Title: Role of pedagogic research and reflection in CETL bids
1The role of pedagogic research and reflection in
CETL bids
Mick Healey University of Gloucestershire and Barr
y Jackson Middlesex University
2- we would like to see business plans at stage
two show how the CETL will - acquire and utilise a capacity to draw in
pedagogic research and evaluation and to
undertake research into its own practice . - (HEFCE Guidance Notes for Stage Two Bids para 5)
3- We recognise that not all proposed CETLs will
begin with the same level of exposure to
pedagogical thinking relevant to their particular
activity, or have similar numbers of staff active
in this area. Nevertheless, we would like to see
all stage two bids engage actively with the
Invitation to Bids expectation that CETLs should
show evidence of pedagogic reflection, engagement
with relevant literature and debate in confirming
the excellence of their practice and how the CETL
will enable this to be taken further. - (HEFCE Guidance Notes for Stage Two Bids para 20)
4- Our aim is
- To provide feedback on stage 1 and to facilitate
discussion of scholarly and research based
approaches to the development of your CETLs
- I Introduction
- II Feedback from stage 1
- III Scholarly and research based approaches
- IV Underpinning your case for excellence
- V Contributing to the development of pedagogy
- VI Conclusion
6Brief biographies
- Mick
- Director Geography Discipline Network
- Chair of University Scholarship of Learning and
Teaching group - HE Academy Accreditor and Adviser to GEES Subject
Centre - National Teaching Fellow
- Research interests scholarship of teaching
linking research and teaching active learning
learning of disabled students - Barry
- Pro Vice-Chancellor, Director of Learning
Development - Vice Chair of SEDA
- Member of assessment panels for CETL, FDTL5, NTFS
- Member ISL Steering Group, ALT Policy Forum, LLAS
Subject Centre
7A health warning
8Feedback from stage I
- The case for excellence in some bids was informed
by critical and evidence-based reflection on
practice and further supported by a clear
description of how that excellence was to be
further developed. While some subject-based bids
tackled issues of importance to that subject
area, the pedagogic practice was sometimes
relatively commonplace and unable in itself to
support the claim for excellence. -
9Feedback from stage I
- Some bids showed a degree of insularity and
distance from acknowledged excellent practice in
the particular subject or thematic area. - The assessment panel made favourable judgements
on bids that supported their case with internal
and external evidence which showed the following
- - evidence, closely and actively related to
the area of the proposed CETL, of reflective
pedagogic analysis and review -
10Guidance on Stage 2 bids
- Bids need to show evidence of reflective analysis
of approaches to pedagogy and how this reflection
has informed and influenced practice - Bids should show how staff are already
contributing to existing pedagogical thinking,
research and relevant literature -
11What constitutes pedagogical scholarship?
- Three levels of scholarly activity
- Scholarly, reflective approach to practice
(internally verified, contributes to personal
theory, supports personal action) - Scholarship (internally verified, contributes to
local theory, supports local action, may be
broadly disseminated) - Research (externally verified, contributes to
pedagogical theory, may not directly support
action) - Adapted from Trigwell (unpublished conference
presentation 2004)
12Scholarly and research based approaches
- SoT has three essential and integrated elements
- Engagement with the scholarly contributions of
others on teaching and learning - Reflection on ones own teaching practice and the
learning of students within the context of a
particular discipline - Communication and dissemination of aspects of
practice and theoretical ideas about teaching and
learning in general and (about) teaching and
learning within the discipline - Martin et al. (1998)
13Sources of engagement with scholarship
- Effective engagement through
- personal enquiry and reflection
- team enquiry and reflection
- systematic local activity, action research,
evaluation - networks and sources of expert people
- published reports of others scholarly activity
- published research and theory
14Underpinning your case for excellence
- In groups of c4 people
- Discuss how you can best show your awareness of,
and contribution to, pedagogical scholarship and
research related to the area of excellence
claimed in your CETL - 5 minutes
- Be ready to feedback ONE idea (suggestion - have
another in reserve in case another group also
comes up with your idea)
15Scholarly and research based approaches
- Martin et al. (1998 ) argue that teaching will
only be properly valued in higher education when
it is publicly seen to be a scholarly pursuit.
This means communicating the way we as scholarly
teachers - take account of the interplay between
disciplinary research and the education of
undergraduates - rigorously investigate teaching and learning
- consider university teaching as a process of
critical reflection on practice, open to the same
kind of collegial scrutiny as research
16Contributing to the development of pedagogy
- Scholarship and research into learning varies
- formative evaluation
- action or classroom research
- a major educational research project
- Range of methods
- Quantitative, qualitative and mixed
- Questionnaires, interviews, focus groups,
observation, diaries, inventories, tests etc - Choice influenced by questions asking,
theoretical framework, and discipline
17Contributing to the development of pedagogy
- What will your CETL contribute to our knowledge
and understanding of pedagogic practice? - On what evidence will you base this claim and who
will collect and analyse it? - How will you communicate your increased
knowledge and understanding to others?
18Contributing to the development of pedagogy
In your groups of c4 people Discuss how your
CETL can best contribute to our knowledge and
understanding of pedagogic practice 5 mins Be
ready to feedback ONE idea (as before have
another in reserve in case another group also
comes up with your idea)
"The improvement of learning and teaching is
dependent upon the development of scholarship and
research in teaching Prosser Trigwell (1999
- Please take a moment to write down on separate
sheets of paper - TWO ways in which HEFCE / Higher Education
Academy can support the development of pedagogic
research and reflection - TWO ideas you have taken from this session which
you will take back and discuss with the other
members of your CETL team