Title: Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development
1Indicators for Sustainable Energy Development
- International Atomic Energy Agency and
International Energy Agency 2001
2IEA and Energy Indicators Background Motivation
- IEA Secretariat has been working with energy
indiactors for the last four years - Motivated by the need for more disaggregated
measures than E/GDP to describe development of
energy efficiency and CO2 emissions - Disaggregated indicators have become an important
element in the IEAs capacity to analyse energy
efficiency and climate policies - Collaboration with EU and APEC energy indicator
projects to ensure wide transparency
3Economic Dimension Economic Sector Indirect
Driving Force Indicator Example Car-km and
4Economic Dimension Energy Sector Indirect
Driving Force Indicator Example Energy
Intensity for Cars
5Economic Dimension State Indicator decomposed
into Indirect DF Example Final energy use in
Japan Decomposed by sector 1973-1995
6Environmental DimensionDirect DF decomposed into
Indirect DF Example Danish CO2 Emissions
7What data are needed? ISED are typically
constructed from data on
- Energy production levels
- Primary energy carries, electricity production,
etc. - Energy consumption levels
- By important sectors and end-uses
- Human and economic activity levels
- Representing activities driving demand for energy
services in sectors and end-uses - Energy prices and expenses
- Prices by fuels, energy import expenses,
investments in energy sector, etc. - Environmental impacts
- Emissions, water discharges, nuclear waste
generation, etc.
8Data requirements Example Data for Energy
Consumption Indicators
- Energy consumption levels
- Residential energy uses like space heating and
appliances - Manufacturing key sectors
- Transport travel and freight
- Commercial/service energy uses
- Human and economic activity levels
- Residential Home area, population, appliance
ownership - Manufacturing sectors Value added
- Transport person-km traveled, ton-km hauled
- Commercial/service Value added, building area
- gt Allows for constructing energy intensity
indicators at disaggregated levels
9Constructing ISEDThe data challenge
- Time series with consistent quality data are
crucial for the usefulness of ISED - Internationally consistent data are important to
allow for comparisons of trends among countries - However
- the amount of data needed for ISED is
significant, and - internationally consistent and disaggregated data
needed for ISED are often lacking, especially in
non-OECD countries - gt Need for
- coordination of data reporting among countries
- capacity building in countries lacking resources
10Capacity Building for Consistent Indicators
Example IEA-India Indicator project
- Objective Build capacity among relevant Indian
institutions to collect, report and use energy
indicators - First phase of project Assessment of energy data
situation with regard to - National institutional aspects
- Compliance with international standards
- Improved reporting of data
- Coordination challenge Several different
institutions involved in data collection and
reporting, no central coordinating body - Next phase Work with relevant institutions to
address data quality issues and to improve
coordination of data reporting
11Future IAEA-IEA collaboration on
ISEDCoordination of data reporting
- Build on IAEA and IEA existing activities to
collect energy data for Member and non-Member
countries - Assess availability of internationally consistent
data through compiling historical time series on
ISED for various countries - Further refine ISED methodology to fit data
availability - Establish additional questionnaires to collect
data not available through regular IAEA/IEA data
collection procedures - Organise workshops to discuss harmonisation of
national definitions and methodologies
12Future IAEA-IEA collaboration on ISEDCapacity
- Develop handbook for construction and use of ISED
- Organise training workshops focusing on
- ISED methodology issues
- Collection procedures relevant for ISED data
- Ensuring compliance with international standards
for energy statistics - Use of ISED as policy tools
- The training should result in
- Enhanced decision making capability
- Improved reporting of quality data to
international databases