Guidelines for Applicants for full details
17Applicants 03
- Applicants may act individually or in consortium
with partner organisations. - Preference for partners to enhance EU-Thai
dimension. - Other organisations Associates do not receive
funding from the grant.
18Applicants 04
- Applicants (lead organisation)
- Partners
- Design implement the action
- Have the same qualifications as the applicants
except location of HQs - Costs incurred by Partners are eligible costs
- Associates (cannot receive funding)
- Subcontractors (subject to procurement rules and
20 of contract value)
19Types of action 01
- Eligible types of action
- training, educational and capacity building
activities - studies
- media events and media products
- business-related research activities (provided
they are non-profit making) - conferences, seminars and workshops (provided
they are not individual sponsorships) - other activities that promote the image of the EU
and Thailand as models or examples of best or
unique practice.
20Types of action 02
- The following types of action are ineligible
- individual scholarship / sponsorships for
workshops, seminars, studies, training. - activities in the scope of other EU-Thai
co-operation programmes (Asia Invest, etc) - initiatives which are the normal preserve of the
regular bilateral contacts between Thailand and
individual Member States of the EU - humanitarian or emergency assistance activities
- revenue-producing activities, including
feasibility studies and market research which are
the normal prelude to commercial ventures - profit-making activities (feasibility study)
21Lot 1 Trade and investment, integration into the
regional and world economy - 01
- Eligible Actions must fall into the following
areas/themes - Areas covered by EU legislations which may affect
bilateral trade and investment - -environment (WEEE/ROHS)
- -food safety (Hygiene, EU food law)
- -product safety (CE)
- -chemicals (REACH)
- -energy (EUP)
- - etc.
22Lot 1 Trade and investment, integration into the
regional and world economy - 02
- Issues related to the preparation of the
ASEAN-EU FTA - The objective is to increase the private sectors
understanding on the implications resulting from
of multilateral, regional or bilateral trade
liberalisation. Activities may take the form of
small-scale technical assistance, seminars,
workshops, conferences and research initiatives
which should lead to recommendations to
authorities. Possible topics can relate to issues
currently under negotiation or issues that might
be negotiated in the future.
23Lot 1 Trade and investment, integration into the
regional and world economy - 03
- 3. Support to market development (Activities
increasing networking and mutual co-operation
among EU and Thai trade intermediaries
Activities increasing awareness of the EU in
Thailand Organisational skills and networking
capacity Business and strategy management
technical training market access, product
marketing, manufacturing, technology, research
development) - All actions should include a EU-Thailand
dimension. -
24Lot 2 Science and technology, research and
higher education - 01
- Support for sciences and technology and research
exchanges establishing areas of collaboration in
high quality and international standards and
qualifications - Activities should focus on enforcing
partnerships and establishing mechanisms for the
exchange of - science/technology information, and
- know-how and best practices,
- between higher education institutions and the
scientific communities of both partners. -
25Lot 2 Science and technology, research and
higher education - 02
- Institutional development to enhance mobility and
Quality Assurance Systems (QA). - Activities should retain diversity and
strengthen EU-Thailand collaboration, with an
ASEAN regional perspective. Activities could
focus on the - implementation of Credit Transfer Systems and
mutual recognition of degrees - enforcement of existing QA or introduction of new
QA in priority areas where such do not already
exist - development of a common platform for higher
education development -
26Lot 2 Science and technology, research and
higher education - 03
- Human Resources Development to upgrade the skills
of university staff and administrators so that
Thai universities can better integrate the
internationalisation programmes. - Activities could focus on capacity building in
- research planning,
- international liaison, and
- knowledge-based management
27Lot 3 Environment - 01
- Capacity building for environmental integration,
including capacity to - integrate the environment in national and
regional (ASEAN) development strategies and
improve environmental policy analysis - start implementing obligations and commitments
under global or regional environmental
conventions, initiatives and processes and - strengthen natural resources research and
management. -
28Lot 3 Environment - 02
- 2. Contribution to Multilateral Environmental
Agreements (MEAs) implementation, for example - Climate change activities that will increase
knowledge and facilitate the development of
mitigation measures (e.g. GHG emission
reduction/CDM projects) and adaptation measures. - Sound chemicals and wastes management - Basel
Convention on hazardous wastes, the Rotterdam and
Stockholm Conventions on chemicals Management -
29Costs 01
- Only eligible Costs can be taken into account for
a grant. These costs must - be necessary for carrying out the action
- Comply with the principles of sound financial
management - have actually been incurred
- be recorded in the Beneficiarys accounts or tax
documents, - be identifiable and verifiable, and be backed by
originals of supporting documents.
30Cost 02
- Examples of eligible direct costs are
- the cost of staff assigned to the action
- travel and subsistence costs for staff taking
part in the action - the cost of purchasing equipment
- the cost of consumables and supplies
- subcontracting expenditure
- Costs arising from the requirements of the
contract - See Guidelines for Applicants for full details
31Costs 03
- Eligible indirect costs (overheads)
- A lump sum not exceeding 7 of the total direct
eligible costs of the Action - to cover the administrative overheads incurred to
implement the Action. - Cannot include costs assigned to another heading
of the contract budget. - No contingencies foreseen under this programme.
32Costs 04
- In kind contribution
- Can be made by the Beneficiary or the partners
- If any, it has to be listed in the annex of the
contract - Is NOT an eligible cost
33Submission 01
- Submission of Applications
- Download application form and annexes from
Thailand-EC Cooperation Facility website
www.deltha.ec.europa.eu - Applications must be typewritten
- Application must be in English.
34Submission 02
- Sending of the applications
- Applications in a sealed envelope, must show
- the reference number and title of the call for
proposals - title and number of lot
- the full name and address of the applicant
- the words not to be opened before the opening
session and ??????????????????????????????
35Submission 03
- by registered mail, courier or by hand-delivery
to - Delegation of the European Commission to Thailand
- Kian Gwan House II, 19th Floor
- 140/1 Wireless Road, Lumpini
- Bangkok 10330, Thailand
- Applications by fax or e-mail or to other
addresses are not acceptable - Applications must be submitted in one original
and three copies. - Concept note, application form, budget and
logical framework also in electronic format on
36Envelope Sample
Ref. No. EuropeAid/126031/L/ACT/TH
Delegation of the European Commission to
Thailand Kian Gwan House II, 19th Floor 140/1
Wireless Road Lumpini Bangkok 10330,
Thailand "Not to be opened before the opening
session" ??????????????????????????????
(Applicants full name and address of the
applicant) (Title and number of lot)
37Evaluation 01
- Applications will be examined and evaluated by
the European Commission according to 4 steps
38Feedback 01
Provisional date. All times are in the time zone
of the country of the Contracting Authority
39Feedback 02
- What will happen if your application is chosen
for fundingĀ ? - you will be offered a contract
- Details will be negotiated based on the findings
of the Evaluation Committee - Signature of the grant contract
- Following signature, 80 of the Commission grant
will be paid as advance - The remaining 20 will be paid after EC approval
of a final report
40Lessons learned
- Main reasons of rejection
- At the administrative evaluation
- Proposal not submitted by registered mail
- Proposal not submitted in English
- Supporting documents not submitted
- Supporting documents not submitted in original or
certified copies - Supporting documents not submitted in English
- Partnership statement and declaration by the
applicant not filled and/or signed - Applicant and/or partners not eligible
- Themes of the proposed action not eligible
41Lessons learned
- At the technical evaluation
- Proposal not relevant to the priorities of the
programme - Target groups not enough defined
- No European Thai dimension
- Other proposal with the same objective gets
higher scores
42Conclusion 01
- Next Steps
- Begin preparing an application for the Call
- Review the Guidelines for Applicants
- Carefully complete the checklist before
submitting your proposal - Contact the delegation staff for further
43Conclusion 02
- The Delegation staff can
- Inform on details of Call for Proposals
- Advise on how to complete applications
- _________
- The Delegation staff cannot
- discuss details of individual applications
44Further Information
- Question and Answer session.
- Subsequent questions may be sent by e-mail or by
fax no later than 21 days before the deadline for
the receipt of proposals - E-mail address delegation-thailand-FCS_at_ec.europa.
eu - Fax 66-2-2559113
- Replies will be sent no later than 11 days before
the deadline for the receipt of proposals. - Questions that may be relevant to other
applicants, together with the answers, will be
published regularly on the internet at
45- Thank You For Your Attention