Title: Age of Absolutism leads to the Age of Revolutions
1Age of Absolutism leads to the Age of Revolutions
- 1450 1750
- Political System
- Social System
- Economic System
- Cultural System (mannerism to baroque)
- More secular
- Education
- Enlightenment (includes Scientific Revolution)
2Absolutism and its limits
- Absolutism was possible because the European
economy was expanding, allowing the creation of
(comparatively) larger bureaucracies - Kings found ways to strip nobles of their
political power - However, kings had to concede freedom from
taxation to nobles - The limits of a pre-industrial economy limited
the effectiveness of royal power. - Main concern of governments was still raising
taxes and fighting wars. - Even this proved too costly for most kings
3Absolute Monarchs Gunpowder EmpiresLate 1500s
- Akbar (1556-1605)
- Kangxi (1661-1722)
- Tokugaw Iseyasu (1598-1616)
- Peter the Great (1682-1725)
- Suleiman (1520 1566)
- Queen Nzinga (1583-1663)
- Louis XIV (1643 -1715)
- Shah Abbas (1588-1629)
- Frederick William the Great Elector (1640-1688)
- Charles V (1519-1556)
- Elizabeth I 1558-1603)
- Phillip II (1556-1598)
4Repeating Characteristics
- Appearances of authority
- Accoutrements of power
- New cities
- Great Monuments
- Divine Authority
- Must 1st control the aristocracy and replace with
a new bureaucracy - Administrative body that has non-elected
officials and procedures - Chosen through different processes such as
through inheritance or by merit - Military structures and new types of persons to
control the military - Taxing structures and tax collectors
- How does the aristocracy fight back
- Mercantilist practices
- Self-sufficiency
- Control of trade through tariffs
- Control of trade routes
- Increase production of goods
- Deal with the issue of merchants and increased
trade - Increase banking practices and use and control of
silver and gold - Religious conflict
5Louis XIV
- 1643-1715
- Centralized the administration of France
- Government
- Financial
- Military
- Expanded the territories of France
6Absolute Best Example Sun KingLouis XIV
- Revoked the Edict of Nantes
- Used the position of Intendents created by
Cardinal Richelieu under Louis XIII - Aristocracy required to live at Versailles and
serve him personally - They advance by getting royal favors and offices
- Built Palace at Versailles
7Financial Stability
- With his minister Colbert, he carried out the
administrative and financial reorganization of
the kingdom, as well as the development of trade
and manufacturing. - Streamlined the tax (taille) collection system
- revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685 which caused
some 200,000 people to flee France - These were some of the most industrious peoples
of France and they took their capital with them
- state intervention to create a self-sustaining
economy. - Colbert used an aggressive tariff policy to
manipulate the import of raw materials and the
export of manufactured goods to improve the
balance of payments. - He also fostered domestic trade and industry by
improving communications (roads and canals),
eliminating internal tolls, expanding the navy,
increasing colonial trade through the East India
Company and by subsidizing certain industries
(tapestries and furniture).
9Military Reform
- With the Marquis de Louvois, he reformed the army
and racked up military victories. - War with others across Europe in 30 Years war to
create balance of power - War of Spanish Succession
- Phillip II his grandson gets Spain but Treaty of
Utrecht forbids the Bourbons to combine the
crowns of France and Spain
10Cultural Patronage
- Finally, Louis encouraged an extraordinary
blossoming of culture - theatre (Molière and Racine)
- music (Lully)
- architecture, painting, sculpture, and all the
sciences (founding of the royal academies) - Versailles became the seat of lavish spectacles,
such as ballets, balls, hunts, and receptions,
all presided over by the Sun King himself and
attended by the educated international nobility.Â
- French became the universal language of Europe
11Controlled the Aristocracy
- Had no time to tend to our own affairs and the
landed gentry and their properties developed in
disrepair - Peasants on the land
- Forced the Parliments of Paris to register its
edicts before issuance - established state factories for luxury goods (the
most famous was Les Gobelins). - regulated every possible aspect of the private
sector - the innumerable guild ordinances and
product règlements were meant to ensure high
manufacturing standards, but they spawned a
parasitic bureaucracy and cramped the free
development of industry.
- Within the confines of his particular district,
each Intendant gave form and shape to all facets
of the royal government. - For example, the Intendant supervised the local
law courts and nobles, worked to eradicate
smugglers and bandits, recruited soldiers,
oversaw the collection of taxes, regulated the
marketplaces, guarded against famine, and dealt
with the guilds and towns. - Moreover, he sometimes would decide court cases
himself. - These Intendants were in constant contact with
the Kings court, communicating with him and the
state councils about what was happening in their
districts, and receiving orders on what was to be
done next. - An important aspect of the Intendants was their
social origins. The king chose to use
individuals whose upper-class status was
recent.  - These men were not embedded in the traditional,
centuries-old power arrangements, as were the
ancient nobility. The new aristocrats had no
independent political power or influence they
owed their authority and status to the king
- While we were tending to his personal needs in
the Palace the bourgeoisie undermined our
position as lords of our domains. The peasants
are beginning to refuse to pay their feudal
obligations to use the village oven and the flour
mill and the wine press. Even though we are
exempt from the Taille we pay for our worship of
the sun king through our lands. - He is unchecked and has waged wars across Europe.
- He will bankrupt the economic system and
eventually allow too much power to the
bourgeoisie. They will revolt!
14The Bourgeoisie
- Bourgeois
- city dweller, eventually meant middle-class
- Transformation of the European economy in the
middle ages led to increased numbers of a
wealthy, non-aristocratic merchants and craftsmen
based in cities - This group traditionally allied with the king
against the nobles - The bourgeoisie provided a pool of educated men
that the king could place in the bureaucracy - The king got loyal, competent bureaucrats and did
not have to rely on the aristocracy to help him
govern - The bourgeoisie obtained power and prestige
usually denied to non-nobles, and even the
possibility of becoming noble
15End of War and Louis XIV
- 1713
- Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of Spanish
succession which involved a Bourbon successor to
the throne which was a concern to other monarchs
throughout Europe as this might upset a balance
of power - Philip was allowed to remain King of Spain as
long as the thrones of France and Spain were not
united - Louis died in 1715 - prompting great celebration
throughout France
16Gardens of Versailles
17Imagery at Versailles (Le Roi Soleil)
18France after 100 years War 1453
19Four major powers in Europe early 16th century
prior to Louis XIV
20(No Transcript)
21Europe The Age of Absolutism
22Charles V
- Hapsburg remnants of Holy Roman Empire began with
Otto I (936 973) - Charles V (Holy Roman Empire) (1500-1558), Holy
Roman emperor (1519-1558), and,as Charles I,
king of Spain (1516-1556), - Has to fight the Ottomans
- Has a diverse and separated empire to hold
together - Watches it begin to disintegrate
- Signs the Peace of Augsburg (1555) to resolve
some of the religious conflict and thereby gives
up a great deal of authority over his Germanic
23Empire issues
- Plus ultra to describe his empire
- His reference is to Even further for his empire
- King of Spain
- Emperor of Holy Roman Empire
- Includes the Netherlands because of Spanish
Empire - Born in Ghent (his father Phillip ruled the
Netherlands and was Duke of Burgundy) - Spoke French as his first language
- Also Kingdom of Naples as heir to Aragon
- Iron hand in a velvet glove
- Attempted to create a constitution, and increase
its financial and military strength. - An agreement was reached as to how the estates of
the realm should share in its government,
according to a scheme called the
Reichsregimenthow the expenses of the imperial
chamber etc. were to be met and how the estates
were to furnish the emperor military assistance
in war - Too many realms and divisions
- Empire was not contiguous
251700 Europe After the 1648 Peace of Westphalia
261700 Europe
27The Global Empire of Charles V
28Economic and political stability
- With individuals Charles dealt still more
effectivelyin Spain chiefly with the burghers,
in the Netherlands with the higher nobility. - The latter he won to his support by bestowing on
them the most important offices and holding out
hopes of the Golden Fleece - the former he hoped to win by leaving them the
control of taxation, so that they might regulate
it uniformly, and therefore less oppressively - Church benefices
- Textile regulation in the Netherlands
- In Spain the opposition to Charles' policies was
found in the Cortes and in the city governments,
but still more among the lesser nobility, the
Hidalgueria, who resisted all agricultural
progress as well as the emperor's external policy
30Rebuttal- Charles gives up
- There is just too much going on around me for me
to hold this realm together. Turks to the east,
natives in the Americas, economic changes in the
Netherlands and religious problems throughout.
Although I tried, no one policy could pull it all
31Frederick William the Great ElectorPrussia
- 1640-1688
- Frederick William I (ruled 1709-1710)
- his grandson Frederick the Great (1710-1740)
- Hohenzollern
- Brandenburg
- Combined territories to form Prussia
32Frederick William the Elector of Prussia
Brandenburg to Hohenzollern (r. 1640-1688)
Frederick William I
- The Prussian Army
- The General War Commissariat
- The militarized state
- The deal with the Junkers
- Inviting immigrants
- Mercantilist economics
- Left the Prussian empire economically sound, with
an efficient military, and centralized authority
- The Great Elector increased taxes threefold and
increased the size of his army tenfold - Had an army of 40,000 which was the fourth
largest in Europe - Recruited men who were over 6 foot tall
- Created the bureaucratic agency called the
General War Commissariat to levy taxes for the
army and administer its growth
34General War Commissariat1688
- established to levy taxes needed to support the
Army and its growth. - became an civil government agency as well.
- Commissariats was used to govern everything.
- Had to be strangers to the district for which
they were appointed - This agencies help centralize power and allowed
for Fredrick Williams successors
35Absolutism in Prussia
- Holy Roman Empire fragmented after the 30 Years
War (1618-1648) - Frederick William, the Great Elector of
Brandenburg-Prussia (r. 1640-1688) - Turned small collection of German states into
rising European power - Made deal with Junkers
- Prussian nobles
- Junkers allowed him to raise taxes to pay army,
in return, Frederick allowed them complete
control over their serfs - Created the War Commissariat
Prussian Grenadier
36Count von von Seckendorf ambassador from Vienna
comments on the Prussian military
- It is certain that nowhere in the world one can
see troops comparable with the Prussians for
beauty, cleanliness, and order. Although in
drill, training, and marching much is forced and
affected, nearly everything is useful and
efficient. Besides, it must be admitted that the
army and the troops lack nothing that is needed.
The soldiers number 70,000, and every regiment
has at least a hundred more men than the normal
figure. The Arsenal is superabundantly provided
with field artillery and siege artillery, and
only the teams are missing. Moreover, there is
such an enormous store of powder, shot, and
shells as if a great war was threatening. In
Berlin and all about Brandenburg one sees as many
troops moving as one saw in Vienna during the
last war against the Turks. All this activity is
directed by the King in person, and only by him.
Besides, he looks after the whole public
administration in all its branches With such care
and thoroughness that not a thaler note a
monetray unitis spent unless he has given his
signature. Those who do not see it cannot believe
that there is any man in the world, however
intelligent and able he may be, who can settle so
many things personally in a single day as
Frederick William the First, who works from 3
o'clock in the morning till 10, and spends the
rest of' the day in looking after and drilling
his army....
37Deal with the Junkers
- In order to eliminate the power that the members
of the nobility could exercise in their
provincial Estates-General, Frederick William
made a deal with the Junkers. - In return for a free hand in running the
government (in other words, for depriving the
provincial Estates of their power), he gave the
nobles almost unlimited power over their
peasants, exempted them from taxation, and
awarded them the highest ranks in the army and
the Commissariat with the understanding that they
would not challenge his political control. - As for the peasants, the nobles were allowed to
appropriate their land and bind them to the soil
as serfs (Spiel.4th Ed. 436-7).
39Religious toleration led to financial security
- Many Hugeonots migrated to Prussia (Edict of
Potsdam 1685) - Frederick William positively encouraged religious
toleration as he believed that it would benefit
his state. Jews and Roman Catholics were both
tolerated in Brandenburg -Prussia as long as they
had a talent Frederick William wanted for
Brandenburg-Prussia. Frederick William was
especially keen to tempt Huguenots to
Brandenburg-Prussia as they had a European
reputation for expertise in business. - In 1672, a French Protestant Church was
established in Berlin and, in total, about
100,000 Huguenots came to Brandenburg-Prussia
ands greatly assisted in her modernisation. - By 1700, one-third of Berlins population was
Huguenot and their skills allowed
Brandenburg-Prussia to develop a flourishing
candle and paper-making trade, mirror and glove
manufacturing etc. Frederick William himself
estimated that religious toleration increased
Brandenburg-Prussias population by 33.
40Rebuttal by Junker
- According to the RECESS, although I can now do as
I please with my territory and the workers cannot
leave me, I am afraid to confront the Great
Elector because he has used my money to create
such a great army, I can longer oppose anything
he does. What am I to do? - He is using my money, my hard earned profits from
my estates, to buy his army which he then uses
against me. - I guess I will have to go join the army.
41Succeeded by Enlightened
- Frederick the Great (Frederick II -1712-1786)
- "first servant of the state."
- Prussian Hohenzollern
- Started the 7 Years War (1756-1753)
- Impacted three world regions Europe, North
America, South Asia - Treaty of Hubertusburg
42Shah Abbas(1588-1629) Safavids (1501 -1732)
- Obscure origin which is most probably Sunni and
Kurdish, the Safavids (named after a sufi master,
Shaykh Safi) - forged for themselves an illustrious genealogy
that goes back to Ali, and proceeded to forcibly
change Iran into a Shiite state. - In the process they shaped the modern image of
the Iranian nation. - The greatest Safavid monarch,
- he moved the capital to Isfahan in 1598,
- built there a royal city that extended to the
south of the old city and connected it with the
Zayandeh river via a wide avenue, the Chahar Bagh
(Four Gardens) Avenue.
43Shah Abbas Mosque - Isfahan
44Safavid Empire
45Cultural control
- 1st Safavid ruler to conquer the territory of
Persia was a 14-year-old boy by the name of
Ismael (Shah Ismael Shah being the title the
Safavids used for "emperor"). - Ismael lived up to the legend of descent from
Muhammad in his exploits. - He was apparently quite devout, and seemed also
to be unable to lose a military campaign. - His "red cap" army was absolutely devoted to him,
and took extreme risks in his name. - Ismael established the first Safavid Capitol City
in Isfahan, and went on to rule according to
Islamic principles. - His claim to descent from the 12th Imam meant, of
course, that he had to rule according to Shiite,
rather than Sunni principles of Islam, and he and
his successors were often quite brutal in forcing
their subjects to become Shiite Muslims (the
majority had been Sunni prior to the Safavid
arrival). - To do this, subjects often were required to prove
their change by cursing the names of the first
three Caliphs - There were often small uprisings as a result and
the red cap army of the Shah had to remain
large and significant
- local Qezelbash chiefs had grown wealthy in land
and in collecting taxes. - Abbas put to death many of the Qizilbash
tribesmen who had traditionally been associated
with Safavid rule up to this point, and instead
surrounded himself with an elite household guard. - He used slaves as governmental officials
- thousands of Georgian, Circassian and Armenian
prisoners captured in campaigns fought in the
Caucasus in the 1540s and 1550s. Female slaves
entered the royal harem, becoming mothers of
princes and a force in court politics and
dynastic quarrels. - Some of the male slaves began to acquire
positions of influence, under Shah Abbas I,
reaching high offices that challenged the
supremacy of the Qezelbash.
- He recruited soldiers from Persian villages and
from among Christians, Georgians, Circassian,
Armenians and others, equipped them with
artillery and muskets. - The Christians were proud to serve the shah and
to call themselves "Ghulams" (boys) of the shah
although slaves they were not. - To finance the new army, Shah Abbas converted
large pieces of land traditionally granted to
tribal chiefs as assignments into crown lands
that he taxed directly. - This new military force was trained on European
lines with the advice of Robert Sherley. - Sherley was an English adventurer expert in
artillery tactics who, accompanied by a party of
cannon founders, reached Qazvin with his brother
Anthony Sherley in1598. - In a short time Shah Abbas created a formidable
army, consisting of cavalry, infantry and
48Military reorganizationcreated a national army
- Hired Robert and Anthony Sherley British
mercaneries to help reshape his military - Three bodies of troops were formed, all trained
and armed in the European manner and paid out of
the royal treasury the ghulams (slaves), the
tofongchis (musketeers), and the topchis
(artillerymen). - With his new army, Abbas defeated the Ottoman
Turks in 1603, forcing them to relinquish all the
territory they had seized, and captured Baghdad. - He also expelled (1602,1622) the Portuguese
traders who had seized the island of Hormuz in
the Persian Gulf in the 16th century. - Shah Abbas remarkable reign, with its striking
military successes and efficient administrative
system, raised Iran to the status of a great
49Economic Stability
- His domestic policy was marked by a real interest
in building up the infrastructure for a
successful economy. New roads and bridges were
built and he imported skilled merchants from
Armenia to help build up the silk trade with
India. - As part of the stabilization process he enforced
adherence to Shi'ism and acceptance of Farsi as
the national language.
50Economic and Religious stability
- Created a monopoly within his empire to profit
from the production of silk and silk carpets - adherence to Shi'ism
- Tolerant of Christianity and allowed many
churches to be built and allowed Christians to
dress in what they wanted and allowed them to own
property within the empire - Mosques Masjid i Shah and the Masjid i Sheykh
Lotfollah and other monuments including the Ali
Qapu, the Ghehel Sotun, and the Meydan-i Shah.
51Cultural Mecca
- Philosphers an Scientists
- Molla Sadra, Mir Damad,
- Sheikh Baha-e-Din Ameli, or Sheikh Bahai
- a great philosopher and scientist.
- created a system of heating in a public bath that
would provide enough warm water for people to
bathe with the power of a single candle
52Great Monarch
- He used Western economic principles and allied
with westerns to defeat the Ottomans and the
Portuguese providing stability to his empire - With this stability he built a new city,
encouraged new schools to be built, and fostered
the arts demonstrated in the many new types of
patterns of carpets and new and different types
of mosques that were built
53Rebuttal by Qezelbash chiefs
- As he takes our land and uses the profits to pay
the Ghulams he takes away the religious strength
of our empire. We made him what he is through
our organization and he tries to take what we
have built over many generations. He doesnt
serve our empire and our religion he serves
himself with great palaces and a great harem.
54Queen Nzinga
- 1583-1663
- Known as the Queen Warrior
- Took the name Pande Dona Ana Souza
- Centralized the Mbundu a Bantu Zulu tribe in
Western Africa
55Trading Posts
- Along the Atlantic coast of Africa, the
Portuguese established trade forts and trading
posts, the most important of which was El Mina. - Forts normally existed with the consent of local
rulers, who benefited from European trade. - The initial Portuguese ports were located in the
gold- producing region, where the Europeans
penetrated already extant African trade routes. - From the coast, Portuguese traders slowly
penetrated inland to establish new trade links.
In addition to trade, the Portuguese brought
missionaries, who attempted to convert the royal
families of Benin, Kongo, and other coastal
kingdoms. - Only in Kongo, where Nzinga Mvemba accepted
conversion, did the missionaries enjoy success.
56Centralization of tribes against the Portuguese
- Queen Nzingha of Ndongo belonged to the Mbundu, a
large and ancient ethnic group that lived in
modern-day Angola. - The Mbundu were divided into tribes, including
the Songo, Lenge, Libolo, Hungu, Pende, Ndongo,
and Imbangala. - Every group was made up of clans descended from
their mother's side of the family. - Every clan was identified with their mother's
clan and all the marriages were marriages between
clans related maternally. Nzingha's family ruled
the Ndongo people.
57Limited by History Queen NzingaKINGDOM OF
- Converted to Christianity to enhance her
political dealings with the Portuguese who had
shifted their slave trading from the west coast
of Africa to the tribal land of the Mbundu
(became known as Angola) - Married a local tribal chief, uniting their
tribes in their quest to expel the Portuguese - She later allied with the Dutch in an effort to
expel the Portuguese - In1624 she named all those in Angola to be free,
encouraging captives from all across Africa to
come - She renounced her Western name and her conversion
and encouraged all of her subjects to do the same - To her people she claimed her royal position
simply as I Am, and they followed her by
resisting the Portuguese for 40 years - She provided sanctuary to runaway slaves and
Portuguese-trained African soldiers and adopted a
form of military organization known as kilombo,
in which youths renounced family ties and were
raised communally in militias. - They used guerilla techniques for 20 years,
disrupting the slave trade of the Portuguese - She fought along side her soldiers, dressing like
a man
58Africa 1700s (Congo)
- We cannot reckon how great the damage is, since
the merchants daily seize our subjects, sons of
the land and sons of our noblemen, vassals and
relatives ... and cause them to be sold and so
great, Sir, is their corruption and
licentiousness that our country is being utterly
depopulated. Afonso I, in a letter to King João
of Portugal, 1526
60Alfonso thought he could use the Portuguese for
technology but they used him instead
- From 1514, the slave trade became an integral
part of the economy. Afonsos attempts to control
and later abolish the slave trade were futile, as
the Portugese appetite for slaves was insatiable.
- By 1516, Kongo was exporting 4,000 slaves
annually until 1540, when it increased to
approximately 7,000. - The Portugese pressed for more slaves, and the
demands of the tribute system forced Afonso to
comply with their excessive demands. - The standard source of slaveswar captives and
criminalswas drying up and new sourcesslave
raiding and buying slaves from the Tio region
with nzimbu shellswere found. - The revenue from the slave trade financed the
hiring of priests, artisans, and teachers, and
purchased luxury items for the nobility.
61Rebuttal by Dutch Trader
- These Kongolese and Mbundu would best benefit if
they helped us rid the countryside of the tribes
competing with them. They could ally with us,
expel the Portuguese who mistreat their people
so, and help us conquer the other tribes. We
would send the healthy men to the Americas and
they could use the women and children to serve
62Islamic Gunpowder Empires
63Akbar the Great of Mughal dynasty (1556-1605)
- Expanded territory westward
- Built the pillar of heads of fallen forces
- Gave Calcutta to the British
- Provided cotton textiles to the west
- Undercut the Ottomans contacts and forced them
into competition with the western Christians - He rebuilt the military and administrative system
- Married a Rajiput princess
- Repealed the jiza (tax on non-Muslims), an act
which favored the Rajiputs - Suceeded by Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb
- Akbarnama, or three volume history of Akbar
chronicles the Mughal dynasty back to Timur
64Religious toleration
- founder of the Din-i-Ilahi faith
- Merged Hinduism and Islam but also had Christian,
Janism and even Zorastacism - Idea that no one religion held the idea of truth
- Allowed other religions to flourish
- Restored Hindu temples
65Administration and building
- Navratnas
- Nine court jewels or administrators
- Divided the expanded government into Sarkar(s)
- Moved the court from Delhi to Fatehpur Sikri and
built a series of forts which were added to by
his successor shifted to Agra Red Fort - Fatepur Sikri was abandoned due to lack of water
- Rajiputs, warrior class, provided administration
helped collect new tax - Cadaster
- Based on income producing instead of value
- Abolished the jizya(h)
67Babur on India
Without means and resources there is no empire
and conquest, and without lands and followers
there is no sovereignty and rule. - The
Babur-nama in English
68Mughal Empire Akbar Shah Jahan
69Ming and Qing Dynasties
70Ming to Qing (Manchu)
- "By Qing times after 1644 the non-Chinese Inner
Asian ingredient of military control had been
absorbed into chinas social-political system.
The symbiosis of China with Inner Asians (Manchus
and Mongols) confirmed and perfected the
Neo-Confucian order. It was an agrarian-nomadic-bu
reaucratic style distinctly different from the
industrial-military- entrepreneurial style then
developing among the Western nations"
71Kangxi (1661-1722)Manchu Qing Ching Ching
- The Chinese political and social order is at its
height in this "late imperial" period of the last
two dynasties the examination system has, from
the Tang dynasty onward, created a strong
centralized and fully functional civil service in
place of an aristocratic elite with a territorial
base of power. - Scholar-gentry, residing at home as they study
for the next level of examination or await
official appointment, support the work of the
appointed district magistrate (who, by
regulation, cannot be from the district) and form
one elite class of Confucian literati that
governs China.
72Manchu outsiders
- Kangxi Emperor always spoke Chinese with a Manchu
accent. - This reflects the fact that Kangxi had a decent
but not a perfect Chinese education, and is
symbolic of the fact that he always remained a
Manchu in his values. - He was sympathetic to Chinese culture, knew a
fair amount about it, but he always approached it
as a sympathetic outsider. - In other words, he was a perfect example of the
kind of Manchu aristocrat it would take to rule
China - a conquest ethnic aristocrat acculturated to, but
not swallowed up by the Chinese host culture. - Original astrophysical studies and correspondence
in Manchu and he later did NOT encourage the
translation of these into Mandarin for the
73Increase in population under his watch
- triple cropping of rice caused the population of
China to more than double from between 180
million in 1700 to 400 million in 1800
74Kangxis martial exploits and achievements
- Incorporation of Taiwan by defeating and subduing
the Ming loyalist Zheng Chenggong his
successors (1683) - Defeating the Russians in the north signed the
treaty of Nerchinsk - Won the war against Three Feudatories
- Won the war against Western Mongols who
controlled Tibet - 1720, Qing entered Tibet installed a
pro-Chinese Dalai Lama
75Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722)
- The unification of the Jurchen tribes under
Nurgaci (1559-1626) - The Banner system a military-civilian unit of
120-278 companies), - Ethnicity based units 8 Banners for each
ethnicity of Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese - Kangxi, the second emperor, consolidated the
Manchu rule, creating the Golden Age of Qing in
17-18 centuries
76Kangxis political economic policy
- Two-sided policy toward the Chinese elite
- The continuity of Chinese traditions
- A patron of Confucianism Chinese art the
Kangxi Dictionary a special civil service
examination - Preservation of the Manchu identity and
superiority and courting the Chinese loyalty - Brutal suppression of any dissenting voice
- Tax reform one whip tax combining land and
head taxies once accessed, the amount was fixed
for 50 years
77Ming Empire
78The Ching Empire at its peak
79(No Transcript)
80Manchu origins and expansion
81The Qing Empire and tributaries 1700s
82(No Transcript)
83(No Transcript)
84Rebuttal by Eunuch
- He does not allow us to pass along our material
gains to our families
86Tokugaw Iseyasu (1598-1616)
- Hideyoshi decreed in 1586 that farmers must stay
on their land. In 1587 he decreed that only
samurai would be allowed to carry the long sword,
which would later define them as a class. As
economic conditions changed, the shoguns were
less successful, however, in maintaining the
rigid boundaries separating the other classes - eta were outcastes, forced to live in their own
communities and avoided by other members of
Japanese society. - They held this low status due to their
occupations, which were associated with death
disposing of animal carcasses and tanning animal
hides - Responsible for distribution of the rice
- There were over 270 daimyo in Tokugawa Japan who
received at least 10,000 koku (1 koku measurement
of feeding one person for a year about 5 bushels)
- 1597 issued a third banning edict of Christianity
and executed 26 Franciscan monks in Nagasaki
87Road to partial isolation
- Within a century of the arrival of the Portuguese
in Japan in 1543, they are followed by the Dutch
and British who have battled to break the
Portuguese and then Spanish control of the Asian
spice trade. - The East India companies established by the Dutch
and British, respectively, become active in the
early 1600s the Dutch (1609) and the British
(1613) establish trading relations with the
Japanese with bases on a Japanese island. - In an effort to reestablish order in its
international relations, however, the Tokugawa
Shogunate prohibits trade with Western nations,
prohibits Japanese from going abroad to trade
(ending the unofficial piracy and trade on the
China coast), and reaffirms Japan's official
relations with China and Korea within the East
Asian international structure. - Following the "Act of Seclusion" (1636) setting
forth these conditions, Japan is effectively
"secluded" from interchange with Western Europe
(but not with East Asia) for the next 200 years. - Only the Dutch retain a small outpost on an
island in Nagasaki Harbor books obtained from
the Dutch are translated into Japanese and "Dutch
learning" forms the basis of the Japanese
knowledge of developments in the West throughout
this period. - Within East Asia, trade continues with the
Koreans and Chinese, and exchange of goods and
ideas with China is maintained. The East Asian
political order, with China at the center is
- First step taken was persecution of Christians,
then banning of Christianity in 1614 - after 1616 foreign merchants limited to few ports
- by 1640s, only Dutch and Chinese admitted at
Deshima - Neo-Confucian philosophy gave way to the
influence of thinkers who championed the school
of "National Learning. based on indigenous
Japanese culture - differed from Chinese in maintaining oversight of
European technological developments.
89Tokugawa Japan
90Osaka Castle. seized by forces of Tokugawa Ieyasu
in 1615
- Daimyo
- fudai (inside) daimyo
- tozama (outside) daimyo
- Ronin
- "masterless" samurai, without a lord to answer
to, but also without any definite means of
support. The ronin might settle down in a
particular location to teach or perform other
duties, though many of them wandered the
countryside, looking for gainful employment. Some
sold their services as hired warriors to the
highest daimyo bidder. Of the approximately 30
million Japanese during the Tokugawa period,
about 2 million were samurai. - Bakufu
- Governing council
92RebuttalPortuguese trader
- We have an opening into the empire as the
Tokugawa need our saltpeter to continue their
have viable threats against their hostages. - We can only take so much Kabuki and Buddhism but
will stay in Nagasaki for as long as it takes to
push them out of their stronghold in Edo.
93Peter the Great
- Prior to Peter the czars confiscated privately
held lands in the conquered principalities and
gave these estates to calvarymen who pledged
continual military service in return. In the 16th
century the streltsy, a regular infantry corps
armed with firearms, was formed. - The tsars now had an army of their own and were
no longer dependent on the military forces raised
by the boyars. - Rise of the Romanov beginning with Michael
selected by the boyars (zemsky sobor ) - Peter expanded Russia towards Europe and European
interests and followed the Muscovy efforts to
protect themselves from any further incursions of
the Mongolian hordes. - Peter's wars with the Ottoman Empire and Sweden
indicated a westward shift in Russian expansion. - Wanted a large army to expand Russian borders to
for buffer zones - Needed iron weapons, ships made of new metals and
technologies as Russia had no navy, and needed
guns for his very large army.
94European Populations and Armies
95Finance and control
- He implemented taxes on everything imaginable to
include candles, nuts, boots, hats, horses,
beehives, beards, chimneys, and drinking water - In 1721, the church hierarchy was officially
abolished by the Ecclesiastical Reservation and
the church was placed under the control of the
Holy Synod and was fully linked to the state. - The 1721 Regulation specifically stated what the
clergy could do - it was designed to control their daily life so
that they became an apparatus of the state. - The task of the clergy was seen as two-fold
- to work for the state and to make their
congregations totally submissive to the state by
convincing them that Peter was all but God-like
to ensure the population of Russia's total
subordination to the crown
96Education and culture
- In 1701, the School of Navigation and Maths was
founded in Moscow. - This was run by British teachers. In the same
year, similar schools were created for artillery
and languages. - In 1707, a School of Medicine was created and in
1712 a School of Engineering. - Thirty maths schools were created in the
provinces and in 1724, a year before Peter's
death, a School of Science was established though
the lack of scientists in Russia meant that it
had to be initially staffed by foreigners. - Young boyars required to attend
- Dress western european
97Economic shift
- Remained significantly agriculturally based and
dependent on the large coercive labor force - Westernization was limited to the elite and
aristocracy - In 1718, two colleges were created for commerce
and mines and manufacturing. - His technological advancements were to obtain
self-sufficiency in building his navy and guns - Under state direction, factories of all types
were developed. - Prices were fixed by the state and the state had
the right to be the first purchaser from the
producers - but at a price fixed by the state. - Private businesses could make a profit only on
the surplus of produce which the state did not
want and many successful enterprises were simply
taken over by the state.
98Coercive labor
- Barshchina is the labour, mostly agricultural,
performed by a Russian peasant or serf for a
landlord, whether the church, the state, or an
individual landowner. - Barshchina originated in Kievan Rus and became
widespread in the later part of the Mongol Yoke,
when agricultural production increased. - The labour was performed one day weekly in the
fifteenth century, and increased to three days in
the seventeenth century. - In 1797, it was forbidden to work on Sundays.
- Both men and women performed the labour, and
children began limited services at age fourteen. - Barshchina often included sowing, reaping and
bringing in crops constructing buildings and
fences and keeping them in repair hunting and
fishing spinning flax brewing beer baking
bread working in flour and weaving mills making
bricks and carting goods to market. - Barshchina did not end in 1861, as freed peasants
had to meet their obligations to former landlords
for two years or until they had redeemed their
land from the landlord. - Obrok is rent paid for the use of land, either in
kind (i.e. poultry, eggs, meat, honey, cloth,
grain) or in money. - Obrok was more widespread than barshchina from
the thirteenth to the early sixteenth century. - Obrok decreased in the sixteenth century, as the
practice of service-tenure landholding developed.
- In the eighteenth century, obrok was more
predominant in areas of poorer farmland and where
trade was developed, and more commonplace among
church and crown peasants. - With the development of peasant trade in the
second half of the eighteenth century, their was
more widespread payment of obrok in money rather
than in kind. - Generally, peasants who paid obrok had more
economic freedom than those who performed
barshchina. - After 1861, obrok was replaced by the system of
redemption payments.
99Peter the Great r.1682-1725
- The Russian official rank system was based on
Peter the Greats decree
of 4 February 1722 that provided
a system for equivalencies of ranks among
the army branches and the civilian
service. - The Table comprised of 14 classes of ranks and
civilian positions, although it did not extend
top the lower levels of service. - It remained in effect with slight modifications
until the October Revolution of 1917. - As Peter the Great launched his reforms in
Russia in early 1700s, it became evident that a
new system of promotion was required to organize
his new army and society. - That was particularly important for the nobility
who were obliged under Peters decrees to serve
in the army. - In addition, as he formed his army along the
European lines, Peter the Great endeavored to
simplify the transfers from one branch of service
to another as well as determining the precedence
of the officials in civilian service and court.
100St. Petersburg "Peters Window on the West" and
"Venice of the North Also the city built on
101Rebuttal from a boyar
- His liking for the crudest sort of practical
jokes, and the grossness of many aspects of life
at the Russian court, were certainly not without
parallels elsewhere in Europe. Nevertheless, they
were carried to lengths which foreign observers
witnessed with a mixture of horror, amusement,
and astonishment. One of them noted in October
1698 that at another banquet 'Boyar Golovin has,
from his cradle, a natural horror of salad and
vinegar so the Czar directing Colonel Chambers
to hold him tight, forced salad and vinegar into
his mouth and nostrils, until the blood flowing
from his nose succeeded his violent coughing.' - A.G. Dickens (Ed.). The Courts of Europe
Politics, Patronage and Royalty 1400-1800.
McGraw-Hill, 1977
102Rebuttal from a Cossack
- Peter doesnt ride like the wind like we do
- He gave us promises
- We agreed to move into the new areas and in
return we were suppose to be able to control - We keep our horses and our traditions and one day
will take over and these Rus will submit to our
culture - Pugachev Rebellion supported by the Cossacks
103(No Transcript)
104Growth of Russia
105Suleiman1494-1566r. 1520 1566
- The Ottomans had a high tolerance of alien
cultures and religions - The men of the ruling Dynasty, the house of
Osman, always married women with mixed heritage,
Turkish, Greek, Arab, Russian, Serbian, thus
themselves were mixed. - Janissaries
- Allowed conquered regions to tax themselves and
govern under their civil law a system known as
the millet - Later developed the devshirme in conqueored
regions which provided the young boys who as
trained and educated became the Janissaries
107Suleiman the Lawgiver
- Kunan has grown to be a signficant part of
Shariah (teachings) - kanun-i 'Osmani
- Adapted the Yasa and the Shari
- Patron of Sinan - one of the greatest and most
prolific mosque builder - over 80
- Mosque of Suleiman
- Wrote under the nom de plume of Muhibbi, the
Loving - Between 83 210 collected poems
108To a women in his harem
- Throne of my lonely niche, my wealth, my love,
my moonlight.My most sincere friend, my
confidant, my very existence, my SultanThe most
beautiful among the beautiful...My springtime,
my merry faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart,
laughing leaf...My plants, my sweet, my rose,
the one only who does not distress me in this
world...My Istanbul, my Caraman, the earth of my
AnatoliaMy Badakhshanmy Baghdad, my KhorasanMy
woman of the beautiful hair, my love of the
slanted brow, my love of eyes full of
mischief...I'll sing your praises alwaysI,
lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes
full of tears, I am happy.
109Growth in the military under Suleyman -Devsirme
- Janissary army from 12,000 to between 35-40,000
- Needed to stop the incursions of Shah Abbas of
the Safavid Empire - Janissaries were conscripted from Christian
families and defined as property of the Sultan - The Janissaries were subject to strict rules,
limiting their freedom and demanding higher moral
standards than usual in the society. - In the first couple of centuries, they were
forced to celibacy, but this would later change. - The janissaries were not allowed to grow beard,
which was the sign of a free man. - They were even denied contact with the normal
society in the areas were they were stationed. - Through their training, they were learned to put
their allegiance to the bey/sultan. - Studied literature, law, calligraphy, theology,
and languages - despite strict rules, they enjoyed high living
standards and a social status which intended to
give logic and force to their loyalty. - over time, the Janissaries were so successful
that they grew into one of the strongest power
institutions in the empire. - They could exercise this strength to influence
the policy and to defend their own interests. - Under Suleyman they began to marry and people
within the empire could apply to become a
110Other religions were tolerated
- Jizah
- Tax on the dhimmi
- Millet system
- Allowed many different nationalities to coexist
within the growing Ottoman Empire - Eventually caused rift within the empire in the
1800s resulting in the Tanzimat Reforms which
ceased to recognize the system
- They have taken me from my home although they
allow me to convert to Islam I am away from my
family - I wield great power as my cohorts have become
ministers but he is allowing others in the
bureaucracy to make decisions including those
women in the harem - He spends too much time writing and building and
needs to fight his wars - I wish he would allow me to grow a beard
113Enlightened Monarchs
- Catherine the Great
- Joseph II of Austria (HRE)
- Frederick II (Frederick the Great) (1740 1786)
- Romanovs begin with Michael
- Evolution of concept of Russia begins in Kievan
Rus to Duchy of Muscovy and Muscovites occupation
of Mongolians known in Russia as the Golden Horde - Ivan III and Ivan IV drive out the Mongolians
- Time of Troubles results in the selection of
Michael Romanov
115Growth of the Russian Empire Ancient Slavic
Centers 800s - 1200s http//www.uwec.edu/bawdent/g
116Catherine the Great r. 1762-1796
- Expanded territories
- Alaska
- Parts of Siberia
- Pacific coast of North America as far south as
California - Poland (180,000 sq mi)
- Crimea
- Turkish Wars involved over 3 million peasants and
lasted for 10 years
117Catherine Great or Not
- Supported the arts, literature, and theater
- Hermitage and required French to be spoken at her
court - Voltaire and ideas of the Enlightenment
- Ideas were not enacted
- Extended serfdom increasing numbers and later
problems - Edict and pogroms
- Pogrom - from the Russian word meaning "to wreak
havoc," a pogrom is an organized attack, often a
massacre, against a minority group - Russia saw a progressive intensification of
serfdom while the West was relaxing this
institution in favor of other labor systems. - Further Westernized the nobility who began to
speak French at court - Acquired vast new territories
- Won control of the southern Crimea region which
provided a warm water port - Acquired Polish territory in the east to provide
greater European ties - Moved Eastward all the way to the Pacific
- 1773 - Yemelyan Pugachev led a Cossack rebellion
against the monarchy that also developed into a
revolt against serf owners. Romanov troops
crushed the revolt in 1774, and Catherine
strengthened the oppressive serf laws - Created the Pale of the Settlement (already
expelled from Russia in 1742 now part as
Partition of Poland)
118Religious Intolerance
- From 1791 until 1915, the Jews living in Eastern
Europe were confined by the Czars of Russia --
starting with Catherine the Great -- to an area
known as the "Pale of Settlement" (meaning
"borders of settlement"). - The Pale consisted of 25 provinces that included
Ukraine, Lithuania, Belorussia, Crimea, and part
of Poland (which had been partitioned between
Russia, Prussia, and Austria in 1772). - Jews were specifically expelled from Moscow and
St. Petersburg and forced into the Pale.
119Enlightened Despot
- In 1767 Catherine summoned an assembly to draft a
new code of laws for Russia and gave detailed
instructions to the members about the principles
they should apply. - The proposed code never went into effect.
- The code drips with "enlightend language"
- What is the true End of Monarchy? Not to deprive
People of their natural Liberty but to correct
their Actions, in order to attain the supreme
Good. - This Equality requires Institutions so well
adapted, as to prevent the Rich from oppressing
those who are not so wealthy as themselves, and
converting all the Charges and Employments
intrusted to them as Magistrates only, to their
own private Emolument.... - the reality of government in Russia was rather
different. - The tsarist government combined a real monopoly
of formal politics by a central administration,
but over noble-owned estates the power of the
government was nonexistent.
120From Decree on Serfs (1767)
- The Governing Senate. . . has deemed it necessary
to make known gt that the landlords' serfs and
peasants . . . owe their landlords proper
submission and absolute obedience in all matters,
according to the laws r that have been enacted
from time immemorial by the autocratic
forefathers of Her Imperial Majesty and which
have not been repealed, and which provide that
all persons who dare to incite serfs and peasants
to disobey their landlords shall be arrested and
taken to the nearest government office, there to
be punished forthwith as disturbers of the public
tranquillity, according to the laws and without
leniency. And should it so happen that even after
the publication of the present decree of Her
Imperial Majesty any serfs and peasants should
cease to give the proper obedience to their
landlords . . . and should make bold to submit
unlawful petitions complaining of their
landlords, and especially to petition Her
Imperial Majesty personally, then both those who
make the complaints and those who write up the
petitions shall be punished by the knout and
forthwith deported to Nerchinsk to penal
servitude for life and shall be counted as part
of the quota of recruits which their landlords
must furnish to the army. And in order that
people everywhere may know of the present decree,
it shall be read in all the churches on Sundays
and holy days for one month after it is received
and therafter once every year during the great
church festivals, lest anyone pretend ignorance.
- From A Source Book for Russian History, G.
Vernadsky, trans. (New Haven Yale University
Press, 1972), Vol. 2, pp. 453-454.
121Political and Economic Administration
- massively reorganized local governments in 1775,
but, unlike the Prussians, she created a civil
bureaucracy, not of all ranks of society, but of
the nobility. - She was, after all, intensely aware of her
precarious hold on power she had gotten this
power through a palace coup by the nobility. - Her most dramatic reforms came in the economic
sphere. - set about eliminating trade barriers such as
taxes and tariffs, and worked hard to build up
the Russian middle class. - issued charters granting or outlining all the
rights available to individual towns in an effort
to spur productivity and the growth of wealth.
122Growth of Russia
123Joseph II r. 1765 1790HRE
- Abolished serfdom
- Eliminated the death penalty
- Established a principle of equality before the
law for all people - Enacted religious reforms
124Religious reforms
- Joseph also sought to bring the Catholic church
under his control. - First, he made it illegal for any clergy to
communicate directly to the pope or the Vatican. - He shut down over six hundred monasteries and
convents and claimed monastic lands for himself. - He also shut down all the seminaries and replaced
them with his own in these new seminaries,
prospective priests would be taught to obey him
rather than the pope. - These policies effectively ended any influence
that the Catholic church had over Austrian
- In 1781, he declared the Toleration Patent, which
declared that all Lutherans, Greek Orthodox, and
Calvinist churches could freely worship without
official harassment. - These separate denominations were also allowed to