Title: Chapter 25 Processing Different
1Chapter 25 - Processing Different Types Of Data
Types Of Data
Computers can process different types of data in
forms of numbers, pictures and sound. All of
these types of data can be represented in a
computers memory using the binary code, which is
a different combination of 0s and 1s.
By Michelle Thiele
Binary Arithmetic
One advantage of this method is that arithmetic
becomes easy. Look at the examples below
By Michelle Thiele
This is the order in which binary is set out.
0,1,0,1,0, 0, 0, 0
The number above would be 10. This is because
there is one number 2 and one number 8.
More Binary
3 10 27 31 99
By Michelle Thiele
Real Numbers
Numbers with a decimal point are known as real
numbers. An example of this is shown
below 01100000 6 The 8 digit number is
called Binary, the real number is number 6.
By Michelle Thiele
Digitised sound
Sound such as music or speech can be input via a
microphone, CD or electronic keyboard with MIDI
(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) to be
processed by computer.
By Michelle Thiele
Basic hardware required is a sound card, which
fits a vacant slot in your PC.
Sound starts off as waves of pressure in the air.
Before the computer can store this, it must be
digitised (turned into numbers).
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
By Michelle Thiele
MIDI is an industry standard applied to
electronic musical instruments as well as
hardware, cables, connectors and data formats.
Adding a MIDI interface to a computer allows it
to communicate with, say, a MIDI keyboard, drum
pad or guitar.
Bip-mapped Graphics
A computer screen is divided up into a grid and
each square on the grid is called a pixel
(picture element). A low resolution screen may
have 320 by 240 pixels, and a high resolution
screen may have 1024 by 1024 Images on screens
are composed of thousands of pixels.
By Michelle Thiele
Bip-mapped Graphics
This picture has a higher resolution and so has a
clearer picture
By Michelle Thiele
The same picture has a low resolution and so a
blur picture is shown