Title: Specialist High
2Specialist High Skills Major
- What is an SHSM?
- A Ministry approved, specialized program
- Allows students to focus on knowledge, skills and
experiences specific to certain economic sectors - Offers industry-recognized certifications and
training courses
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3Specialist High Skills Major
- What are the benefits?
- Students can explore, identify, and refine their
career goals - Students can customize their education while
meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary
School Diploma (OSSD) - Students are prepared for success in their chosen
postsecondary destination, whether it be
apprenticeship, college, university or workplace
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4Specialist High Skills Major
- Whats your major?
- SHSM programs include major credits that
provide sector-related knowledge and skills - Students will complete learning activities in
English and Mathematics contextualized to the
knowledge and skills relevant to the sector
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5- What are the components of a Specialist High
Skills Major? - The framework for the Specialist High Skills
Major has five required components - Bundled credits in grade 11 and grade 12
- Sector-recognized certifications and training
courses - Experiential learning activities within the
sector - Reach Ahead experiences in the area of the
students postsecondary destination of choice - Development of essential skills and work
habits required in the sector, with use of the
Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) for purposes of
Specialist High Skills Major
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- Bundled Credits
- SHSM Construction
- Shaded boxes indicate credits required to meet
the components of the Specialist High Skills Major
- Bundled Credits
- SHSM Manufacturing
- Shaded boxes indicate credits required to meet
the components of the Specialist High Skills
- Bundled Credits
- SHSM Hospitality and Tourism
- Shaded boxes indicate credits required to meet
the components of the Specialist High Skills
9- 2. Sector-recognized certifications and training
courses - Enable students to acquire knowledge and
skills related to safe work habits - Provide students with an advantage when
entering the workforce - Construction SHSM
- 8 Certifications and Training Programs Required
- (5 compulsory and 3 selected from a prescribed
list) - Manufacturing SHSM
- 6 Certifications and Training Programs Required
- (3 compulsory and 3 selected from a prescribed
list) - Hospitality and Tourism SHSM
- 5 Certifications and Training Programs Required
- (4 compulsory and 1 selected from a prescribed
Specialist High Skills Major
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10Specialist High Skills Major
- 3. Experiential Learning Opportunities
- Planned learning experiences that take place
outside of the traditional classroom setting - Allow students to connect their learning in
school to work in the sector
Youth Apprenticeship program (OYAP) gives high
school students a head start on their career as a
skilled trades professional. Students can become
an apprentice and earn credits towards their
apprenticeship and their diploma at the same time
with no delay in their graduation! Hundreds of
DSBN graduates have started their postsecondary
education while still in high school by
participating in OYAP. Students in the SHSM will
be given the opportunity to sign to an
apprenticeship so that all of their hours and
skills learned will be applied to their
certification in the skilled trade of their
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11Specialist High Skills Major
The District School Board of Niagara
Technological Skills Challenges
- 10th year of the DSBN Challenges
- Two different levels of competition
- Elementary (grades 7-8)
- Secondary (grades 9-12)
- 3800 DSBN students participate
- Over 30 different contest areas related to
the skilled trades and technologies - DSBN gold medalists advance to the provincial
level competitions
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12Specialist High Skills Major
The District School Board of Niagara
Technological Skills Challenges
- Skills challenges provide opportunities
forExperiential Learning by allowing students
to - apply and further develop their skill set and
technical knowledge - make connections between in-school learning and
work in the sector - make contacts and receive valuable feedback
from mentors and judges working in industry or
from postsecondary educational institutions - explore careers in the skilled trades and
technologies - Tech Tuesdays provide additional
opportunitiesfor skills training and mentorship
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13- 4. Reach Ahead Experiences
- opportunities for learning experiences directly
related to the students desired postsecondary
destination - enable students to gain confidence in their
ability to be successful, refine their skills
and work habits, and make an informed choice
about future careers and next steps - Examples
- job-shadowing someone for a day or more in a
career the student is considering - attending a number of college or university
classes in their area of interest - attending a conference or workshop held by the
economic sector for their SHSM - completing a ministry-approved dual credit
course/program or apprenticeship training
Specialist High Skills Major
W W W . D S B N . E D U . O N . C A / T E C H E D
14- 5. Development of Essential Skills and work
habits required in the sector, with use of the
Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) for purposes of
documentation - skills that are transferable from school to
work, job to job, and sector to sector - skills that enable people to perform tasks
required in their jobs and participate fully in
the workplace and community - the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) work plan is
used to track students demonstration of
essential skills and work habits and to
help students plan further skills development
Specialist High Skills Major
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15Specialist High Skills Major
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Hospitality Tourism
16Specialist High Skills Mjor
17Specialist High Skills Major
18Specialist High Skills Major
19Specialist High Skills Major