Title: Evaluation Done Right
1Evaluation Done Right
- Dick Krueger and Mike Schmitt
2Evaluation Done Right Workshop
- Program Success
- Evaluation
- Market Research
- End-of-Meeting Evaluation
- After-the-Meeting Evaluation
3How do You Define Program Success?
4How do You Define Program Success?
- Attendance?
- Income?
- Net income?
- Sponsors?
- Quotas/Benchmarks?
5Program Success
- Creating and showing program impact within a
financially sustainable model. It is desired
(but not guaranteed) that the audience is
satisfied, the stakeholders are pleased, and the
program team is rewarded.
6Program (Business) Plan Components
Needs Assessment
7Program (Business) Plan Components
Needs Assessment
8Evaluation Done Right Workshop
- Program Success
- Evaluation
9- What are your initial perceptions or thoughts
about Evaluation?
10Why is Evaluation Important?
- Documents accountability of public resources
- Helps leverage additional resources
- Helps improve programs
- Allows for feedback from customers
- Helps us administer and coordinate programs
- Gives feedback to staff and volunteers
11Why is Evaluation Important?
- Can provide data for personal performance factors
- Provides data and documentation for scholarly
12BUT, Evaluation Requires Resources
- Evaluate programs when you are proud of them
- Evaluate programs when something isnt working
- Evaluate programs of concern to the public
- Evaluate before investments are made
- Evaluate to discover effective efficient
delivery - Evaluate to learn about your target audience
13Whats Happening Now?
- Every evaluation is different
- Comparison is difficult or impossible
- Our customer base is changing
- The University Extension environments are
changing - Our competition is changing
- Information technology is changing
14Future Trend
- More consistency in tracking results
- Discover and document longer term consequences
- More attention to market research
- Learning about our customers
15Evaluation Done Right Workshop
- Program Success
- Evaluation
- Market Research
16 17What makes Market Research Difficult?
- It is different from academic research
- We are unsure of our target audience
- We listen to the wrong people
- Important questions are difficult to ask
- Results arent always dependable
18Key Steps in Market Research
- Get a clear fix on your target audience
- Use secondary data
- Learn from past experience and history
19Key Steps in Market Research
- Get a clear fix on your target audience
- Use secondary data
- Learn from past experience and history
- Listen to your target audience
- Remember that people are complex
- Find out what draws people to participate
20Key Steps in Market Research
- Get a clear fix on your target audience
- Use secondary data
- Learn from past experience and history
- Listen to your target audience
- Remember that people are complex
- Find out what draws people to participate
- Find out the barriers to participation
- Seek local verification
- Learn about the competition
21Answers from Market Research
- What events/products are desired or economically
or politically valued? - Which audiences should we target?
- What educational medium is most desired and
effective? - Evaluation then can refine market research
22Program (Business) Plan Components
Needs Assessment
23Evaluation vs. Market Research
- Measures
- Impact
- Refines
- Curriculum
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Delivery
- Program-based
- Describes
- Needs
- Feasibility
- Influences
- Logistics
- Marketing
- Budget
- Curriculum
- Delivery
- No Program needed
24Evaluation Done Right Workshop
- Program Success
- Evaluation
- Market Research
- End-of-Meeting Evaluation
25End-of-Meeting Strategy
- Just a few questions
- Easy to tabulate on Excel
- Emphasis on learner outcomes
- Consistent questions
- Optional questions as needed
26Key Questions on End-of-Meeting Form
- Did you learn more?
- Did you acquire more skill?
- Do you feel you can use the ideas or skills?
- Were you satisfied?
- Are you satisfied with Extension in the past
year? - Age, ZIP, Gender
27Evaluation Done Right Workshop
- Program Success
- Evaluation
- Market Research
- End-of-Meeting Evaluation
- After-the-Meeting Evaluation
28Tips for Evaluating After the Event
- Decide how long to wait
- Decide how to get back in touch
- Decide on a sample
- Be able to identify your target audience
- Let people know youll be back in touch
- Consider retrospective or reflective questions
29Reflective Questions or Retrospective Pre-Test
- Indicate knowledge, skill, or use NOW
- Indicate knowledge, skill, or use BEFORE the
event - Use a 5 or 10 point scale and anchor the ends
- Subtract the before from the after to
calculate a gain score - Ask the extent to which the program caused the
gain or difference
30Example of a Reflective Question
- My knowledge of pesticide safety.
- Today
- An exceptional amount
- Very much
- Much
- Some
- Little
- None
- One Year Ago
- An exceptional amount
- Very much
- Much
- Some
- Little
- None
31Example of a Reflective Question
- 1A. If there is a difference between one year ago
and today, to what extent was the change a result
of the Pesticide Safety Session?
- Completely
- To a great extent
- To a moderate extent
- To a slight extent
- Not at all
32Example of a Reflective Question
- 1. Rate your knowledge of pesticide safety on
the scale below. Place the letter B on the
scale where you would rate your knowledge BEFORE
you attended the Pesticide Safety Session. Place
the letter N on the scale where you would rate
your knowledge NOW.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Low High
33Evaluation Done Right
34- What key point stuck with you?
- What might your team do with this information?
- What help or information do you now need?