Title: Programming Boe-Bots (Part 1)
1Programming Boe-Bots (Part 1)
- Slides taken from WAM tutorial, and course
material developed by Dean Brock and Tammy Gammon
2Module Components
Serial SignalConditioningConditions
voltagesignals between PC serialconnection (/-
12V) and BASIC Stamp (5V) for Programming.
5V RegulatorRegulates voltageto 5V with a
supply of 5.5VDC to 15VDC
EEPROMStores the tokenized PBASIC program.
ResonatorSets the speed at whichinstructions
are processed.
Interpreter ChipReads the BASIC program from the
EEPROM and executes the instructions.
3Module Pins
Pin 1 SOUT Transmits serial data during
programming and using theDEBUG instruction
Pin 24 VIN Un-regulated input
voltage (5.5-15V)
Pin 23 VSS Ground (0V)
Pin 2 SIN Receives serial data during
Pin 22 RES Reset- LOWto reset
Pin 3 ATN Uses the serial DTR line togain the
Stamps attention for programming.
Pin 21 VDD Regulated 5V.
Pin 4 VSS CommunicationsGround (0V).
4- The Board of Education makes it easy to connect
devices, power up and program.
5V regulator
Servo Connections
Wall DCSupply
Power Header
Power OnLight
I/O Header
Serial ProgrammingPort
Reset Switch
Off/Module Power/Servo Power
5A Simple Program
- Enter your first program into the BASIC Stamp
- Notice that different code appears in different
colors. This is a great help in writing correct
6'Running' Your Program
- Download, or Run your program by clicking the Run
button. - The DEBUG Window should appear showing your
7How a Program is Placed on the Module
- A program is writtenin the BASIC Stamp Editor.
- Directives are special instructions to the Editor
ensuring the the code is tokenized for the
correct PBASIC version and for the correct BASIC
Stamp. - When starting a new program, be sure to click the
buttons to add these directives to your program.
9DEBUG Window
Hello, it's me, your BASIC Stamp!
10Getting Help
11Program like you are an engineer
- Organize and structure your code.
- Use indentation to clarify organization.
- Indent loops and code skipped by ifs
- Use white space wisely.
- Follow a consistent style and format.
- Use comments to explain your code.
- input 14 push button normal timing
- Use variable and loop names which clarify purpose.
12The Program Header
- Identify the code.
- Your name
- Project Title
- Date
- Title/file of code
- Briefly state purpose of code.
13Good Program Structure
- Header
- Define the constants
- green con 0
- Declare the pins
- input 14 push button for normal timing
- output green green LED
- Declare and comment your variables
- n var byte index for varying blink rate
14I/O Pin Language
- input 14 normal mode pushbutton
- if in14 then
- output 0 green led
- out0 0
- pause 500
- out0 1
- You dont even have to declare output
- low green
- pause 500
- high green
15Declaring Assigning Variables
- A variable its size must be declared
- normal var bit allocates 1 bit (0 or 1)
- x var nib nibble, 4 bits (0
15) - y var byte byte, 8 bits (0 255)
- counter var word 16 bits (0 65,535)
- Variables contain values which can be changed.
Examples - normal in14
- normal normal
- counter counter 1
16If . then Function
- Arithmetic and logical operators may be used in
the test condition. - A bit of code
- if in14 0 then normal_mode
- if in14 0 and in7 0 then non_resp
- Why wouldnt you want to list ifthen statements
as shown?
- Iterative loop
- Example to create varying pause times
- x var nib
- for x 1 to 10
- pause 200 x
- next
18Of course, we must mention
- goto label creates continuous loop
- or skips to another part of program
- And all happily ever-afters finish with a the
end or just END in PBASIC.
- A microcontroller-controlled system changes its
outputs according to its input signals - A sensor is an input device used to detect or
measure. - Example push-button
20Push-Button Sensor
OPEN (Not pressed)
CLOSED (Pressed)
21Push-Button Sensor
22Sample Code
- input 2 push button
- recheck
- if in2 0 then blink
- goto recheck
- blink
- make some led blink
- goto recheck