Title: BARD: Bayesian-Assisted Resource Discovery
1BARD Bayesian-AssistedResource Discovery
- Fred Stann (USC/ISI)
- Joint Work With
- John Heidemann (USC/ISI)
- April 9, 2004
- Problem Efficiency of Data Dissemination in
Sensor Networks - Data producers and data consumers must connect
with each other - Exhaustive search (a.k.a. flooding) required
- In lieu of meta-data or a priori knowledge
- Solution BARD uses Bayesian techniques
- Use prior distribution to limit flooding
3Data Dissemination in Sensor Nets
- Resource Discovery
- Finding data matching some description
- Attribute Matching
- Routing
- Route Establishment
- Packet Forwarding
- Route Maintenance
4Name-Based vs. Attribute-Based Routing
- IP Ad Hoc Routing
- Name-based routing with Resource Discovery
layered on top (e.g. DNS, Google) - Diffusion
- Attribute-based routing combined with
- Resource Discovery
5Related Work
- Route Caching (DSR, AODV)
- Cached paths are refreshed as needed
- Data Centric Storage (DCS/GHT)
- Hash to location aware nodes
- Geographic Assist (GEAR)
- Greedy forwarding toward target
- Target Tracking (Spatio-Temporal Mcast)
- Predict target path and delivery zone
- Probabilistic (Gossip)
- Forwarding with fixed probability
6Related Work Summary
- Each technique works well for a subset of the
problem space comprised of all diffusion
applications - We desired a more general approach
7Two-Phase Pull Diffusion
(could be multiple sinks)
Additional source
- Original diffusion algorithm Intanagonwiwiat et
al, 2000 - 1. flood interests from sink to source
- 2. flood exploratory data from source back to
sink - 3. reinforce preferred gradient(s) from sink to
source (tree) - 4. send data along reinforced gradients
8Push Diffusion
(could be multiple sinks)
Additional source
- Make sources active to avoid one flood NEW
- flood interests from sink to source
- 1. flood exploratory data from source back to
sink - 2. reinforce preferred gradient(s) from sink to
source (tree) - 3. send data along reinforced gradients
9 Statistical Approach
- Correlation in sensor networks
- Real-world events create patterns over time
- Implicit geography
10Modeling Resource Discovery
- The Joint Probability Distribution (joint)
- Grows Exponentially
11Bayesian Approach
- Combine prior probability with a sample.
- Keep track of reinforcements per attribute per
neighbor as Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) - Simpler to maintain than a joint probability
distribution. - Current Sample
- Set of attributes in exploratory packet.
- Forward to high probability neighbors
12Bayesian Approach cont
- Bayes requires conditional independence
- PA?N3 PA?N3?S
13Implemented as a Diffusion Filter
The Filter Architecture in Diffusion, allows BARD
to be a selectable service.
14BARD Filter Pre-Processing
15BARD Filter Limited Routing
16BARD Flooding
- Flooding When CPTs Empty
- Build up CPTs
- Periodic Flooding
- Updating CPTs in response to changing conditions
- Sliding time window
- Compensation for Hysteresis
- Low fidelity real-time events
17BARD Simulation Experiments
- Increasing node count (and area)
- Increasing density
- Varying the number of sources
- Varying the number of sinks
- Sensitivity to transmission error
- Increasing send frequency
- Moving target
18ns-2 Results Summary
- BARD - 28 to 78 reduction in control traffic
- BARD results improve with
- Higher node counts
- Greater node density
- Lower send rates
- BARD results are limited by
- Increased number of sources
- Dispersion of sources
- Higher send rates
- High error rates
19Increasing Node Count Area
- Simple push overhead grows faster than BARD
- 45 ? 53 improvement in control byte overhead
20Increasing Node Density
- Hop count doesnt increase, so efficiency
increases - 62 ? 73 improvement in control byte overhead
21Complex Example
- Relative position of sources and sinks matters
- 28 ? 47 improvement in control byte overhead
22Increasing Send Rate
- Control amortizes (convergent) with event count
- Total transmissions affected by alternate paths
23Stayton Test Bed Experiment
- Results as expected
- Limited routing to thin side 100 by BARD
- Multiple paths on fat side
- Ns-2 simulation had qualitatively similar results
24Ongoing Work
- More Comprehensive testbed Experiments
- Testing with limited attribute intersection
- Complete matching rules
- Applications with complex on-demand queries, and
low data rates can benefit - Efficiency gain is proportional to correlation of
events over time - Ratio of flooding to limited flooding presents a
tradeoff of real-time response vs. efficiency