Report from UWA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Report from UWA


The Big Lift: First full scale isolator is lifted out of assembly tent and successfully ... As arranged in last telecon Helena sent a sample of fused silica for UWA to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Report from UWA

Report from UWA
UWA Optics Team Ju Li, Chunnong Zhao, Sascha
Schediwy, Pablo Barriga, Slavek Gras, Jerome
Degallaix, Yan Zewu, Fan Yaohui, S Sunil,
Jean-Charles Dumas, David Blair
  • The Big Lift
  • First full scale isolator is lifted out of
    assembly tent and successfully installed in ITM
    tank 16 Aug 2006

Light Scattering in LIGO Fused Silica Sample
  • As arranged in last telecon Helena sent a sample
    of fused silica for UWA to measure light
    scattering in the bulk.
  • We have measured one plane using our ASM
    machine.(Automatic scattering measuring
    machinetomography using single beams.)
  • Result very high scatteringsee next

(No Transcript)
Parametric Instability Studies at UWA
  • Quantifying PI taking into account as many
    uncertainties as possible.
  • Suppressing PI using ring damping
  • Suppressing PI using active feedback
  • Experimental studies at Gingin

Three new results on Parametric Instability
  1. Tilts and Spot Size Both tilt fluctuations and
    spot size variations can tune PI. Tilt induced
    degeneracy breaking between HG and LG modes can
    introduce further unstable modes.
  2. Ring damper suppression of PI. Preliminary
    results for AdvLIGO with sapphire test masses
    (easiest case, fewer modes) show stable operating
    windows with 5 increased thermal noise, 2.3
    degraded ns-ns inspiral performance.
  3. Enhanced optical spring effects allow short
    tranquiliser cavities for parametric instability
    control to use lower power and lower finesse.

Higher Order Modes
Pablo Barriga
Perfectly aligned cylindrically symmetric cavity
with finite size mirrors it can only sustain LG
modes. HG modes can be expressed as linear
combinations of LG modes, but the frequencies are
degenerate no contribution to PI Tilt
fluctuations break the degeneracy additional
modes potentially contribute to PI. We are
quantifying this effect.
Spot Size Tuning
Pablo Barriga
Thermal lens induced changes in spot size will
change the mode gap and the resonant conditions
for Parametric Instabilities.(Edge effects) A
change of 1 in the spot/mirror ratio produces
typically 30Hz change of frequency. Sufficient
to cause significant parametric gain modulation..
Advanced LIGO
Frequency Gap Tilt Effects
The frequency change will depend on the
orientation of the mode profile in relation to
the tilt. For PI only the frequency gap between
TEM00 and HOM is significant. Therefore the
frequency gap between fundamental and higher
order modes will also depend on this relative
Frequency Shift for LG Modes of Order 4
Transverse mode frequency variation with mirror
tilt. Frequency difference between fundamental
mode and modes of order 4.
Conclusion Tilts and Spot Size
  • Effects are small and are unimportant assuming
    spot size is well controlled and tilts are within
    AdvLIGO specs10nrad
  • However spot size is important in obtaining
    accurate estimates of PI

Ring Damper
  • We have done the ring damper modelling for
    sapphire because it involves fewer modes and we
    can get results in less time.
  • Fused silica now underway.
  • Choose to use a standard optical coating for the
    ring damper as it is a well understood vacuum
    compatible material.

Ring damper model
  • various positions,
  • different dimensions
  • thickness
  • width
  • different properties
  • -loss angle (thermal noise)

-tantala/silica layers -loss freq. dependent
Test mass radius r 0.157m Thickness
d 0.13m
  • PI and Ring Damper calculation proceedure
  • High resolution FEM model (half-plane symmetry
    model) with coatings calc freq and mode shape of
    all acoustic modes to 160kHz (coating has small
    effect on mode shape, frequency and mode
    effective mass. (some non-symmetric modes
  • Low resolution FEM(full cylinder model with
    inertia relief) to calculate thermal noise as
    seen by Gaussian beam due to substrate and
    coatings losses. (confirmed no resolution induced
  • Use Matlab code eigenvalue method to calculate
    diffraction losses for different ROC
  • Calculate optical mode shapes analytically
    corresponding to infinite mirror approximation
  • Run Matlab Parametric Instability Code using
    optical modes to 9th order, to calculate overlap
    parameter as function of radius of curvature.
  • Create histogram of number of unstable modes,
    R-values etc.
  • Repeat for different ring dampers. Each ring
    damper is designed so that it increases the
    brownian thermal noise by a given percentage at
    100Hz referred to the Brownian thermal noise for
    ROC of 2076km beam spot radius 6cm.
  • Use bench code to estimate binary inspiral range.
    (Switch off residual gas and suspension TN and
    gravity gradient noise). Photothermal noise and
    quantum noise terms at default values in Bench

Power recycling mirror /coating
Comparison of R gain for different RoC, with PRM
(red) and without PRM (blue)
Effect of the coating losses on parametric gain
Parametric Instability control
  • Ring damper 3cm x 20microns, 5 x 10-3 loss angle
    sufficient to create stable windows (worst case
    model, no suppression of instability by arm
  • Brownian thermal noise degraded 5, inspiral
    range degraded 1.5..see next slide

stable windows
ALS, DTN5 About 30 0f phase space is
instability free
NS/NS binary inspiral range vs. ETM RoC (ITM
Spot sizes
6.5,6.3 6.37,6.27 6.24,6.18 6.12,6.09
6.01,6.01 5.90,5.93
It seems that the NS/NS range degradation due to
the ring damper remains constant for different
ALS with a ring vs AdvLIGO _at_ 2076 m
212.03Mpc (with strip)
178.17 Mpc (no strip)
We are surprised that sapphire with ring damper
is better than the Adv LIGO number we get from
default settings of bench. It would be very
useful have independent verification of these
Enhanced Optical SpringParametric Instability
Sascha Schediwy -
Stable Unstable
Enhanced Optical SpringParametric Instability
Sascha Schediwy -
  • Background information for next slide
  • --Optical spring Q change arrises due to the
    phase lag introduced by a non-zero
    cavity storage time.
  • Next slide shows Q-1 vs. cavity offset for 10cm
    Nb cavity.
  • Cavity is locked with PDH feedback servo.
  • Servo uses analogue f-1 filter with corner
    frequency fc.
  • Servo electronics introduces phase lag.
  • Optical spring instability or damping enhanced
    20 times.

Closed Loop TFs
Niobium resonator fmech 750Hz
Enhanced Optical SpringParametric Instability
Enhanced Optical SpringParametric Instability
Sascha Schediwy -
  • Formulae to calculate the change in the quality
    factor Qnew for the enhanced optical spring from
    kopt and the servo introduced phase lag ?

  • Above spring constant formulae derived from 1st
    principles and also from

Braginsky, V.B. and S.P. Vyatchanin,. Physical
Letters A, 2002. 293 p. 228-234. Sheard, S.
Gray, M. Mow-Lowry, C. and McClelland, D.
Physical Review A, 2004 69 051801(R).
  1. Short Optical Cavity Tranquiliser looks much more
    practical as strong optical damping can be
    achieved for relatively low finesse.
  2. Need to confirm noise performance
  3. Ring damper looks very promising but difficult to
    completely elliminate instability without serious
    noise price.
  4. Thermal tuning spot size effects not a problem
  5. Need to repeat analysis for fused silica.

AL - IFO modeled
IFO Sapphire ETM/ITM r 0.16m
d 0.13m Spot size w
6.0cm arm length L4km
diffraction loss (per bounce _at_
2076m) 3.81ppm Unstable
modes (Rgt1) 380
Ring damper model (all TMs) Strip width 3
cm Strip thickness 20µm Loss angle chosen in
such way that the ifo Brownain thermal noise _at_
2076 would increase by 5. F 3.5909e-3
Brownian Noise at 2076 m (FEM result )
ITM ETM Coating
2.7242e-21 4.1503e-21 Substrate 1.4448e-21
1.4448e-21 Ring 1.2063e-21
1.2063e-21 Total 7.5304e-21
Coating info ITM T5 -gt 8 layers of Ta2O5 8
layers SiO2 ETM T5ppm -gt 18 layers of Ta2O5 18
layers SiO2
  • -100 , 90 and 75 corresponds to the coating
    TN. I assumed that future coating may be better
    than the present ones by these factors used in
    the Bench code.
  • If Total Brownian TN _at_ 2076 m is equal 7.5304e-21
    (without a strip) than by adding a strip with
    loss 3.5909e-3 it causes 5 Brownian thermal
    noise degradation .
  • If Coating TN was reduced to 90 for both ITM and
    ETM mirrors than the strip with the same loss
    value as above would cause DT14.5. If
    coating TN was 75 smaller than DT increases to
  • According to NS/NS results (slide 3), inspiral
    range does not follow this pattern. This range
    would be only decrease by 1.7 for all cases
    (0,10,25). Im not sure why it is so maybe
    its due to the high thermoelastic noise? As seen
    in the slide 5 this noise is much higher than the
    strip one. If this is true, than silica test
    mass with much lower thermoelastic noise would
    be more susceptible to the strip noise (I think)
  • Slide 4 shows only NS/NS range for not reduced
    coating TN (100).
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