Title: Three Categories of Streams
1Three Categories of Streams
- Ephemeral
- Flow only after precipitation (lt30 days per yr.)
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3Three Categories of Streams
- Ephemeral
- Flow only after precipitation (lt30 days per yr.)
- Intermittent ( )
- Seasonal flow lasts gt 30 days
- Perennial ( )
- Flow continuously throughout the year
- Base flow generated from groundwater
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5Stream Cross-section for Discharge Measurement
0.6 depth is the approximate mean velocity
0.2 depth
0.8 depth
The mean velocity at the 0.2 and 0.8 depths
approximates the mean velocity of the section
n Q ? widivi i1
6Vertical Velocity Distribution
0.6 depth
7Velocity distribution varies with stream width
and shape.
8Measuring Discharge
9Estimation of Velocity
Velocity is a function of a) stream gradient
(slope) b) volume of flowing water c)
viscosity of water d) channel
roughness Velocity can be estimated with
Mannings Equation V 1 R2/3
S1/2 n Where n Mannings roughness
coefficient S slope R hydraulic
radius (A/P) in m. V m/sec
Metric Units
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11Stage Discharge Relationship
There is a constant relationship between water
depth (stage) in a stream and discharge. This is
determined by stream morphometry.
12What Happens to This Curve if the Stream
Overflows its Bank?
13What Happens to This Curve if the Stream
Overflows its Bank?
14Pressure transducer measures small differences in
water pressure as stage varies. Data can be
stored on a datalogger.
Datalogger Case
15Large snag from spring 1999 flooding. Note that
water is not flowing and is backed up from Lake
16This December 2001 flood damaged the recording
17EQUATION Q C(ha)n Where Q predicted
discharge (cfs) C constant (32.12354) h
measured stage (ft) a stage at 0 discharge
(-1.049) n constant (0.843278)
18The excellent correlation between Q _at_ Brummetts
and Stephens creeks allows us to accurately
predict Q at Stephens Creek from the datalogger
results at Brummetts base station.
19Streams have 3 types of characteristic discharge
- Channel forming
- Deepens/widens channel until equilibrium
- Bankfull
- When water just begins to leave the channel
- Where flooding begins
- Effective
- Flow that attains the maximum sediment transport
value over time
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24Velocity distribution varies with meanders
25The energy in flowing water allows the stream to
do work.
- Solid Load
- Suspended Load fine sediments require low
velocities to remain in suspension - Bed Load coarser material moving along the bed
usually lt5-10 of total load - Dissolved Load
- Major anions HCO3, SO4, Cl
- Major cations Ca, Na
26The mass of suspended load exceeds that of
dissolved load
River Dissolved Load Suspended
Load Mississippi 23 77 Colorado 12 88
The reverse is true in lakes
27In disturbed watersheds, gtQ yields gtsoil erosion.
TSS will be our measure of this suspended load.
28The concentration of particulates peaks prior to
Qmax because particulates accumulate between rain
events and are washed away during the first flush.
29Relation between current velocity and size of
mineral particles that can be eroded from a