Title: Final 19931998 LSND Results
1Final 1993-1998 LSND Results
- Overview of the experiment
- Neutrino sources and processes
- New oscillation analysis
2The LSND Experiment
nm,?nm, ne, (?ne )
800 MeV protons 1 mA 6 duty ratio
Cu Beam Dump
L 30 meters
167 tons CH2 1220 PMTs Active Veto Shield
Neutrino Targets in CH2 nm, ne
neutrons in 12C electrons ?nm, ,?ne
protons in 12C electrons free protons
3Neutrino Fluxes
4LSND Neutrino Physics
- n interactions on 12C, e, p 20-300 MeV
5Event Time Structure
6Global Fit Parameters
7Fit Results (94-98)
8(No Transcript)
9Oscillation Analysis Strategy
- Search for?nm ? ?ne decay at rest oscillation
events in the energy range 20-60 MeV - Search for nm ? ne decay in flight oscillation
events in the energy range 20-200 MeV - Use common a primary-event electron selection
across all neutrino processes - Simultaneously fit all neutrino processes to
constrain fluxes and backgrounds - Identify 20-60 MeV electron events with
correlated neutron capture ? (?ne p? en ) with
correlated neutron capture gamma (Rg gt 10) - Fit 20-200 MeV oscillation signal in
(E,R,L,cosqn) to determine best oscillation
parameter values
10Analysis Improvements
- Global fit to all neutrino processes in order to
constrain backgrounds - Improved position resolution that gives better
accidental gamma rejection in decay-at-rest
analysis - Correlated gamma efficiency improves from 23 to
40 - Accidental background efficiency drops from 0.6
to 0.23 - Combined decay-at-rest decay-in-flight
treatment when determining oscillation parameters
11Neutrino Oscillations 20-60 MeV
- Rgt10 Selection
- on off ? bkgd excess
- 83 (-)33.7 (-)16.6 32.79.2
- Fit to R distribution
- Oscillation Excess Oscillation Probability
- 83.3 21.2 (0.250.06 0.04)
12Global Oscillation Fit
- Electron selection in energy range of 20-200 MeV
- Fit all backgrounds in (Ee, R?, L?, cos??) and
calculate likelihood at each (Dm2,sin2q)
- LSND observes excess ?ne p? en events which are
not consistent with conventional neutrino
processes - A natural explanation is neutrino appearance due
to flavor oscillations that have an overall
probability of ( with a Dm2 gt 0.2
eV2 - This is the only appearance evidence of neutrino
oscillations at the present time
14(No Transcript)
15Fluxes determined from known reactions
16Neutrino Sources
Positive decay chain (88)
Negative decay chain (12)
- All stopped ?- are absorbed
- 88 of stopped m- are captured
17Neutrino Oscillation Search
- Event Selection
- Electron-like events 20-200 MeV
- Distance to PMT surface gt 35 cm
- No prior detector activities within 12 ?s
18Global Fit Parameters
Cross section parameters(6)
19Global Fit Parameters (cont.)
Neutrino flux related parameters(3)
20Global Fit Parameters (cont.)
Detection/selection efficiency related
- ? efficiency
- e efficiency
- ? efficiency
- ? efficiency
21 n 12C Interactions
excited states
excited states
ground state
ground state
17.344 MeV
13.370 MeV
22?nm,e p Interactions
- Cross section determined accurately from neutron
lifetime - ?nm p rate constrains number of p- decays
23Global fit to neutrino data
- All neutrino processes included in fit
- Cross sections allowed to vary around theoretical
values - Neutrino fluxes allowed to vary within errors
- Detection efficiencies allowed to vary
24Fit Results
25Fit Results(cont.)
26Fit Results(cont.)
27Fit Results (Cont.)
28Neutrino Processes
1. Neutrino-nucleus interactions
2. Neutrino-electron interactions
3. Neutrino-proton interactions
29Neutrino Fluxes at LSND
- 1mA 800 MeV protons on H2O or tungsten
- pp- production is 81
- 2 meter decay distance to Cu beam stop so that
3(5) of p(p-) decay in flight to produce high
energy neutrinos - 95 of p and m decay at rest
- 0.6 of m- decay at rest