Title: The AllinOne Security Solution
1The All-in-One Security Solution keeping IT
2Small Business IT Security Challenge
Email Filter (Spam Viruses)
Intrusion Detection Prevention
Integrating New Technology (VoIP)
Secure Remote Access (VPN)
Future Threats (Botnets, etc.)
Network Access Controls
Web Filter
Service Support
. one box. one price. one solution.
3Multiple Solutions
Email Filter (Spam Viruses)
4 Vendors 4 Installations 4 Hardware/Software 4
User interfaces 4 Fees 4 Support lines
4x Time Money
Intrusion Detection Prevention
Integrating New Technology (VoIP)
Secure Remote Access (VPN)
Future Threats (Botnets, etc.)
Network Access Controls
Web Filter
Service Support
. one box. one price. one solution.
4All-in-One Benefits
Reduce costs Hardware/software purchases Installat
ion costs Recurring maintenance fees Recurring
management costs Improve Service Consolidate
support Accelerate trouble shooting Enhance
security Lower Total Cost of Ownership (4x or
. one box. one price. one solution.
Email Filter (Spam Viruses)
Intrusion End User Quarantines
PDF Reporting
IM Blocking
Intrusion Detection Prevention
Web Filter
AD Integration
Network Lockdown
. one box. one price. one solution.
6Typical Environment
Windows Small Business Server
. one box. one price. one solution.
7Business Benefits
- Secure your network from attacks
- Eliminate spam from your inbox
- Control employee web surfing
- Work anywhere (secure remote access)
- Connect offices onto one network
- Enhance network performance
- Segmented wireless access for guests
- Identify stop spyware
. one box. one price. one solution.
8Functional Benefits
- Setting Policies by Username, Group, Job
Function, or time - gives you the ability to decide who has which
policies applied and when.
- Active Directory Integration for ease of use
- IM Logging and Blocking
- Live Connections (view Who, Where, Duration,
Bandwidth Consumption) - File Extension/Type Blocking (.exe, .jpeg,
.mpeg, ActiveX, Music, Video) - Static Whitelist Blacklist (mySpace.com,
eBay.com, YouTube.com, BankofAmerica.com) - Dynamic Blacklist (upon breach attempt)
- Auto Whitelist Population (outbound addresses
automatically added) - Geographic Policies Block by Country Code
- Spam control with end user quarantines
- Keyword / Phrase Blocking
. one box. one price. one solution.
9Keeping IT Simple
Requires SonicWall Email 200 appliance for email
filter with additional annual license fees
SSL-VPN 200 appliance with only 90 days firmware
support for SSL and Global Content Manager
software solution required for detailed
reporting. Installation hours estimated.
Requires Forti-mail appliance with additional
annual renewal fee for email filter and
additional Forti-analyzer appliance with only 90
days firmware support for reporting. Installation
hours estimated.
. one box. one price. one solution.
10Customer Results
. one box. one price. one solution.
- AccessEnforcer stands above the crowd of UTM
devices in the SMB space. - Kevin Royalty
- Author of Advanced Small Business Server 2003
Best Practices - Microsoft MVP for SBS
- Calyptix has gone above and beyond what most
sponsors do in engaging the tribe and our
tribe recognizes their commitment. - Harry Brelsford, CEO, SMB Nation
- Author of multiple Windows Small Business Server
books - Calyptix has leveraged the Microsoft Small
Business Server concepts, offering most people a
better value proposition than a separate ISA
server. - Jeff Middleton, Founder of SBSMigration.com
- Microsoft MVP
- I wanted control of my network settings and
parameters and I got it! Product functionality of
the AccessEnforcer at this price point is
phenomenal. - Cole Brand, IT Director
- Talon Technical Sales
. one box. one price. one solution.