France History and Influence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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France History and Influence


2nd largest country in Europe (just less than twice the size of Colorado) 5th in population ... The 1812 Overture. Waterloo. Napoleon at Waterloo. End of the Monarchy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: France History and Influence

France History and Influence
Liberty Leading the People Eugene Delacroix
  • Or, the parts of it that really matter to
    Americans who play quiz bowl!

The Land
  • Capital and largest city is Paris
  • 2nd largest country in Europe (just less than
    twice the size of Colorado)
  • 5th in population
  • Most of the country is hilly/mountainous
  • French Riviera famous tourist area

  • Pyrenees form border with Spain
  • Alps form border on Southeast
  • Largest mountain in Western Europe is Mont Blanc

  • Loire is the largest river in France
  • The Rhone is the deepest and has the largest
    volume of water
  • The Seine is the most well-known river. It flows
    through Paris

Major Landmarks
The Louvre
Arc de Triomphe
Eiffel Tower
Cathedral Notre Dame
Palace at Versailles
Early History
  • The Celts were the original inhabitants of the
    land once called Gaul
  • Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars brought the region
    under control of the Roman Empire (Pax Romana)
    Christianity soon followed
  • The name France comes from the Germanic tribe
    FRANKS who conquered Gaul
  • The Merovingian dynasty (410-751) of kings
    followed Roman rule Clovis I was the first and
    most important ruler. He united all of Gaul
  • Remember that legend says the Merovingians are
    direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

French Royal Houses
  • Merovingian (410-751)
  • Carolignian Dynasty (843-987)
  • Capetian Dynasty (987-1328)
  • Valois branch of Capetians(1328-1498)
  • Orleans branch of Capetians (1498-1515)
  • Angouleme branch of Capetians (1515-1589)
  • House of Bourbon (1589-1792)
  • First Republic (1792-1804)
  • Bonaparte Dynasty, First Empire (1804-1814)
  • Capetian, House of Bourbon restored (1814)
  • Bonaparte restored (100 days of 1815)
  • Bourbon restored (1815-1830)
  • House of Bourbon-Orleans (1830-1848)
  • Second Republic (1848-1852)
  • Bonaparte Dynasty, 2nd Empire (1852-1870)

Carolingian Dynasty(843-987)
  • As the Catholic church (among others) worked to
    rid themselves of the Merovingians, the
    patriarchs of the Carolingian Dynasty came into
  • Charles Martel and his son Pepin II (Pepin the
    Short) helped stop Muslim advance out of Spain
  • Charlemagne (Charles the Great) became king and,
    later, Holy Roman Emperor.
  • During this time, Viking raids ravaged the French

Coronation of Charlemagne
Capetian Dynasty (937-1328)
Hugh Capet
  • After Charlemagnes death, the kingdom became
    split into Germany and France
  • Hugh Capet, a duke from Orleans ascended the
    throne and began the Capetian dynasty
  • Notable kings included Phillip II (Augustus) of
    the Third Crusade with Richard I (Lionheart) Of
    England and Louis IX (Saint Louis)

Phillip II (right) and Richard Lionheart Accepting
victory at Acre during Third Crusade
During the Capetian Rule
  • In 1066 (Battle of Hastings), William Duke of
    Normandy invaded England and was crowned king
  • Henry II (English), from Williams line, married
    Eleanor of Aquitane which brought most of western
    France under British rule
  • Eleanor and Henry were the parents of Richard
    III, the Lionhearted of 3rd Crusade fame
  • After the death of Charles IV, the last Capetian
    monarch, Edward III claimed the French throne and
    began the Hundred Years war
  • Joan of Arc, a French peasant, helped Charles VII
    win back the throne

House of Valois(1328-1498)
  • Philip VI
  • John II
  • Charles V
  • Charles VI
  • Charles VII
  • Louis XI The Prudent
  • Charles VIII death ended this direct line of

House of Angouleme (1515-1589)
  • Henry II most recognized
  • Catherine de Medici, wife of Henry II, and later
    regent ordered Huegonots killed at the St.
    Bartholomews Day Massacre
  • Led to the wars of religion
  • Ended with Henry IIs Edict of Nantes
  • Henry II was killed in a jousting tournament
  • Francis I was the 1st of this branch he
    strengthened the crown
  • Artists such as Da Vinci come to France (da Vinci
    dies in the arms of Francis I)
  • Huegonots (Prostestants) become more numerous
    during this time

Capetian, House of Angouleme Branch(1515-1589)
  • Francis I
  • Henry II
  • Francis II
  • Catherine de Medici as regent while Francis was
  • Charles IX
  • Henry III

Henry II
Catherine de Medici
Capetian House of Bourbon(1589-1792)
  • This line began with Henry IV
  • Louis XIII and his prime minister, Cardinal
    Richelieu, transformed the crown from a feudal to
    absolute monarchy
  • Louis XIV (The Sun King) most well-known Bourbon
  • Built palace of Versailles
  • Endless wars and opulence
  • Revoked the Edict of Nantes
  • King portrayed in books and movies of Three
    Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask
  • Line all but ended in 1789 at Louis XVI with the
    French Revolution

Louis XIV
House of Bourbon
  • Henry IV
  • Louis XIII
  • Louis XIV
  • Louis XV
  • Louis XVI
  • Louis XVII

Louis XVI
The French Revolution(1789-1799)
  • Commoners in France grew tired of class system
    and privileges of nobility
  • Encouraged by American Revolution and writings of
    Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Started with Storming of Bastille July 14, 1789
  • Issued Declaration of the Rights of Man

French Revolution Cont
  • Robespierre, a Jacobin and member of the
    Committee of Public Safety, initiated the Reign
    of Terror that saw many moderates and royalists,
    including Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette
  • Reign of Terror ended with Robespierres arrest
    and exectution

Marie Antoinette
Napoleonic Era(1799-1870)
  • The Revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte
    (Napoleon I) marched in Paris and was crowned
    First Consul
  • In 1804, he angered the church by crowing himself
  • Napoleon embarked on many military campaigns
    (Napoleonic Wars) to expand his empire
  • Defeated in Russia (like Hitler later)
  • Finally defeated at Waterloo
  • After Napoleon was exiled (Elba) he would return
    again only to be deposed
  • His claimants to the throne would rise and fall
    throughout this time

The 1812 Overture
Napoleon at Waterloo
End of the Monarchy
  • The Franco-Prussian war began in 1870 and Germany
    captured the Alsace and Lorraine regions of
  • Napoleon III was exiled thus ending monarchy
  • Conflict with Germany continued through WWI and
  • Clemenceau was prime minister during WWI
  • During WWI, France was occupied and ruled by the
    puppet Vichy government
  • General Charles de Gaulle of the French
    Resistance became President after the war

Most Influential Frenchmen
  • And the Answers to Most Quiz Bowl Questions
    about France

Charlemagne"By the sword and the cross,"
Charlemagne became master of Western Europe
  • From German part of Gaul
  • Most important of Carolingian kings
  • Ardent Christian
  • Expanded Frankish territory by fighting Saxons
    and Saracens (Muslim)
  • Named Holy Roman Emperor by church, in part, to
    challenge Byzantium

He was six feet four inches tall, and built to
scale. He had beautiful white hair, animated
eyes, a powerful nose...a presence "always
stately and dignified." He was temperate in
eating and drinking, abominated drunkenness, and
kept in good health despite every exposure and
Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • Consort first of Louis VII of France
  • Later married Henry II of England which gave most
    of western France to English throne
  • Mother of Richard III, the Lion-Hearted who
    co-led the 3rd Crusade
  • Was imprisoned 15 years by Henry II encouraged
    her sons to lead revolt against Henry

Joan of Arc(Jeanne dArc)
  • National heroine of France
  • Saint of the Catholic Church
  • Uneducated peasant claimed to have visions from
  • Helped return the throne to Charles VII during
    the Hundred Years War
  • Broke the siege at the Battle of Orleans
  • Falsely convicted of heresy and burned at the
    stake at 19

Louis XIVThe Sun King
  • An absolute monarch, one of the most recognized
    kings of all time (ruled 72 years)
  • 17th century associated with Louis XIV
  • Louis ended the Cardinal-Minister position of
    govt after Richelieu and Mazarin died
  • Louis made France a political and artistic
  • Encouraged the Louvre and Palace at Versailles to
    be built
  • Also revoked the Edict of Nantes to discriminate
    against Protestants (Huguenots)

  • A general during the French Revolution
  • Became First Consul and Later Emperor
  • Regarded as one of greatest military commanders
  • Conquered most of Europe before defeat in Russia
  • Exiled to Elba, but returned to be defeated at
  • Finally exiled to St. Helena island
  • Found Rosetta Stone and other treasures on
    campaign to Egypt and Asia
  • Sold Louisiana Purchase to USA
  • Instituted Napoleonic Code

Charles de Gaulle
  • A soldier and POW during WWI
  • Became general during WWII and later the leader
    of the Free French guerilla movement against the
  • From 1944-1946 he headed the French Provincial
    Govt and then as French President from 1958-1969
  • De Gaulle opposed US influence in Southeast Asia
    as well as siding with the Arab states in Israeli
  • His policies helped France
  • Become 4th nuclear state
  • Become 3rd state to launch a satellite

Arts and Music
  • Painters
  • Monet (Impressionist)
  • Manet (Impressionist)
  • Renoir (Impressionist)
  • Degas (Impressionist)
  • Gauguin (Post Impressionism)
  • Cezanne (Post Impressionism)
  • Delacroix (Romantic)
  • Composers
  • Debussy (Impressionist)
  • Berlioz
  • Bizet
  • Ravel
  • Offenbach

Claude Monet(Impressionist)
  • Founder of French Impressionist painting
  • Some of his works have sold for over 71 million
    dollars this year

"Suddenly I had the revelation of how magical my
pond is. I took up my palette. Since that time I
have scarcely had any other model." -Claude
woman with parasol
Edouard Manet (1832-1883)
  • Impressionist/Realist
  • He never became fully assimilated into
    Impressionist style
  • Friend of Monet
  • A lot of oil on canvas

Portrait of Emile Zola
Bar at Folies-Bergeres
Le Dejeuner sur LHerbe Breakfast on the Grass
Edgar Degas
  • Impressionist, but not fully preferred to be
    called a realist
  • Over half of his works are of dancing
  • One of finest portrait painters in history
  • Oil on canvas
  • Also excelled in pastels and sculpture

Auguste Renoir
Le Moulin de la Galette
  • Also Impressionist

Luncheon of the Boating Party
The Umbrellas
Famous Authors
  • Victor Hugo Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les
  • Alexandre Dumas, pere The Three Muskateers,
    Man in the Iron Mask, The Count of Monte
  • Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
  • Moliere (Comedic playwright) Tartuffe
  • George Sand
  • Jean Paul Sarte
  • Jules Verne Journey to the Center of the
    Earth, Around the World in 80 Days, 20,000
    Leagues Under the Sea

French Scientists
  • Discover...
  • Henri Becquerel, Physics Nobel prize laureate
    in 1903
  • In 1896 Becquerel discovered by pure chance that
    radiation ionises the air. It is not caused by
    the Sun and its intensity does not decrease with
    the passage of time. This is the beginning of the
    nuclear age.
  • Georges Charpak, Physics Nobel prize laureate
    in 1992
  • Saint-Vincent-de-Paul hospital in Paris uses a
    revolutionary radiology equipment which is the
    result of research conducted by the French Nobel
    prize laureate Georges Charpak.
  • Marie Curie, Physics Nobel prize laureate in
    1903, Chemistry Nobel prize laureate in 1911
  • Through her discovery of radium, Marie Curie
    paved the way for nuclear physics and cancer
    therapy. Born of Polish parents, she was a woman
    of science and courage, compassionate yet
    stubbornly determined.
  • René Descartes
  • Philosopher, mathematician and physician of the
    XVIIth century. Author of the Discours de la
    méthode, he said "I think, therefore I am".
  • Louis Pasteur, the father of modern medicine
  • From his works on the rabies virus to the
    creation of the world kown Pasteur institute. All
    you have to know about Pasteur if you didn't
    heard about him during the Pasteur year !
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