Title: Towards Economically Viable Infrastructurebased Overlay Multicast Networks
1Towards Economically Viable Infrastructure-based
Overlay Multicast Networks
- Varun Khare (vkhare_at_cs.arizona.edu)
- Beichuan Zhang (bzhang_at_cs.arizona.edu)
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Arizona
- Tucson, AZ
2What is Infrastructure-based OMN?
3Infrastructure-based OMN
- Objective Build overlay multicast trees to
minimize infrastructure cost while providing good
network performance for end users - Most indicative factors affecting operational
cost of Infrastructure-based OMN services - Bandwidth costs
- Reliability and stability of the whole system
4How ISPs charge for bandwidth?
- SLA between ISP and content provider defines
charging function - Charging Function is concave in nature
5Overlay Multicast Tree Construction
- Constructing data delivery paths for multicast
groups involve - Assigning users to servers dominates the ISP
cost to support group - Organizing servers into a dissemination tree
rooted at the source dominates the user delay
(ROMaN focus)
(OMNI/AMCast focus)
6User Assignment affects ISP Cost
- Example 1. Assigning users to fewer servers
reduces ISP cost
7User Assignment affects ISP Cost
- Example 2. Assigning users to cheap servers
reduces ISP cost
8Problem Statement
- Given information about servers in OMN
- ISP charging function ci and
- Available Bandwidth Bi
- Find user distribution ui at each server SRVi for
N users of multicast group where each user
consumes b bandwidth, such that Sui N
ui . b Bi and Sci.(ui . b) ISP cost of
group is minimized
9Offline Dynamic Programming Solution
- Optimal solution to distribute N users amongst K
servers contain optimal solution to distribute i
users amongst j servers (i N and j K) - Evaluating (N,K) gives optimal user distribution
- Runtime O(K.N2) and space complexity O(K.N)
- Slow for handling user dynamicsFor any ?N the
runtime cost is O(K.?N)
10Online Iterative Greedy Heuristic
- Assign users to server with least marginal ISP
cost and available bandwidth (Cheapest Available
Server) - How to determine which server is marginally
cheaper? - Compare marginal ISP costs at intersection
point - Not optimal user distribution but reduces runtime
11Examples Online Algorithm
- No intersection exists between SRVA and SRVB
charging functions
12Examples Online Algorithm
- User distribution scenarios1. (UA8,
UB4) OR 2. (UA4, UB8)
13ROMaN Protocol Entities
- Root server
- Serving source content for the group
- Session server
- Servers facilitating the dissemination of content
- Interested Users
- Surfers short session duration
- Viewers longer session duration
14ROMaN Protocol Challenges
- Challenge
- Maintain Cost Optimization of group in the face
of user dynamics - Design Principle
- Root calculates Target User Assignment for
session servers to maintain cost-efficiency - Root pre-calculates cheapest server for new users
15ROMaN Protocol Challenges
- Challenge
- Prior OMN protocols propose users statically join
Nearest Server and ask server to join groups - Unable to handle clustering in user population
- Design Principle Dynamic Server Join Policies
- Nearest available Server User joins any nearby
server for accessing a multicast group - Cheapest available Server User directed to join
server with least marginal ISP cost
16ROMaN Protocol Root Responsibility
- Handle user join requestsRedirect users to
session servers - Periodically update Target User Assignment of
session servers
17Handle User Join Requests
- User Join requests re-directed to leaf server
SRVI with least excess users - All excess users maintained at leaf level
- Joining user treated as surfer and injected at
leaf level
18ROMaN Protocol Challenges
- Challenge
- Surfers main cause of change in user distribution
- Handling such change can potentially impact
network performance of all users
U User
Candidate Eviction
3 Users Leave
Re-Stitch Tree
U1, U2, U3
19ROMaN Protocol Challenges
- Objective to minimize disruption to the overlay
tree by user dynamics - Design Principle Progressive User Movement
Scheme - Restrict surfers to leaf session servers
- Allow viewers to advance towards the root
20ROMaN ProtocolSession Server Responsibility
- Maintain Target User Assignment
- Progressive User Movement Scheme
- Facilitate Server join protocol
- HMTP Protocol
21Progressive User Movement Scheme
- Leaf Servers sources of excess users Non-Leaf
Servers sinks where user leave causes deficiency
22Progressive User Movement Scheme
- Deficiency satisfied by transferring users from
sub-tree - Step 1. Extract excess users in the sub-tree
- Step 2. Split remaining user requests amongst
child servers
23Progressive User Movement Scheme
- User movement implemented through local
interactions between parent-child session servers - Users with maximum session duration given
preference for such user movement
24Progressive User Movement Scheme
- Only leaf server left with deficiency of
users(Server C candidate for eviction)
25HMTP Server Join Protocol
- All session servers potential parents
- Initially Potential Parent root server
- Query Potential Parent
- if bandwidth available then join Potential
Parentelse retry join at nearest child of
Potential Parent
26Simulation and Experiment Setup
- Inter AS level topology data downloaded
(http//irl.cs.ucla.edu/topology/) - Servers and Users attached to randomly chosen AS
locations - Compare against OMNI and AMCast OMN protocols
27Simulation and Experiment Setup
- Inter AS level topology data downloaded(http//ir
l.cs.ucla.edu/topology/)Inter AS path latency
vary between 150 500ms - Servers attached to randomly chosen AS locations
- Physical User Locations
- Evenly distributed underneath AS locations
- Realistic Zipf distributionCapture clustering
and diversity for user population - OMNI and AMCast are state of art OMN protocols
used as benchmarks
28Compare ISP cost of groups
c(r) (a ß . ln r) . r where r bandwidth
- Compare ISP cost of group when servers deployed
in single ISP - ROMaN lowers the ISP cost for deploying groups of
all sizes
29Compare ISP cost of groups
c(r) (a ß . ln r) . r where r bandwidth
Different Cost Function
- Compare ISP cost of group when servers deployed
in different ISPs - ROMaN lowers the ISP cost for deploying groups of
all sizes
30ROMaN reduces ISP cost of deploying multicast
- Servers low saturation point Difference in ISP
cost significant - Servers high saturation point Difference in ISP
cost less significant
31Dynamic Server Join policies improve Scalability
of OMN protocols
- Users distributed realistically at AS locations
- Nearest Server join policy unable to handle
clustering - ROMaN protocol produces maximum revenue by 1.
optimizing ISP cost 2. avoiding any user drop
32Compare user delay experience
- User Delay Overlay Tree Delay Last-Hop delay
- ROMaN Overlay Tree Delay minimized due to size
of overlay
33Compare user delay experience
- ROMaN adjusts overlay size to maintain lower tree
delay - OMNI overlay size remains near constant
34Compare Viewers delay experience
All Users
- Assigning users to cheapest server reduces ISP
cost of group - Reduced overlay size improves network performance
of users - Serious viewers rewarded with better network
performance and stability
36Thank You!