Title: APRDRGs Readmission Module
1APR-DRGs Readmission Module
- 3M HIS
- Clinical Research Department
2This Session Will Provide
- Summary of the APR-DRG Readmission Module
- Our preliminary suggestions for Reporting Formats
for Public Disclosure - Suggestions for future collaboration we welcome
your input
- Not all readmissions are preventable! In theory
all Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions are
preventable(but of course not really) - It is the rates that we are interested in!
- Even if we are primarily interested in the rates,
readmission rate must have clinical meaning and
thus must be carefully defined.
4Current APR-DRG Research (Hospital, not
Patient,Centric) Readmission Module
- Hypothesis Readmissions e.g. within 15 days
are useful for two purposes identify
opportunities for quality improvement in the
initial/index hospitalization and/or identify
good candidates for care management after
hospital discharge
5It is fairly clear from the extensive literature
that the hospital can assist in avoiding
readmissions by a combination of
- providing excellent care during the first
hospitalization and - putting into place the best possible coordination
plans with the outpatient setting including
both the outpatient health professional team and
the patient/family/caregiver.
6Develop Logic. Define Parameters
- the site (e.g. nursing home, rehabilitation,
hospital) of care to which the return occurs - time period within which the return occurs
- the clinical definition of the return
and -
- the type of admission of the return.
7Issues for Discussion in Public Reporting
- Start with one number and then allow the user to
dig deeper how deep? - Types of hospitals like with like or across the
board? - Minimum numbers needed for comparison
- Age range breakout reports
- Visual display
8Hospital vs Human Centric Readmission Rates
- Need to emphasize that the work that is being
implemented is hospital centric i.e.
readmission rates after a hospital admission
adjusted by discharge severity - Over time should consider also including
separately a human centric point of view
admission rates by person adjusted for their
chronic illnesses - Human centric hospital admission rates are
particularly relevant for disease management,
care management, and/or managed care
9Fifteen vs Thirty Day Readmission Rates
- Our recommendation start with 15 and then
increase the window over time.
10Types of Reports
- Overall readmission
- Medical vs surgical vs mental health/substance
abuse - Major Surgery one report
- No Major Medical
- Service line reports split by medical/surgical
- DRG specific analyses (when volume permits) CABG,
MI, Asthma,
11Communication issues
- Disease specific e.g. major surgery
- Low income issues barriers to access for
12Readmission Rate- Major Surgical Procedures 15
13Service lines examples one summary number
- Cardiovascular surgery
- Medical Neurological Care
- etc
14Coronary Bypass with Cardiac Cath-30 days
15Summary of Module
- The APR-DRG Readmission Module is a clinically
meaningful classification system which provides
useful information to consumers and hospitals on
hospital centric readmission rates. - Year 1 Recommendation Consider Implementation
of APR-DRG Readmission module - Implementation issues including report format
- Year 2 Recommendation Consider working with
employers/managed care organizations to help
specify year or HUMAN long readmission rates a
complementary measure to hospital centric
readmission module.