Title: Marius Pellerud og Arild Jansen University of Oslo http:www'afin'uio'no
1Marius Pellerud og Arild Jansen University of
Cross-agency cooperation based on ICT in public
2Altinn A common Internet portal for public
- December 2003 Launching of AltIinn
- Joint development project between
- Norwegian Tax Administration, Statistics Norway
(SSB), and The Brønnøysund Register Centre
(BRREG) - Offers interface for reporting both from
enterprises and citizens - To day more than 100 different public forms are
available and more than 15 million forms have
been submitted through Altinn. - 18 different public institutions are using
Altinn. - Also transaction-oriented public services to
enterprises/citizens - 24/7 solution alternative to own plug-in for
reporting i payroll or accounting systen - Based on .netplatform, XML, Soap standard
3Short on the Norwegian Governmental structure
- Characterised by sectoral, fragmented policies
- Distinct division of tasks and responsibility
between distinct ministers and directorates - Sectorial interests are often dominating
- A constitutional separation between the state and
local (municipal) levels - No superior IT-minister that can overrule other
ministers or local (municipal) administrations - However, the Norwegian public sector is highly
computerised, both at state and municipal level -
as characterises rest of the our society
4Research issue
- How to explain the decision making processes in
the development of the web portal Altinn -
- Different theoretical perspectives
- An instrumental-hierarchical perspective
- Strict rational, goaloriented and top-down
decision making, e.g. - To improve efficiency, improve data quality or
better public services - As negotiation between different stakeholders and
interests - Decisions as compromises between various
coalitions - Many actors on various levels involved in
decision processes - Also a technological and legal perspective
- What constraints are inherited in technological
solutions - The role of legacy systems
5Research Model
6Data collection
- This study is based on
- Public documents, project repots etc.
- Interviews with IT managers in the three agencies
- Survey among the participants in the
Altinn-prosjektet - The study was undertaken dec. 2005 may 2006,
which is more that two years after the project
was finished. - Only 31 of 60 participants responded in the survey
7The stated objectives by the Norwegian parliament
- The Altinn project was originally motivated by
three main objectives - i) to reduce the burden for private enterprises,
ii) to make the data processing more efficient
and iii) to provide better services (FIN 2003).
9Table 2 Cross table for variables Organization
versus hierarchical management structure
10What do the interviewee say?
- In the Tax administration we have one central
decision maker, which is Bjarne Hope. .. That
is how it should be, that the top-manager makes
the decisions, based on proposals from everybody
else. (Tax Administration2005) - A corresponding view do we also find in this
quotation It may be that it was a close
cooperation, but it was closely linked to the
involvement of the Bjarne Hope. It is clear that
he was much more involved than others (SSB 2005
) - The notion of viewing the Tax administration as
the locomotive for developing new interactive
services to the citizens The interviewees from
SSB admitted that had that role, and added The
price for having a locomotive is that it comes
first. And that is what we all accept without any
serious problems - The Tax Administration is by far the dominating
partner, in many ways. - The Tax President (Bjarne Hope) himself played
a very important role through his personal
dedication to this project.
11 Table 3 Cross table for variables Professional
Background versus perception of identity with the
12Table 4 Cross table for variables Organization
versus Influence External Organizations
13Technological constraints
- Different types and ages of technological systems
- BRREG has been based on ICT from the beginning
- Many old large systems Tax administration
- Statistical tools in SSB
- But these old systems did not cause serious
problems - Paper based forms as legacy systems
- These old forms influenced design of new systems
- Legal constraints to what changes that could be
done - The role of the vendors and consultants
- What they can (and want to) deliver may be a
problem, but not so much in this case
14Main conclusions
- There is some, but no unambiguous support for
either of the two main hypothesises. - In the Tax administration we found an emphasis on
formal hierarchy and rational decisions, seeing
the organisation as an instrument for top
management. - However, not shared by the informants from the
two other agencies, nor from the project
participants. - The interviewees demonstrated rather limited
consciousness about the objectives for Altinn.
They underlined its strategic role and as an
example of a cooperative effort in the
government. - The survey, however, emphasized the anticipated
positive external effects for enterprises and
citizens in general which gives higher legitimacy
i its surroundings - The participants perceived the process as
rational hierarchical, but they did have
limited knowledge in the totality.
15Negotiations between different interests
- It is thus not surprising that the
decision-making processes related to the
development of Altinn seem to have been
ambiguous. - Rather the opposite, as we believe that a
hierarchical, silo-based model of management is
not adequate with respect to managing the new,
digital government. - The role of Tax administration as the dominating
partner was accepted by the others - The final solution to move the new Altinn to
BRREG have been as an acceptable compromise for
all parties.