Title: Vortices
1Vortices Lift
A vortex has no radial velocity, only tangential
Is there an irrotational vortex?
small order
3Vortex Strength
K positive is an anti-clockwise vortex, K
negative a clockwise vortex.
4Velocities in an irrotational vortex
The cartesian velocities are given by
5Vortex strength K-20, giving clockwise rotation.
Streamline separation decreases with radius
6Vortex strength K-30, giving clockwise rotation.
Streamlines are closer together.
7VortexDoubletLinear gives flow over a rotating
8Lift from a rotating cylinder
It has been found experimentally that a rotating
cylinder produces a lift force. This is known as
the Magnus effect. We can reproduce lift on a
rotating cylinder by adding a free vortex to a
doublet and linear flow.
The stagnation points are then on the same side
of the cylinder
9Stagnation Points
From the earlier section on doublets, we could
relate the doublet strength to the incoming
The stagnation points are not on y0 in this
case. To find them we note that the velocity at
the stagnation points is zero
10Stagnation Points
From the first equation, the stagnation points
are on the cylinder, so ra as expected, and from
the second equation
11Force on a rotating body
Kutta-Joukowski showed that there is a net
upwards force on the cylinder.
Note that the first result ignores the effects of
viscosity. The real circulation is about 50 of
the predicted circulation (and therefore the
force is too) due to boundary layer slip.
This is true for any cylinder cross section
12Magnus effect (Flettner Rotor)
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14The rotor ship Barbara
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16Force on a wing
For a streamline flow around a flat plate, the
stagnation points are equally spaced
The Kutta condition states that any body with a
sharp trailing edge will maintain the stagnation
point at the edge.
17Lift force on a wing
Take the simplest example of force on a flat
plate, represented by one vortex and a horizontal
Kutta condition Velocity at the sharp tail of
the wing must be parallel to the wing, hence
velocity perpendicular to the wing is zero.
18Lift force on a wing
19Example simple flat plate
20Force on a wing
This implies a clockwise rotation has been appied
to the flow field, in other words the wing is
carrying a bound vortex.
The lift is generated by this bound vortex.
There is a special spatial tansformation which
can transform a circle to a wing shape, known as
the Joukowski transformation.
21Force on a wing
Note that the drag values are not predicted by
this analysis.
Since, from a standing start, the total
circulation is zero, there must be an equal and
opposite vortex produced. This is known as the
starting vortex, and is formed every time the
wing undergoes a change in lift.
Choose appropriate control points, in this case
at the end of the wing and the end of the flap.
eg b0.5a
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25Mirror images - flow near a wall