Title: Banner Financial Aid FAUG Future Direction Requests FDRs
1Banner Financial Aid FAUG Future Direction
- Shirley A. Clark, SICAS Center
- Monday November 6, 2006
- 320 420pm
2Session Rules of Etiquette
- Please turn off your cell phone/beeper
- If you must leave the session early, please do so
as discreetly as possible - Feel Free to ask me questions at any time!
- Thank you for your cooperation!
3Topics of Discussion
- SICAS Releases and FDRs on the Horizon
- Loan Fee Mod adapted from SUNY Oswego
- Future Directions Requests
4SICAS Releases and FDRs on the Horizon
- SICAS Student 7.2S3 (late November 2006)
- FDR 2006-027 Accelerated Study (Summer) TAP
requires 24 credits - FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
- SICAS Financial Aid 7.7S1 (early January 2007)
- SICAS TAP Estimator for 2007-2008
- FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
5FDR 2006-027 Accelerated Study (Summer) TAP
requires 24 credits
A new GTVSDAX entry for Accelerated Study will
control which Earned Credit Types are evaluated.
(I Institutional Only)
6FDR 2006-027 Accelerated Study (Summer) TAP
requires 24 credits
A new error code will appear on the SICAS State
Award Certification output report, SORYTCE 9
Accelerated Study requires 24 credits
7FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
A new GTVSDAX entry for Credit Reporting will
control which Earned Credit Types are evaluated.
(I Institutional Only) Campuses may change
the External Code to (B Institutional and
Transfer) if they break the credits out by the
term in which they were earned.
8FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
A new GTVSDAX entry for Undergraduate Level
Codes will be used for the Credit Reporting
list. Multiple values may be entered if your
institution has more than one Undergraduate Level
9FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
The SORYTCF process will contain a new Roster
Type (C Credit). Entering a Roster Number will
not be required for this type.
10FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
- Level TAP Enrollment Credits
- Name ID Code
Code Status Earned - --------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- - Abbey, Slyvia X23456789 CR
2085 FT 9 - Abbott, Josephine X78912345 CR
2085 FT 13 - Abbott, Kazmiera X89123456 CR
2085 FT 15
11FDR 2006-032 Reporting Credits Earned to HESC
- Students with 0 Credits Earned
89 - Students with 1 Credits Earned
48 - Students with 2 Credits Earned
3 - Students with 3 Credits Earned
55 - Students with 4 Credits Earned
57 - Students with 5 Credits Earned
11 - Students with 6 Credits Earned
83 - Students with 7 Credits Earned
70 - Students with 8 Credits Earned
31 - Students with 9 Credits Earned
119 - Students with 10 Credits Earned
120 - Students with 11 Credits Earned
49 - Students with 12 Credits Earned
213 - Students with 13 Credits Earned
12FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
- SICAS APTS processes will have parameter changes
- SICAS APTS Recipient List, RPRYAPL
13FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
14FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
Sem. Cum.
Cum. -
Ern Cert - ID Name Course
Grade Avg. Avg. Hrs. Code - -------------------------------------------------
------ - X00111111 Dibble, Gary A.
- 7069 Alcohol/Drug Awareness
SH -
0.00 0.00 0 4 -
FAILED - X00555555 Komach, Stephen S.
- 1310 Intro World Wide Web
A - 1510 Intro to Computer
Science W - 1500 Intro to Business
W - 1570 Programming Concepts/App
W -
4.00 2.97 108 2 -
5-YR PROGRAM - X00999999 Ushem, Denise L.
- 1610 Public Speaking
F - 1510 Intro to Computer
Science C
15FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
16FDR 2004-018 APTS File Layouts for Certification
17SICAS Releases and FDRs on the Horizon
- FDR 2006-024 Convert SICAS applications to use
Concurrent Curriculum processing - Eventual Removal of Back-Fill Process
- Explanation of How this Affects Us
- Rules
- SICAS processes
- Local Campus Processes
18SICAS Student and Financial Aid Releases on the
19Loan Fee Mod adapted from SUNY Oswego
- New Modification to RPRELRU.PC
- Adopted modification from SUNY Oswego to change
loan fee percent on any Subsidized (SF) and
Unsubsidized (SU) loans that are guaranteed with
a different loan fee percentage for CommonLine 5.
- ( FIELD 81 - FIELD 159 ) 100 / FIELD 80
20Loan Fee Mod adapted from SUNY Oswego
This will be done if the External Code on GTVSDAX
is 'Y' for the Internal Code Group of
SICAS_LOAN_FEE and the Internal Code of UPDATE.
21Loan Fee Mod adapted from SUNY Oswego
- Sheila Cooley from SUNY Oswego will explain
further the how the modification works.
22SICAS Future Direction Requests
- FDR 2006-028 Part-Time TAP
- How do campuses envision this working?
- Separate Fund Code for Part-Time TAP?
- Estimating Part-Time TAPs on Expected
- Enrollment?
- Future Focus Group to collect Requirements for
Part-Time TAP - November 28th, 2006
23Questions and Answers
24Thank You!
- Enjoy the rest of your conference in beautiful
Lake Placid, New York!!