Title: Time-reversal and MUSIC
1Time-reversal and MUSIC
Anthony J. Devaney Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering Northeastern
University Boston, MA 02115 email
Review of time-reversal Discussion of Vector
Spaces Incorporation of MUSIC Computer
2System Configuration
Antenna element
Point Scatterers
Assumes Born Approximation
Antenna Array
3Incident Wavefield
4Scattered Wavefield--Born
5Receive Voltage
6Time-Reversal Matrix
7Array Point Spread Function
Backpropagated field from scatterer located at
Xm evaluated at field location r
8Well-resolved Targets
Backpropagated field from scatterer located at
Xm vanishes at all other scatterer locations
9Vector Spaces for W.R.T.
Noise Subspace
Signal Subspace
10Focusing with Time-reversal
11Focused versus time-reversed fields
12Non-well Resolved Targets
14Computer Simulation
- Future Directions
- Extended Objects
- Random Media
- Sparse Arrays
16Contour plots of Pseudo-spectrums