Title: Depensation, low density dynamics and extinction risk
1Depensation, low density dynamics and extinction
2Start with bluey
- Sinclair, ARE, Pech, RP Dickman, CR, Hik-D
Mahon-P Newsome-A-E . 1998. Predicting effects
of predation on conservation of endangered prey/
Conservation-Biology. 12 (3) 564-575.. - Fowler, C. W., and J. D. Baker. 1991. A review of
animal population dynamics at extremely reduced
population levels. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 41
545-554. - Myers, R. A., N. J. Barrowman, J. A. Hutchings,
and A. A. Rosenberg. 1995. Population dynamics of
exploited fish stocks at low population levels.
Science. 269 1106-1108.
4More references
- Dennis, B., P.L. Munholland and J.M. Scott. 1991.
Estimation of growth and extinction parameters
for endangered species. Ecological Monographs,
6 115-143. - Morris, W. et al. 1999. A practical handbook for
population viability analysis. The Nature
Conservancy. ISBN 0-9624590-4-6 - Liermann, M. and R. Hilborn. 2001. Depensation,
evidence, models and implications. Fish and
Fisheries 2 33-58.
- Compensatory - the rate of increase declines at
higher densities - Depensatory - the rate of increase declines at
lower densities
6Why low density
- This is where the conservation concern is!
7What happens at low densities
- Competition for resources should be at a minimum
BUT - Possibly reduced pregnancy/fertilization due to
difficulty in finding mates - Possibly reduced survival due to predation
- Possible reductions in either of the above due to
lack of social facilitation - Importance of random events with small numbers
8The probability of finding a mate
- Assume that the probability a female will
encounter any individual male is p and there are
N males in the population. - The probability that no males will be encountered
will be the 0 class of the Poisson distribution.
90 Class of the Poisson
10Reparameterizing to N50
N50 the population size at which 50 are mated
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12Adding depensation to recruitment function
- Excel in depensation example for lecture
13Impact on rate of increase
- If predator population is unaffected by the
abundance of the prey (i.e. this prey species is
not the major part of the diet) - then the predator functional response can lead to
depensatory mortality
15Review results from functional responses
16Demographic stochasticity
- Assume each individual has a probability p of
giving birth - And a probability d of dying
- and these are random events for each individual
- EXCEL example sheet demographic stochasticity
17Bayesian fitting with demographic stochasticity
- For the population, number surviving, or number
of births is binomially distributed with some
probability p - XBinom(p,n) where p is the probability n is the
number of animals and x is the binomially
distributed random variable - We can treat x as a process error, as the w in
previous process error models - Or we can draw random numbers (the Gavin SIR
18Myers analysis
- Show myers model Icelandic spring spawning
herring - Use my S/R. model, see if it is different,
- do likelihood profile on N_50
19Myers Analysis
20Myers results
- Explored over 100 data sets
- Found few significant cases of depensation
- Fewer than expected by chance
- Of these data sets about 27 had high power
21Problems with Myers method
- Parameterization has no biological interpretation
except dgt1 implies depensation - Used p values to test for significant
depensation, ignores biological significance
22Using Allee effect model
- Show fits
- Show likelihood profile
- List advantages
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25Simple analytic modelsDennis et al 1991
Does this look familiar?What model have we built
recently that has exactly the same property?
26Analytic results
27Estimating ? and ?2 from counts
- Choose pairs of N(i) and N(j) performed in years
t(i) and t(j) - calculate transformed variables
- Do a regression forcing the line to go through
the mean - slope is ?
- mean squared residual is ?2
- now we can plot the probability distribution
after t periods - Remembering that log(N) is normally distributed
29Use Dennis model excel
30Steps in calculating extinction risk
- Define model and parameters
- Exponential, logistic, with or without
depensation, Dennis model - Simulate population size into future
- Generate cumulative probability for population
size at specified times - Define threshold population size
- Pseudo extinction or critical population sizes
- Calculate proportion of simulations that fall
below critical number
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