Title: The Pearl of Great Price
1The Pearl of Great Price
2Value of the Kingdom of Heaven
- Parable of the Hidden Treasure, Matt 1344
- Parable of the Pearl of Great Price, Matt
1345-46 - How we value things must be different from the
world, Matt 1626 Lk 1215
3Looking for Precious Pearls, Eccl 113
- We are shoppers in the marketplace of life
- For what are you searching?
- Are you a wise shopper?
- Are you putting the right value on what you find?
- What value are you putting on the kingdom of
4Material wealth, abundance and financial
security, Luke 1213-21
- No lasting benefit, Eccl 27-11 513-17
- Godliness with contentment holds real and
lasting value, 1 Tim 66-10
5Sensual Pleasure, Eccl 23, 10-11
- Hedonism the philosophy which holds that the
pursuit of pleasure is lifes highest purpose,
(Its A Playboy World, Banowsky, 9) - Epicureans The chief purpose of
man is to achieve...a life of
pleasure. Acts 1718 Jas 41-4 - Spiritual satisfaction holds real
value, not fleshly passion
6Wisdom and Learning , Eccl 212-14
- It is often used as the measure of a persons
achievement, Jno 715 Acts 413 - Gospel of Christ is true wisdom,
Col 22-3 - Wisdom in Christ holds real
and lasting value that
surpasses all human wisdom,
Col 19-11
7Prestige, Eccl 413-16
- Will always be someone with more
honor, Luke 147-11 - Those who value prestige
will be humbled! 1411 - To be honored by God
holds real value above
every exaltation given to
men by other men! 1410
8None of these
are the Pearl of Great Price!
- Material abundance
- Fleshly pleasure
- Wisdom of the world
- Prominence and popularity
9Kingdom of Heaven, Matt 1345-46
- Seek it first, Matt 633
- All else is insignificant by comparison,
Phil 121 38
10Appraising the Value of the Kingdom
- Purchased with blood, Rev 59-10
- All spiritual blessings, Eph 13
- Possessing the kingdom means true
- Treasure for poor, Matt 619-21 53
- Inheritance, Matt 55
- Sustenance, Matt 56
- Security, Matt 510
11The Seeking MerchantMatthew 1345-46
- Searched for good things, 1345
- We must desire the best! Luke 1038-42
- He could tell which pearl was most valuable,
1346 - Spiritual discernment, Phil 19-11
- He was determined to get pearl, 1346
- We must not be hindered, Luke 193-6
12Buying the Pearl (Obeying the gospel)
- Immediate (he went), 2 Cor 62
- Great expense (sold all that he
had), Luke 1433 - Repent of all sin and
obey Jesus, Matt 527-30 - Self-denial and sacrifice, Luke 923
- Without regret, Matt 1344 Phil 37-8
13No Buyer's Remorse!
- What value are you placing on the kingdom of
heaven? - Your choices, your goals and faith show how
valuable it is to you, Matt 633-34 - Buy the precious pearl Obey Jesus and be saved!
Col 113 Jno 35