Title: Department Imaging Science
1Department Imaging Science Technology
Acoustical Imaging and Sound Control Charged
Particle Optics Optics Quantitative Imaging
6 February 2009
2IST Organization
- IST Bestuur
- van Vliet (chair)
- Urbach Gisolf
- Kruit
IST Secretariaat 2 OBP
people, not ftes
- Acoustical Imaging
- Gisolf
- vd Berg (0.2)
- 4 WP
- 4 OBP
- Charged Particle Optics
- Kruit
- 2 WP
- 6 OBP
- Optics
- Urbach
- Planken
- 4 WP
- 5 OBP
- Quantitative
- Imaging
- van Vliet
- Niessen (0.2)
- Young (0.2)
- 3 WP
- 3 OBP
3Acoustical Imaging Sound Control
- Chair Prof.dr.ir. Dries Gisolf
- Room acoustics/wave-field synthesis Dr.ir.
Diemer de Vries - Sound control/wave-field analysis Dr.ir. Rinus
Boone - Acoustical imaging/seismic Dr.ir. Eric
Verschuur - Medical ultra-sonic diagnostics Dr. Koen van
Dongen - Non-linear inversion Prof.dr.ir. Peter van den
Berg (emeritus) - Research program
- To take acoustical imaging into the world of
full elastic non-linear inversion in strongly
inhomogeneous media. This includes both 3D
elastic imaging of the earth, the human body or
construction materials as well as wave-field
analysis and synthesis in room acoustics and
sound control.
4Acoustical imaging and sound control
- Fields of research
- Room acoustics (full simulation coupling to
audiology) - Audiological technology ('hoorbril' and mobile
telephony in variable acoustic environments) - Seismic imaging (Delphi consortium is one of the
leading geophysical consortia in the world full
elastic non-linear inversion) - Medical imaging (emerging research field
recently-awarded STW project on breast cancer
detection non-linear propagation) - Non-destructive testing (NDT) (transfer of
seismic technology has revolutionised the NDT
world hair fracture detection) - Enabling science and technology
- Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media
- Spatial sampling of wave-fields (array
technology, sparse data) - Non-linear inversion of multiply scattered data
5Acoustical imaging and sound control
3D ultra-sonic image of defects in steel plate
Linear imaging
Full non-linear inversion
Model for ultra-sonic detection of breast tumor
3D interpretation of very inhomogeneous earth by
slicing through image cube
Room acoustic analysis Audiological
6Charged Particle Optics
- Chair Prof.dr.ir. Pieter Kruit
- Nanolithography Dr. Kees Hagen
- Correlative microscopy Dr. Jacob Hoogenboom
- Research program
- Our ambition is to discover new eyes to look at
the microscopic world and to invent new hands to
create microscopic structures. For that purpose
we advance the fundamental understanding of
relevant physical phenomena such as electron
emission and we design innovative, sometimes
revolutionary optical instruments.
7Charged Particle Optics
- Electron and Ion sources
- example Shape changes of nano-crystals in strong
E-field - Optical systems
- example 100 beam Schottky source
- Particle matter interaction
- example Sub nm Electron Beam Induced Deposition
8Nanoned 2 20 nm lithography (with TNO and NS)
Method Electron Beam Induced Deposition
Experiment world record in electron lithography
New instrumentation multi-beam
Theory electron scattering
9Electron Source
Principle for Maskless Lithography
Collimator lens
MAPPER Lithography
Aperture array
- Funded and launched July 1, 2001
- Spin-off from TUDelft
- Team of 170 people
- Industrial team
Beam Blanker Array
Beam Deflector Array
Projection lens
- Chair Prof.dr. Paul Urbach
- THz Imaging Prof.dr. Paul Planken
- Quantum Optics Dr. Sylvania Pereira
- Geometric Optics Dr. Florian Bociort
- Modern Optics Dr. Nandini Bhattacharya
- THz Imaging Dr. Aurele Adam
- Research program
- The teaching and research of the group focus on
wave propagation and imaging in various spectral
regions that extend from TeraHertz frequencies to
the Extreme Ultraviolet. Current research topics
are related to optical lithography for the
nanofabrication of integrated circuits, optical
aperture synthesis for astronomy, Terahertz
imaging and optical metrology..
11Near Field Light through apertures in a metal
- 90x more light squeezed through a slit than
expected PRL 2007 - Rigorous 3D EM models (FEM, FDTD, RCWA)
benchmarked with 5 international groups JEOS
2007 - Time-resolved THz electric near-field
measurements of all vector components with ?/100
resolution Optics Expr 2008
- Applications
- biosensors, LEDs, solar cells
- material analysis with THz
- THz microscopy/spectroscopy/imaging
- Collaboration with industry
- Philips
- IMA Edwards Free Drying Solutions
12High NA Imaging Extended Nijboer Zernike Theory
- ENZ Theory an analytical approach to fields near
focus Progress in Optics 2008 - Optimum focused spots determined analytically
PRL 2008
- Applications Collaborations
- aberration retrieval ? Nikon, Leica
- mask imaging in lithography ? Fraunhofer
Institut (IIS), Erlangen - optical recording ? Thomson
- optical disk mastering ? Singulus Mastering GmbH
- scatterometry ? ASML
13Interferometry/Metrology Polarization nulling
- Wideband IR exo-planet detection Darwin Mission
- Use several beams with rotated polarization
states Optics Express 2006, Collaborations
TNO, ESA - Length metrology with femtosecond frequency-comb
laser. Goal accuracy 100 nm over a distance of
1 km in space JEOS 2008, Collaborations TNO,
NMi, ESA - Laser Doppler velocimetry for detection of
cardiovascular diseases Collaboration Philips
14Optimization of high quality optical systems
- Global optimization with many variables and many
local minima - Chaotic dependence on initial values
- Improved algorithm yielded new optimum with less
glass - 600,000 cheaper lithographic systems
- Collaborations Zeiss, ASML
15Quantitative Imaging
- Chair Prof.dr.ir. Lucas van Vliet
- Medical Imaging Prof.dr. Wiro Niessen
- Molecular and Electron Imaging Dr. Bernd Rieger
- Imaging Physics Dr. Sjoerd Stallinga
- Medical Imaging Dr. Frans Vos
- Quantitative Microscopy Prof.dr. Ted Young
- Research program
- Image-based measurement and analysis is done
through fundamental research in image sensing,
image processing, image analysis, and image
recognition. The work is applied in medical
imaging for computer-assisted diagnosis and
treatment, in quantitative microscopy for
bio-molecular imaging and in industrial and
security applications.
Erasmus MC (0.8) FEI Company (0.2) Philips Res
(0.2) AMC (0.5) Emeritus (0.8)
16Quantitative Imaging
medical imaging
image processing and analysis
industrial imaging
bio-molecular imaging in microscopy
17Medical Imaging
Diffusion Weighted MRI
Computer Aided Detection in CT colonography
- Low dose CT
- Electronic cleansing
- Automated detection and segmentation
- Pattern recognition
- Optimal scanning protocol (dir b-values)
- Estimate diffusion in crossing fibers
- Build 4D atlas of aging brain
- Find biomarkers for neuro-diseases
False positives
Phase-contract X-ray tomography
4D modeling of the wrist
Miniature synchrotron (Japan) ? Soft tissue
Registration 3Dpose, multi modal CT MRI,
shape model normals, detect pathologies model
Bone overlap
Arteries no contrast agent
Hard X-rays, Forward model, phase estimation,
high resolution
Unconstrained vs constraint registration
18Bio-molecular imaging
Super-resolution / Localization microscopy
cryo-TEM at molecular resolution
- Low dose lt 40 e/A2 very low SNR
- Resolution through CTF correction
- SNR by structure-driven filtering
- Sparse solution through L1-norm
- Missing cone in tilt series
10 QDs in 300nm
QD blinking
Tethered Particle Motion
- DNA-protein interactions
- Persistence length
- Diffusivity mobility
- Protein aggregation
19Super-resolution from 2D projective motion
4x up-sampling by pixel replication
256x236x64 sequence of a moving car captured by a
stationary CCD camera
4x super-resolution with deblur