Title: OHV Route Inventory
1On the Right Trail!
Klamath National Forest
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Route and Area
2What is an OHV?
- OHV is an off-highway motor vehicle as
specified in CVC Section 38010, or street
licensed motor vehicle while being used off
3What is Route and Area Designation?
- The process of determining which roads, trails,
and areas are available for use by off-highway
vehicles by vehicle type and season of use. - Three types of designations are possible
- Open
- Restricted
- Closed
4Background on National OHV Management
- In 2003, the Chief of the Forest Service
identified unmanaged recreation as one of four
threats to the health of National Forests. - The Chief of the Forest Service released the
proposed National Motor Vehicle Use Policy on
July 15, 2004 to respond to concerns regarding
unmanaged recreation.
5Background on Region 5 OHV Management
- In 2003, the Regional Forester signed a
Memorandum of Intent (MOI) with the State of
California OHMVR Division to complete motorized
route designations for roads, trails, and areas
by 2008.
6Current KNF OHV Direction(per the KNF Forest
Plan, 1995 )
- Right now, all KNF-managed lands are considered
open to use by OHVs, unless they have been
designated as closed. - This OHV designation process is changing that
direction which is why we want your ideas now.
7Current KNF System Roads (not including Ukonom
Ranger District)
- Maintenance Level 1 (closed) 800 miles
- Maintenance Level 2 (high clearance) 2,540
miles - These are the ones that can be used legally
by OHVs. - Maintenance Level 3 (street legal passenger
vehicles) 1470 miles -
- Maintenance Level 4 (chip seal over aggregate)
90 miles -
- Maintenance Level 5 (paved, usually 2 lane) 50
miles -
- Total System Roads 4,950 miles
8Klamath NF Route Inventory Designation
Forest Orders Signs User Maps
By 2008
By 2007
Designate Routes with Planning Amendment
By 2006
Propose Designations Public Input
By August 31, 2005
Freeze for Study (Analysis) Existing Roads,
Trails, Areas
By August 31, 2005
Complete Inventory of OHV Use Routes, Trails, and
9Step 1 Inventory
- Map roads, trails, and areas currently receiving
motorized vehicle use. - Due date August 31, 2005
10Current OHV Inventory
- To date, KNF staff and OHV groups have
identified - 62 miles of roads,
- 26 miles of trails, and
- Several specifically-defined
- areas of concentrated OHV use.
11Step 2 Freeze Existing Roads, Trails, Areas
for Study Purposes.
- Based on data collected and new information
provided by the public, the Forest will freeze
the database. - Data will then be carried forward for analysis in
- Step 3.
- Due date August 31, 2005
12Step 3 Designation Planning
- Develop a proposed OHV/motorized system
- with the public.
- Due Date 2006.
13Step 3 Proposing a Designated System
Screens Existing
Direction Specialist Analysis Public Input
Proposed OHV System
14Step 4 Designation
- Prepare the Planning Amendment to the Klamath
Land Resource Management Plan. - Alternative analysis Look at different ways of
achieving goals. - Preferred Alternative selected by Forest
Supervisor. - Public involvement.
- Due Date 2007
15Step 5 - Implementation
- Issue final Forest maps and orders that implement
the new OHV Route System. - Due Date 2008.
16- Main Points
- This is a State-wide process, yet decisions will
be made here locally. - There are many opportunities for the public to
provide information about the routes, trails, and
areas they would like considered. - Snowmobiles and mountain bikes are not included
in this process. - 2500 miles of road are, and will remain, open to
OHVs. - Designation of OHV system aids us in competing
for green sticker funds.
17- What are we asking from you?
- By August 31, 2005, identify on a map those
roads, trails, or areas on which you use your
OHV. - Beginning June 1st, maps will be available on the
Klamath NF OHV web page, or from our front desk
at our office in Yreka.
18Klamath National Forest
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Route and Area
19Klamath NF Miles of Road by District