Title: Announcements
- Todays Handouts
- Outline Class 4-5
- LISP Notes 1
- Web Site
- www.mil.ufl.edu/eel5840
- Software and Notes
- Reading Assignment
- Nilsson Chapter 3
- Written Assignment Reminder
- Homework 2 due Thurs. 9/4 in class
2Todays Menu
- Architectures for the Implementation of Action
Functions - B. State Machines
- C. Artificial Neural Networks
- D. Subsumption Architecture
- Final Thoughts on Stimulus-Response (SR) Agents -
Chapter 2 - Introduction to the AI Language LISP
- Chapter 2 Basic LISP Primitives
- Chapter 3 Procedure Definition Binding
- Chapter 4 Predicates Conditionals
3Perception and Action
- State Machines Implementation of Boolean
(action) functions using a connected network of
logical gates AND,OR,NOR, etc.) - Networks Implementation of action functions
using a connected network of threshold units or
other elements that compute a nonlinear function
of a weighted sum of their inputs. One such
element is the threshold logic unit or TLU for
Boolean functions implementable by a TLU are
called linearly-separable functions. (A TLU
separates the space of input vectors into an
above-threshold response from below-threshold
response by a linear surface?called a hyperplane
in n dimensions.) Not all Boolean functions are
linearly separable?however a monomial or any
clause is linearly separable.
4Perception and Action
Example Let fx1/x2x3 x1/x2x3 f ? TLU
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0
Example Let b-f4x1/x2 (s2s3)/(s4s5)(s2s3)/
s4/s5 s2 s3/s4/s5 b-f ? TLU s2 s3/s4/s5 b-f ?
TLU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 -2 0 1 0 0 1 0
-1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -2 0 1 0 1 0
0 -1 0 0 0 1 1 0 -4 0 1 0 1 1
0 -3 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 -1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 -3 0
1 1 1 1 0 -2 0
5Perception and Action
- The Subsumption Architecture
- An agents behavior is controlled by a number of
behavior modules. Each module receives sensory
information directly from the world. If the
sensory inputs satisfy a precondition specific to
that module, then a certain behavior, also
specific to that module, is executed. One
behavior module can subsume another. - As contrasted with much other work in AI, these
machines do not depend on complex internal
representations of their environments or on
reasoning about them.
6Neural Networks
Continuous FA Classifications Predictions
Adjustable Model
Training Data
Training Algorithm
- Neural Networks (also known as Artificial Neural
Networks or ANNs for short) - You need this framework to model processes that
cannot be represented as analytical models, e.g.,
human actions, computer vision, non-linear
control, the stock market...
7The AI Language LISP
- LISP - LISt Processing Invented in the late 40s
by John McCarthy at MIT on an IBM 709 computer. - LISP is about symbolic processing, i.e., symbol
manipulation is treating the binary quantities
inside the computer like the words and sentences
of a language. The words in LISP re called atoms.
The sentences are called lists. Collectively
atoms and lists are called symbolic expressions
or s-expressions or SEX for short. - Examples
- (arroyo (professor ece)
- (degree phd)
- (area (ce robotics) ) )
- (trip (gainesville tallahassee 150)
- (tallahassee perry 50)
- (perry gainesville 100) )
8The AI Language LISP
- Uses of LISP
- Expert Problem Solvers
- Commonsense Reasoning
- Learning
- Natural Language Interfaces
- Education and Intelligent Support Systems
- Speech and Vision
- The premier symbolic processing language is
Common LISP - Myths
- LISP is slow
- LISP programs are big
- LISP is hard to learn
- LISP is hard to debug read because all those
9The AI Language LISP
- Tutorial Introduction to LISP
- XLISP is available from stat.umn.edu by David
Betz Luke Tierney - We have the latest 16-bit 32-bit version on
www.mil.ufl.edu/eel5840 - Install using winzip, pkunzip or in a fresh
directory by running the self-extracting file. - Go to the XLISP-STAT resources link to obtain
additional information including a manual, the
UNIX version and the MAC version.
10LISP Lab 1
- Predicate Functions
- (atom sex) t if sex is an atom
- (null sex) t if sex is nil or ()
- (eq sex1 sex2) t if sex1sex2 (identical)
- (equal sex1 sex2) t if sex1sex2
- (zerop sex1) t if sex0
- (numberp sex) t if sex is a number
- (symbolp sex) t if sex is a symbolic atom
- (listp sex) t if sex is a list
- (member sex lis) nil if sex is not a member of lis
11LISP Lab 1
- LIST Functions
- (car lis) returns the 1st sex of list lis,
same as first - (cdr lis) returns the list lis with the 1st
sex removed, same as rest - (car (cdr lis)) same as second, i.e., 2nd sex of
the list lis - (list sex1 sex2) returns the list (sex1 sex2)
- (cons sex1 lis) makes sex1 the 1st element of
the list lis - (append lis1 lis2) a new list with all the
elements of lis1 followed - by all the elements of lis2
- (defun fname (argument-list) lt(forms)gt)
- (pprint (function-lambda-expression fname))
12- See Class 4-5 Notes
- LISP Tutorial 1
- The End!