Title: Finding Cases
1Finding Cases
- Finder v Occupier Whose right is better?
2Armory v Delamirie 1722
- Chimney Sweeps Boy case
- Plaintiff - Chimney Sweeper boy found ring
- Defendant Goldsmith, kept the diamond
- Held finder obtain legitimate right
3Bridges v Hawkesworth 1851
- Bank Notes found in public area of a shop
- Gave to shopkeeper (defendant)
- Real owner has never been found
- Defendant refused to return money to plaintiff
Held Finder has the right against the whole
world except the true owner Finders Keepers!
4Bridges v Hawkesworth 1851
- How about the shopkeepers right?
- the owner did not deposit
- or intentionally hide the money in the shop
- so, money has never been in his possession
- if he obtain some rights,
- when the rights accrued to him?
- did he have duty to take care of the lost money?
5Hannah v Peel 1945
- Peel bought a house, never moved in
- During WWII, house requisitioned by army
- Hannah soldier stationed in that house
- Window frame, brooch found -gt police -gtowner not
found -gt Peel -gt sold
- Held followed Chimney boys and Bridges
- Finder got a better right.
6Hannah v Peel 1945
- How about Peel (the owner of the house)
- He was never in possession of the house
- Not occupier
- He did not know the existence of the brooch
- He was not the owner of the brooch.
7Elwes v Brigg Gas Co 1886
- Plaintiff Workmen dig a hole in the land
- Defendant Company owned that land
- Pre-historical boat was found
8Elwes v Brigg Gas Co 1886
- Defendant refused let them take away
- Held landowner owns everything that lay beneath
surface down to the centre of the Earth. - If you find something under the land, it belongs
to the landowner.
9South Staffordshire Water Co. v Sharman 1896
- D Workmen hired by P to clean out a pool
- The pool and the land were owned by P
- D found two rings in the mud
- D gave the rings to police, cannot find owner
- Police return rings to D
- P sued for the recovery of the rings
10South Staffordshire Water Co. v Sharman 1896
- Held The occupier has better title than the
finder of a lost object if - Occupier show a manifest intention to exercise
control over the land or house - It is presumed the lost object is in the
possession of the occupier. - Make no different if occupier did not know the
existence of the lost thing.
11Hibbert v McKiernan 1948
- Plaintiff Golf Club owning golf course
- Well-built fences to make sure lost ball could be
found. - D entered to the course without invitation or
authorization. - Found a golden ball lost by P.
- P was charged with theft.
- The Question is from whom P stole the gold ball.
12Hibbert v McKiernan 1948
- Held
- With well-built fence, D manifested intention to
control any lost things on his land. - P trespassed to land. P did NOT find the ball.
- Wrongdoer cannot benefit from wrongdoings
13City of London Corporation v Appleyard 1963
- Old building to be fixed
- Construction workers cut a hole in the wall
- Found safe built into wall
- A lot of money (notes) in that safe
- Handed over to the police
- Owner not found
- Police asked the court to decide who has title to
the money.
14City of London Corporation v Appleyard
Wates Ltd (construction com)
Yorkwin (leaseholder)
City of London Corp (Landowner)
Leased to
15City of London Corporation v Appleyard
- Held
- Occupier owns all objects attached to the land or
under the land. - Knowledge of existence of that thing is
irrelevant - Yorkwin, as leaseholder, own that safe
- But, the lease said City of London Corp. as owner
of the land owns everything valuable.
16London Heathrow Airport Lounge
17Material Facts
- P found gold bracelet on the floor
- in executive lounge of Heathrow airport
- Hand it over to BAB to be claimed by owner
- Left name and address with BAB for return of
bracelet in case that no one claimed it - No one claimed it, BAB sold for ?850
18Material Facts
- P sued for
- return of bracelet or its value damages for
wrongful interference or - Damages for conversion and interest.
- wrongful interference (of others property)
misuse others property in your possession. - One of the Torts.
19BAB argued
- The Lounge is open to visitor only at the express
invitation - Not to the public
- BAB owned, occupied and controlled it
- The control shows intention to possess or prevent
others from possessing chattels - So, Mr. Parker is not finder.
- You cannot find anything in my possession.
20Parkers Claim is based on
- Mr. Parker Finders Rights
- Based on Protection of Possession
- Rights against the whole world except truth owner
- Chimney Sweep Boy case
21Public Policy Reasons for finders right
- if not recognized, free-for-all situation
- If no reward
- Just dont pick up or
- Concealed keeper
- obligation to find owner, should be some rights
22BABs Claim is based upon
- BAB Occupiers Rights
- When Parker found it, bracelet was no longer
lost ? BAB cannot claim finders right - BAB must prove before Parker found it, BAB have
already had some right better than finders - If occupier exercises control over the land,
including lost goods, they are in the possession
of occupier - So occupier have already had the right over the
lost one before they were found by finder.
23Finders Rights
- Finder has a right to keep a lost chattel he
found against all except - True owner or
- one who can claim through true owner
- one who had a prior right which was existing
before finder took it into his control
24Definition of Finder
- Finder
- Found abandoned or lost chattel
- Takes it into his care and control
- w/o dishonest intent or not trespassing
- If trespassing, limited rights
- Employee / agent find in course of employment,
not wholly incidental or collateral, employer or
principal acquires finders rights
25Finders Obligation
- take reasonable measures to find true owner
- If not (concealed keeper)
- Take reasonable care of it when it is under his
control - If not (damaged, lost again destroyed)
26Occupiers Right
- Occupier has better rights than finder
- Chattels found in or attached to the
land/building - If not attached, he has show manifest intention
to control over the building - Implied or express
- Control what? Take reasonable measure to ensure
the lost chattel is to be found (?) - Occupier of ship, car, caravan or aircraft
building / land
27Occupiers Obligation
- Take reasonable measures to
- Ensure lost chattel to be found (if not )
- Find the owner (if not )
- Take reasonable care of the lost chattel in his
possession (if not)
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29??? ???????????????????
- 109?????,??????????????????????,????????????(if
not?) - 110?????????,??????,?????????????,???????????(wh
en, where, how?) - 113??????????????????????,??????(then, what?)
30??? ???????????????????
- 111??????????????,??????????????????????????????
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- ????????,???????????????,????,???????????????,????
???????????????????????? - A. ??????,?(??)?????
- B. ??????,???????
- C. ??????????????
- D. ???????????