Title: Magnetic Properties
1Magnetic Properties
2Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
Magnetic Dipole moment of an electron in an
atomic orbit ??
3Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
d A
d l
4Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
5Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
- What happens to the magnetic dipole moment of the
circulating electron in a constant magnetic
field? - The field produces a torque ? m ? B on each
dipole - Purely precessional motion
6Larmor Precession
- Frequency of precession Larmor frequency ?p
- Angular momentum
- L p m ?p lt r2gt
- (eB/2) lt r2gt
7Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
- The magnetic moment due to the precession is
mp-(e/2m) Lp. - Total magnetization of a sample
- (No. of atoms) ? (No. of electrons/atom) ? mp
8Langevins Theory of Diamagnetism
- M - N Z (e/2m) (eB/2) lt r2gt B ?0H
- ? M/H - ?0N Z (e2/4m). lt r2gt
9Finding ltr2gt
- lt r2gt is the mean square distance of the
electron from the axis through the nucleus and
parallel to the field
- Mean square
- radius of the
- electron orbit
10Finding ltr2gt
- ltx2gtlty2gtltz2gt(1/3) lt?2gt for a spherically
symmetric charge distribution
- ltr2gtltx2gtlty2gt(2/3) lt?2gt
- ? - ?0N Z (e2/6m). lt?2gt
11The diamagnetic susceptibility
- does not depend on temperature
- Is very small because lt?2gt is very small
- is a property of all matter
12Merit of the Theory
- Langevins theory explains for all the major
properties of diamagnetic materials
- The atom as a whole does not have a permanent
magnetic moment - Magnetization is produced by the effect of the
externally applied magnetic field on the
circulating electron
- Each atom has a permanent magnetic dipole moment
- Each dipole has an energy of m.B
- which is m B cos ??
- Energy is minimum when m is parallel to B
14Two mechanisms at work
- Effect of the field is to cause a precession of
the magnetic moment about the field. - Precession cannot change the angle between B and
- How do the magnets align to the external field?
Thermal vibrations
15Two mechanisms at work
The magnetic field tends to align the dipole
Thermal vibrations tend to randomize the dipoles
Total Magnetization ?? (component of the dipole
moment in the direction of the field) X (No. of
dipoles which have this orientation wrt the field)
16A classical theory for Paramagnetism
Component of the dipole in the direction of the
field is m cos ?
Energy E -m B cos ?
dE m B sin ? d ?
17A classical theory for Paramagnetism
No of dipoles which have an energy between E and
E dE No. of dipoles which have an orientation
between ? and d?
dn c exp(-E/kBT) dE c
exp(mBcos?/kBT)m B sin? d?
18A classical theory for Paramagnetism
19A classical theory for Paramagnetism
- A parameter which is a measure of the ratio of
the two competing energies
20A classical theory for Paramagnetism
21A classical theory for Paramagnetism
22A classical theory for Paramagnetism
Magnetization of a paramagnetic substance M N
m L(a) amB/kBT ? M/H
23At the limits
- At small applied fields and high temperatures T
- a is small
24At the limits
25At the limits
- Large applied field B compared to the
temperature T - a is small
26At the limits
SATURATION maximum possible magnetization Magnet
ization becomes independent of the applied field
- Classical Theory of Magnetism
- Circulating Electron magnetic dipole of the
atom - Diamagnetism due to the effect of the external
magnetic field on the magnetic dipole moment. - A weak effect depends on atomic radius, which
is very small
- Paramagnetism competitiion between the magnetic
field and temperature - Alignment to the field versus randomization
- Statistical Treatment
- Saturation at high fields
- Curies law for low fields
29NEED for a Quantum Theory
- Niels Bohr 1911, and J.H van Leeuwen
independently in 1919 in her PhD thesis proved a
famous theorem for classical nonrelativistic
electrons using Maxwell's equations and
statistical mechanics - "At any finite temperature, and in all finite
applied electrical or magnetic fields, the net
magnetization of a collection of electrons in
thermal equilibrium vanishes identically."
30NEED for a Quantum Theory
- Classical Physics cannot give any kind of
magnetism - Explanation for ferromagnetism Pauli principle
that no two electrons could occupy the same
state. Together with the Coulomb interaction
between electrons, this leads to a scalar
isotropic interaction of two spins with a
positive exchange constant J. - Physical explanation for the Molecular fields of
31NEED for a Quantum Theory
- Zeeman Effect offered experimental support for
the quantization of angular momentum
32NEED for a Quantum Theory
- Anomalous Zeeman Effect the magnetic field
split the lines into four, six, or even more
lines and some triplets showed wider spacings
than expected - Only explained by including electron spin